Uploaded on Oct 14, 2018
Drug mag
Drug mag
Drug mag Drug mag The NUMBER of drug mag on the market often confuses the people to choose the right. Let's identify the types of drugs mag, The number of drug mag on the market often confuse the public in choosing the right type. Not only have labels that are similar, drug mag on the market are also generally promising a similar effect. Can not be denied, the mag is 1 of 10 common diseases suffered by the patient inpatient in hospital in Indonesia. These conditions impact on the number of types of drugs circulating, so people mag is required to not choose the wrong drug. Here is the remedy mag which is generally used: • Antacids Drugs of this type serves to neutralize stomach acid. Antacids are the most common drugs used and can usually be purchased freely. This medication contains aluminum and magnesium can increase the pH of the stomach. Antacid drugs relatively safe and relatively cheap Sinus Headache Medicine, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment • H2 receptors Antagonists (H2RA) Drug H2RA work at the level of the production of gastric acid by way of controlling the receptors that receive the signal to produce stomach acid. In general, the drug H2RA will decrease the production of stomach acid and gas production in the stomach. • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) This type of drug has a mechanism of action that is almost similar with the H2RA, which suppress the production of stomach acid. Drugs PPI's can stop working the cells that produce the gastric acid to the maximum. This is one kind of the most effective drugs to reduce the production of stomach acid. • Antibiotics Antibiotics are usually given if there is bacterial infection that takes place in the stomach – such as the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Avoid taking antibiotics without the supervision of a physician, as required a treatment plan that is right for using this type of drug. • Prokinetic Drugs prokinetic help reduce the symptoms of mag to launch or accelerate the process of digestion. This type of drug is usually administered as a combination drug mag Runny or Stuffy Nose Medicine Natural Home Remedies • Oral Suspension (Antidiarrheal Agents) Agent oral suspension used to coat and protect the stomach wall and is only temporary. This agent is also usually used to prevent the diarrhea that often occurs in patients with mag. Now that You know the type-the type of drug to overcome the mag. To ensure the remedy mag which is the most appropriate, you should consult with a doctor. In addition to containing risk, drug-free is not necessarily appropriate to cure the disease. The dangers of otc drugs or medicines without a doctor's prescription can bring risks and pose some side effects on Your health, such as eating too much of the drug paracetamol can cause liver damage, cause dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, the risk of drug interactions, and risk of overdose. Drugs without a doctor's prescription or otc drugs can be purchased freely in drug stores. The drug is safe and effective when You follow the instructions on the label and direction of the pharmacist. Generally the drug is consumed to handle the mild symptoms that are considered not in need of consultation to the doctor, such as to reduce pain, pain, itching, toothache, and headache Home Toenail Fungus Medicine, Treatment, Symptoms and Causes The Risk Of The Use Of Drug-Free Some people often use drugs that are sold freely without finding out the cause of his illness to see a doctor. In fact, by taking these types of medicines can compromise health, especially if not consumed according to the right dose or consumed in the long term. Here are some of the risks and the contraindications of taking the drug smoke, including: A fairly common drug such as paracetamol is used for pain reliever and fever. Eating too much of this drug can cause toxicity and damage the liver. Combining the drug paracetamol and the decongestant phenylephrine (PE) can cause serious side effects, which increase the levels of PE in the blood of four-fold. Increased levels of PE may cause dizziness, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Aspirin which is sold freely in the market can also interact badly with some kinds of medications, such as blood-thinning drugs, antibiotics, and a group of drugs anti- inflammatory non steroids (NSAIDS). An antihistamine drug that is consumed too much can also cause seizures and the onset of abnormalities in Your heart rate. The dangers of otc drugs that can cause reactions side effects drug interactions or food and very dangerous, especially if the dose taken in excess of the recommendations indicated on the label Aleve Pills ( Naproxen Sodium ) In A Tablet Potent People with high blood pressure need to avoid the consumption of a decongestant and a drug that's the high sodium content. Not all of the drugs exactly given to toddlers, such as ibuprofen which should not be given to infants aged less than six months. The body of the elderly to process drugs in a different way compared to groups of younger people. In addition, the side effects and drug interactions often risk occurs because the elderly are often taking several other drugs at the same time. The drug in doses safely consumed pregnant women could be dangerous for the fetus. For example, the consumption of aspirin can increase the risk of miscarriage, disorders in blood clotting, inhibit the growth of the fetus, and extend the process of giving birth. Any medication including otc drugs can not be consumed if a person has an allergy to the drug. If You are taking any medications with a doctor's prescription, ask first your doctor if You are planning to consume the drug freely. It is intended so as not to cause drug interactions or contraindications serious. Due To An Overdose Use Of The Drug-Free The dangers of drug smoke can appear if consumed exceed the suggested dose, and can make You at risk of experiencing the symptoms or even certain diseases. Types of side effects caused can be different according to the type of drug consumed. Here are some of the risk of illness due to consumption of excessive medication: Hepatotoxic, that is liver damage due to chemicals contained in the drugs. Irritation of the digestive system so it can be abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Changes in body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and heart rate. Pain in the chest and shortness of breath due to disorders in lung and heart. Confusion. The skin becomes hot and dry, or conversely, cold and damp. Vomiting of blood. Appear blood in the stool during defecation. Coma. Shortness of breath. Died. Guide Taking The Drug Smoke Not a few people died from taking the drug-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol in excessive doses. Some of these things You need to consider before taking the drug free, namely: Always read the label Read and follow the dosage information on the label instructions for use every time you will be taking the drug. The dose has been adjusted to bring benefits with minimal side effects. If you exceed the dosage, the drug even will bring bad effects on Your body Anti Depression Pills Types and Side Effects of Drugs Appropriate tools measure Recognize the difference and remember to follow the dose that is listed as 1 tablespoon, 1 teaspoon, one tablet/pill, or millimeters. One teaspoon is equivalent to 5 ml. Some drugs include a tool measure in the packaging of the drug (spoon, tool drops, or a small cup). Avoid the guessing by using a dose of the other. The type of drug and dosage for different age groups Some drug manufacturers provide diverse variants with the same brand, for example cough medicine X for adults and cough medicine X to the child. Each variant is intended for a different age. Each contains a different formula. On different types, the dosage indicated in the instructions for use are usually distinguished for the age-groups, namely adult, child, and toddler. Consumption or give drugs according to the right dose. For example, the dose of paracetamol for an adult is 500 milligrams up to 1 gram every 4 to 6 hours, with a maximum consumption of 4 grams per 24 hours. While in children aged 4 to 6 years, the maximum dose is 4 times 240 milligrams per 24-hour period. Avoid giving free medicine to toddlers under the age of a year without asking a pediatrician. Before taking any otc drugs, find out the brand of the drug smoke, what to do, read the label and instructions for use of the drug, the active ingredients contained in the drug, and warning of the use of drugs smoke You consume. The use of free drug in pregnant women need to be consulted with a doctor first Type, Trademark, and Dose Anti Inflammatory Pills ( NSAIDs Drugs ) If You hesitate to consume the drug freely sold in the market, You should consult your doctor first. The dangers of drug smoke can appear if You do not eat them according to the instructions that are available.