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ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE A. Background In this modern age, humans have rational thought and happens a lot of progress in various aspects of the field, one in the field of health. In the field of health alone is now a lot of equipment and advanced technology that can be used to help cure all the diseases or to produce drugs that will also helps the healing of the patient. But, in a time when technology is increasingly developed and developing countries, most people in Indonesia believe and choose alternative medicine or traditional medicine are not necessarily efficacy and authenticity 5 Safe and Effective Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate. Alternative medicine is not foreign anymore for the society in Indonesia. Since the first, alternative medicine is handed down from generation to generation. Ranging from herbal treatment, smart people, community leaders or religious figures. Types of alternative treatments there are that can be dipertanggungajawabkan scientifically, particularly because of the suitability with the knowledge of medicine or biology and there is also still haven't got an explanation scientifically. Even so, of course, many reasons why people still trust alternative medicine in an age of sophisticated is because some alternative treatments have been proven to give good results in curing patients. In alternative medicine, not everything is labeled legal or in accordance with the standard treatment, so that not infrequently many persons who commit fraud under the guise of alternative medicine. Instead of giving healing in the patient, but they instead bring up other diseases or side effects that could not be accounted for medically. Therefore, efforts are needed standardization of alternative medicine . B. Formulation Of The Problem 1. What is the definition of alternative medicine? 2. What are the different types of alternative medicine? 3. What are the factors that influence people to choose an alternative treatment? 4. How the efforts of standardization of alternative medicine so in accordance with the standard scientific? 5 Alternative and Natural Remedies For Sleep Apnea : Herbal Treatments C. The Purpose Of The Discussion 1. To know the definition of alternative medicine 2. To determine the types of alternative medicine 3. To determine the factors that influence people to choose an alternative treatment 4. To know the efforts of standardization of alternative medicine so in accordance with the standard scientific aspects. CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Understanding Alternative Medicine Alternative medicine is an attempt treatment or care outside the medical science and nursing science. The WHO states that the traditional medicine or alternative medicine is the science and art of medicine based on the set of knowledge and practical experience, both of which can be explained scientifically or not, in making a diagnosis, prevensi, and treatment of imbalance of physical, mental, or social (in Agusmarni, 2012). According to Aakster, the term alternative refers to the medical system outside of the normal method applicable to several characteristics that distinguish it with the modern medical system, as the cost is not guaranteed health insurance, his method is not taught in college, his method is based on the views of others about the disease and another view on the relationship between health workers with patients with the disease. Alternative medicine or traditional medicine understands disease not only of the biological aspects but there are also involves a spiritual aspect to the supernatural Natural Remedies For Snoring : 7 Ways How to Stop Snoring. B. Types Of Alternative Medicine WHO in the book guide the general research alternative medicine groups alternative medicine into two types namely: 1. Treatment based on herbs Treatment based on herbs are grouped into several types, namely: a. Herbs, namely the use of the original material of the plant like flowers, fruits, roots, or other parts of plants used for the treatment of. b. Plant ingredients, including fresh juice, sap, oil processed, the original oil, resin, and powder plants. In some countries, the materials plants was already processed with the procedure developed for the local community, the evaporation (steaming), roasting (roasting), mixing with honey (strir-baking with honey), alcoholic, and other ingredients. c. The processing of herbs (herbal preparations). Processing plants based on plant products which are already settled, or some of the products of processing plants results from the extraction, dissolving fraksinisasi, purification, concentrati, or processing fisikawi and other biological. This type of treatment including treatment mixed with honey, alcohol, or other. d. Plant products (finished herbal products). A group that includes the type of this is the processing of plant material, either from one or more of the type of plants used. 2. Therapy based on the traditional procedure Therapy based on the traditional procedure is therapy-therapy used with the technique are varied, mainly without the use of medication. For example acupuncture and the techniques associated chiropractice, osteopathy, manual therapies, qigong, tai ji, yoga, naturopathy, thermal medicine and other physical therapy, as well as therapeutic mental, spiritual, therapy or mind-body Homeopathic Remedies For Anxiety and stress. Based on the elements of the agent used in the process of providing treatment services or health services, treatment alternatives are grouped into several types, namely: a. Herbs-agency. Alternative medicine that uses plants, both the original material and processed (herb) as an ingredient in alternative medicine. b. Animal-agency. Alternative medicine that uses animals, both the basic material of the animal, the results, and intermediaries as part of the process of service alternative medicine. c. Material-agency. Alternative medicine using the materials of the earth as a material treatment services alternative. For example needling, water, and therapeutic Crystals. d. Mind-agency. Alternative medicine that uses the powers of the soul as a material treatment services alternative. For example energy chi, prana, spiritual, and hypnotherapy. e. Event-agency. Alternative medicine that uses the properties, symptoms, phenomena, events as material treatment services alternative. For example the sound of music, color, wave or elektromatik, electricity, heat, or aromatherapy. f. Management-life agency. Alternative medicine menggunakanhukum nature of life, as part of the process of service alternative medicine. The ability to manage life becomes something that is fundamental in the process of the development of alternative treatment. For example exercise, diet, culture, dining, lifestyle, as well as the development of positive thinking Natural Remedies For Neuropathy : Home Treatments That Work. C. Factors that Influence People to Choose an Alternative Treatment According to Foster and Anderson (in Agusmarni, 2012) there are several factors that affect the community choose a treatment alternative or traditional which are : 1. Social Factors One of the factors underlying the occurrence of social interaction is the suggestion that the granting of a view or influence by one person to another in a certain way so that the person follow the views of the/the influence of these without thinking. 2. The Economic Factor Economic factors have a major role in acceptance or rejection of a treatment.this factor is reinforced by the public perception that the treatment alternative requires a bit of effort, cost, and time (in Agusmarni, 2012). 3. Cultural Factors Culture is a thought, customs, beliefs, which become the habits of the people (in Agusmarni, 2012). Value-the value of the dominant culture on the individual is affects the formation of the personality of the Individual. In this case the culture is influenced by rates of the nation embraced by the patient, if the aspect of tribes is very dominating, then the consideration to accept or reject based on the suitability of the tribes adopted. All cultures have ways of treatment, some involve scientific methods or involving a supernatural power and the supernatural. 4. Psychological Factors The role of the hospital is an unpleasant condition, because it a variety of way will be undertaken by the patient in order to find a cure and ease the burden of pain, including come kepelayanan alternative medicine (in Agusmarni,2012). 5. Factor The Saturation Of Medical Services. The treatment process is too long cause the patient is bored and trying to find other treatment alternatives that accelerate the healing process. 6. Factor in Benefits and Success The effectiveness of the alternative treatment be the reason that is very influential on the selection of an alternative treatment. 7. Knowledge Factor Most human knowledge acquired through the eyes, ears, or mind which is very important for the formation of a person's actions (in Agusmarni, 2012). Knowledge can be gained formally and informally Natural Remedies For Panic Attacks and Anxiety. D. The Efforts Of Standardization Of Alternative Medicine To be able to utilization of alternative treatment in the health service, many of which must be considered. One of them that are considered to have a very important role is efforts to standardize. Expected, with the absence of standardization is not only the quality of the alternative treatment will be improved, but more importantly the emergence of a variety of side effects that medically can not be accountable, will be avoided. Understanding standardization is the ideal state or the level of achievement of the highest and perfect, which is used as the limit of acceptance at least (Clinical Practice Guideline, 1990). The standard show on the level of quality achieved is not prepared too stiff, but still within limits that are justified are called by the name of tolerance.