Uploaded on Jun 7, 2020
Advanced Enzymes is a research-driven company with global leadership in the manufacturing of enzymes. We are committed to providing eco-safe solutions to a wide variety of industries like human health care and nutrition, animal nutrition, baking, fruit & vegetable processing, brewing & malting, grain processing, protein modification, dairy processing, specialty applications, textile processing, leather processing, etc.
Animal Nutrition Enzymes Manufacturer - Advanced Enzymes
Advanced Enzymes is a research driven company with global leadership in the manufacturing of enzymes https://www.advancedenzymes.com MISSION & VISION MISSION It is our mission to see that every human being is able to utilize the power of enzymes, for general well-being, for health and for improving the quality of life. VISION Our vision at Advanced Enzymes is to become a leading, respected & preferred, enzyme based solutions provider in the global market. PHYTASE Phytase is an enzyme that specifically acts on phytate, breaking it dow n to release phosphorus in a form available to the animal. This greatly reduces the need for supplemental inorganic phosphorus and improve s the nutritional value of feedstuffs. PHYTASE MANUFACTURIN G AND SUPPLY We provide the best in class Phytase DigePhosTM 5G Granulated phytase for improving phosphorus availability though breakdown of plant phytates. DigePhosTM 10L Liquid phytase for improving phosphorus availability though breakdown of plant phytates. ANIMAL NUTRITION ENZYMES Poultry and swine diets traditionally contain highly digestible corn and soybe an meal as base ingredients. A corn-soybean meal diet is about 85 percent d igestible, leaving approximately 15 percent of the diet unavailable to the ani mal. The indigestible portion is increased in young animals that have minima l endogenous enzymes production within their digestive tracts. Benefits of using enzymes can be realized several ways: 1. Reduction in diet costs when the ingredient price matrix allows. 2. Growth or feed efficiency can be improved as a result of nutrient release, resulting in a decreased cost per pound of meat. 3. Enzymes can also play a role in enteric health management. High-fiber di ets alter the viscosity of the gut, and excess fermentation can result in m ortality. Pathogenic bacteria can also thrive with an excess of dietary nitr ogen. ANIMAL NUTRITION ENZYMES MANUF ACTURING Some of our best animal nutrition enzymes DigePhosTM 5G Granulated phytase for improving phosphorus DigeGrainTM X availability though breakdown of plant phytates. Arabinoxylan degrading powder xylanase for diets containing wheat, barley, corn, soya, sunflower, etc. DigeGrainTM XL Arabinoxylan degrading liquid xylanase for diets containing wheat, barley, corn, soya, sunflower, etc. ENZYMES IN PIG FEED AND NUTRITION the pig is unable to fully utilize all components of its diet, specific enzymes c an be added to the feed to help break down complex carbohydrates, protein and phytate. These enzymes are called carbohydrases, proteases, and phyta ses, respectively. They are derived from bacteria and yeasts Carbohydrase The carbohydrase class of enzymes includes xylanases, glucanases, and am ylases. They act in the stomach to break down and degrade carbohydrates s uch as fiber, starch and non-starch polysaccharides into simple sugars that p rovide energy for use by the animal. Protease Protease enzymes are the newest technology on the block, with animal or vegetable protein as their substrate. They break down anti-nutritional factors associated with various proteins. PROBIOTICS IN PIG FEED AND NUTR ITION To maintain a healthy gut is definitely key for a pig to digest and absorb diet ary nutrients efficiently. A balanced microbiota (i.e., a healthy micro-ecosyst em) is an indispensable constituent of a healthy gut. Probiotics, the live micr oorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer good he alth benefits onto the host, are a category of feed additives that can be used to replenish the gut microbial population while recuperating the host immun e system. 1. Lactobacillus 2. Bifidobacterium 3. Typhimurium DIRECT FED MICROBIALS The concept of Direct Fed Microbial (DFM) involves the feeding of benefi cial microbes to dairy cattle when they are under periods of stress (dise ase, ration changes, environmental, or production challenges). Probiotic s is another term for this category of feed additives. Probiotics or DFM h ave been shown to improve animal performance in controlled studies. In this section, we will evaluate bacterial additives (not fungal or yeast-bas ed products). PROBIOTICS FOR CATTLE FEED Probiotic products may contain one or more selected microbial strains. Microorganisms used as feed supplements in the EU are mostly bacteria. Most often they are Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the following ge ni: Bacillus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Streptococcus. Use of probiotics and prebiotics in animal feeds has been shown to bene fit digestion,animal performance and the immune system. The microbe population of the rumen must be healthy and in appropriate numbers/ba lance for proper digestion of feed, and health of the animal. Probiotics ar e products that contain living microorganisms—bacteria and/or yeasts Why Us? Enzyme Expert Over 20 years of experiience iin devellopiing enzymes from miicrobiiall scalle research llevells to commerciiall scalle production llevells. Application Specialist Over 6 decades of cumulative promoter experience into developing & deplloyiing enzyme applliications. Solution Provider Over 25 iindustriies where we understand the needs of our customers and they turn to us for customized solutions. Certifications Contact us Asia 5th Flloor,, ‘‘A’’ wiing,, Sun Magnetica LIIC Serviice Road,, Louiiswadii Thane (W) 400 604,, IIndiia Tell:: +91-22-4170 3200 Fax:: + 91-22-25835159 [email protected] America Europe 4880 Murriieta St.. Chiino,, CA evoxx technollogiies GmbH Allfred-Nobell-Str.. 91710 10 40789 Monheiim am Rheiin Tell: +1-909-613-1660 Tell: +49 2173 4099-40 Fax: +1-909-613-1663 Fax: +49 2173 4099-440 [email protected] [email protected] Website: https://www.advancedenzymes.com