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Herbs for Alternative Medicine
Herbs for Alternative Medicine
Herbs for Alternative Medicine Herbs for Alternative Medicine Posts about list of herbs for the treatment of cancer is quite long, therefore you can bookmark the first if you have a limited amount of time, to be read back in your spare time. Cancer is a disease that is very deadly. There are various variants of cancer, the most common population of Indonesia is cervical cancer (cervical cancer) and breast cancer. The symptoms of the disease cancer can also be different The Best hair growth pills, Supplements and Vitamins Data from the world health organization of the united nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) that in 2013, the incidence of cancer has increased very significantly. There are 12.7 million cases in 2008 and then jumped to 14.1 million cases in 2012. The number of cancer patients that experienced a death are also experiencing a noticeable increase. In 2008 there were 7.6 million people died from cancer, and increase to be 8.2 million in 2012. Cancer is currently the cause of death ranked second in the world (13%) after a disease associated with the heart and vessels daran (cardiovascular). More sad, because cancer is suffered by many people in developing countries such as Indonesia. So what causes the appearance of cancer on a person? Perntanyaan this possible you will ask for so the spread of this disease, even though he is not belongs to the category of infectious diseases. Cancer itself is a disease in which cells undergo division exceeded the normal limit, then attack the network or other cells in the vicinity, to then spread to the tissues of the body through the circulatory system or the system of lymph circulation. Cell cancer arises from the cells that should undergo apoptosis (age and die), but because of the presence of papilloma virus (Human Pavilloma Virus – HPV) then there is a mutation or change in DNA in cells. The cell then instead of dying, continue to keep splitting even for unrestrained. In addition, other factors such as the body's resistance (immune system), papapan carcinogenic substances (cause cancer) from chemical pollutants, addictive substances such as cigarettes, and additives in food are also blamed as the trigger of cancer Best Over the Counter Fertility Pills For Women Without a Prescription Type-The Type Of Disease Of Cancer Some types of cancer that is often found in Indonesia in addition to breast cancer and cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer) are lung cancer, colorectal cancer (cancer of the large intestine/colon and rectum), skin cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer (only affects men), cancer of the lymph nodes (lymphoma malignum) and cancer of the white blood cells (leukemia). Treatment of cancer is expensive and difficult. Cancer treatment is usually done in a modern way or alternative, or angel cancer treatment modern cancer treatment alternative. Cancer treatment modern done through the surgical removal (surgery), chemotherapy (chemical therapy or chemotherapy), immunotherapy (immune therapy or immunotherapy), radiation therapy (guided radiotherapy), and targeted therapy (targeted therapy). In addition it is also known as a cancer treatment in alternative (alternative medicine cancer). While cancer treatment is an alternative is to use drugs cancer herbs. What is a Chemotherapy the Treatment of Cancer is it? Types, Side Effects, Medication Support, and Long Cancer Chemotherapy Alternative Medicine Cancer In Indonesia and in many developing countries, cancer patients more to choose alternative treatment for cancer. Why many choose? Of course it is very related to the high cost of cancer treatment in a modern, even with the possibility of success has not been so encouraging. Because that's also, not only in developing countries, in developed countries and rich, herbal anti cancer remains the choice for healing and alternative medicine cancer Prescription drugs : Qsymia, Belviq, Saxenda and Contrave Diet Pill List Of Medicinal Plants Herbal Anti-Cancer Indonesia Most of the plants included in the list of herbs herbal remedies cancer this precisely is a plant that is very familiar to us. Even some are used as seasoning. Its use as an herbal remedy for cancer in the form of herbal should certainly pay attention to the dose and manner of making tools so that the results obtained are optimal for the treatment. Here some of the herbs are efficacious as a material alternative treatments of cancer. Anthill (Mymrmecodia pendans) Plant a nest of ants that has the scientific name Mymrmecodia pendans is the tanman asli Papua. Plant ant nests efficacious drug because it contains many active ingredients such as anti-cancer called flavonoids. In addition, ant nests also contain tookoferol, polyphenols, and anti oxidant. Flavonoids in plants ant nest turned out to have the ability to stop the progression of cancer cells. It works by inhibiting the cycle of cell division, and then also strengthen the immune system or immune cancer patients. This plant is easily recognizable because of its shape which is very unique. Anthill has cavities such as the maze in the tuber. On the cavities of the live ants that use it as a nest. That is why this plant is called ant nest. The water decoction of the anthill taken regularly with the appropriate dose can be trusted to bring healing for people with cancer Whether Beard Growth Pills Effective ? What's wrong ? White turmeric (Curcuma mango) This plant has a scientific name Curcuma mangga. It smells indeed like mango kweni. He belongs to the plant empon-empon that have rhizoma (root living) that grows in the ground. White turmeric, in accordance with its name is different from the turmeric that is commonly used as a spice in cooking. Color rhizomanya white instead of yellow, with a round shape. Other names for turmeric white is meeting a princess or temu rapet. White turmeric contains essential oils effective to cure the swelling (anti-inflammatory) and help stimulate an increase in immune system (immune). In addition, white turmeric is also a good antioxidant. Some research such as that conducted by the American Institute of Cancer (Institut American Cancer society), Faculty of pharmacy and PAU Biotechnology and PPOT UGM Yogyakarta shows that white turmeric is good for cancer and tumor. The ability of saffron, white in the treatment of cancer because it contain compound called Ribosome Inacting Protein (RIP) that has the ability to disable the growth of cancer cells, a deadly cancer cells without damaging other cells or tissues in surrounding areas, and also block development of cancer cells. The antioxidants contained white turmeric also prevent damage to the genes because it triggers cancer, and anti-inflamasinya help cope with the swelling and inflammation Norit OTC Anti Diarrhea Pills : Uses, Side Effects and Interactions Tapak Dara (Catharanthus roseus) Plant vinca that has scientific name Catharanthus roseus is often used the leaves as herbal. Periwinkle plant turns out to have been tested as an ingredient an effective drug for the prevention and the killer cancer cells. The plant which is the tribe of Apocynaceae which is closely related to cambodia this has a content of alkaloid compounds for cancer drugs. Group alkaloids that are referred to are the alkaloids vinka called vinkristin and vinblastine. Both alkaloids vinka this has benefits in inhibiting the multiplication and spread of cancer cells. Alkaloid compounds vinkristin, which comes from periwinkle may be used as the material treatment of cancer of the bronchial tubes, malignant tumor that grows in the kidneys, breast cancer, and various types of tumors on the nerves and muscles. Compound alkaloid called cabtharanthin who also conceived the periwinkle plant expected to be urgent and dissolve the nucleus of cancer cells, thereby killing the cancer cells the effective Weight Loss Drugs and Prescription Diet Pills That Work ! Keladi tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme) Keladi tikus is a wild plant which has the scientific name Typhonium flagelliforme. This plant has undergone research as a medicinal plant materials herbal anti cancer. Has a lot of herbal medicines the results of the extraction of rodent tuber plant that is sold in the market after mixed with the plant-a plant anti-cancer. Plants of the family of taro is also known by another name rodent tuber (tuber rats), or laoshu yu. Keladi tikus has efficacy as a herb that disables the cancer cells, to subsequently kill the tissue for cancer cells, as well as stop the development of cancer cells. Keladi tikus as well as white turmeric also contains Ribosome Inacting Protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin. A researcher from Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Chris KH Theo from the University of Science Malaysia have reported the ability of keladi tikus as the material of manufacture of herbal medicines for cancer are powerful Senna Pills Reviews, Uses, Side Effects and Dosage Temu Lawak (Curcuma zedoaria) The plant curcuma was also efficacious as a cure for cancer. The plant with the scientific name Curcuma zedoria is used rhizomes to the main ingredients of jamu gendong this, according to an expert on herbal medicine from London, England named Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, the plant curcuma contained curcumol and curdione, which have efficacy as anti- cancer substances and anti-tumor. In China, traditionally the rhizome of the plant curcuma since the first has been used as a cure cervical cancer. Substances and active ingredients contained tubers of curcuma has the ability to turn off cancer cells if done together radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Who does not know noni? Medicinal plants this one is indeed very popular. The flesh of the fruit mengkudu or pace has an active ingredient known as dammacanthel. Active ingredients dammacanthel is a cancer that is able to fight the growth of abnormal cells on the stage of precancerous and can prevent the development of cancer cells. If you want to use the noni, then you should choose fruits that are not too ripe (mushy), because the fermentation process that occurs in fruit that are too ripe can reduce the content of active ingredient of the anticancer on the noni. God leaves (Gynura divaricata) Leaves of the gods is also a plant that has been known as an anticancer plant. Plant parts used of the plant which has the scientific name of Gynura divaricata are the leaves Estrogen Pills For Women Reviews, Uses, Side Effects and Benefits Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus) Plant ceremai closely related to meniran and its fruit is often eaten to make fruit salad. Plant ceremai fruit yellow small-as small as that button turns out to be quite potent as a drug cancer natural. The parts used are the leaves of the plant. Parasite A parasite is a plant that grows on other plants. His way of life is indeed detrimental to the host plants place of living, but it turns out the compounds in the parasite has long been thought to act as an inhibitor of cancer malignancy. The parasite can be boiled and drink boiled water for supporting drug during chemotherapy (therapy chemical substances by taking anticancer drugs). Soursop (Annona muricata) Soursop leaves have been studied since the first efficacious menmbunuh cells active cancer , help the immune system and avoid deadly infections and also prevent free radicals. Soursop which has the scientific name Annona muricata contains active ingredients to kill cancer cells. Active ingredients, among others annohexocin, acetogenins, annocatatin, annonol, annomurine and has long been known as active ingredients of antitumor and cancer. Now the leaves of the soursop has been widely used for traditional therapy for the treatment of cancer diseases. According to various sources, soursop leaves that have been quite old as much as 7 or 8 pieces boiled in 3 cups of water. Let the boiling water and stew to 1 cup. The water decoction of this stay drunk. It tastes fresh so not too difficult to drink, except a little smell of his trademark which will smell in the nose Best Natural Water Pill and Best Natural Diuretics Andong Red (Cordyline fruticosa) Plant andong red is one of the ornamental plants that have the ability of healing cancer. The scientific name of andong red is Cordyline fruticosa or Convallaria fruticosa, Asparagus terminalis, Aletris chinensis, Dracaena ferrea, Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena terminalis, or Terminalis fruticosa). A variety of diseases and health disorders can be treated by using the herbal horse cart red, including cancer and tumors. Parts of the plant to be used as herbs are the leaves, flowers, roots, good in dry conditions or fresh. Read the Benefits of Plants Andong Red for Health Pomegranate (Punica granatum or Punica malus L) Help prevent cancer both skin cancer and prostate cancer or disorders of the prostate gland, which marked one of them with frequent urination in males. Read Benefits of Pomegranate for Health Green Tea Green tea is actually more widely used as a herbal cancer prevention. But green tea is believed to also have the ability to prevent the spread and development of cancer to the stadium more. A research about green tea in relation as a cancer drug has been conducted by Rutgers University, where in test tube reactions, green tea is able to slow down cell division-cell lung cancer and cancer of the large intestine (colon). Research-important research also suggests that green tea can stop the growth of tumors in mice. Current a institute of cancer research in America which called the National Cancer Institute is conducting a clinical trial on the benefits of green tea for healing of cancer. The use of green tea is certainly very safe, because of its nature as an anti-oxidant. Although, if too much to consume (exceed the dose recommended), then it can result in dizziness and diarrhea Top 3 Best Sellers Weight Gaining Pills to Gain Weight Fast Garlic (Allium sativum) Seasoning this one is already very well known, but did you know that garlic has anti-cancer substances? Tuber of garlic which has the scientific name Allium sativum contains the active ingredients that can treat the cancer, known by the name of allicin. Common use for garlic as a cure for cancer is for cancer of the colon (bowel), cancer of the rectum (rectal cancer), gastric cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Ginger comes from Southeast Asia, but can grow spread to different parts of the world. Today ginger is used in the treatment of cancer because of its ability to help cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, with the effect of removing the dizziness and vomiting. There have been many studies conducted about the functions of ginger in the healing of cancer. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) The plant is often used as a material of fresh food on the dinner table. Basil turned out to have much attracted the attention of western experts for the material cure of cancer. Allegedly its ability to the treatment of cancer comes from its ability to affect the ability of the virus associated with cancer (Human Papilloma Virus) to infect healthy cells. Cardamom (Amomum compactum and Elettaria cardamomum) Cardamom in the western countries known as cardamom. This plant produces fruit with seeds in the ground, or near the soil surface. There are two types of cardamom, green (Elettaria) and black (Amomum). Cardamom belongs to the tribe of ginger-jahean or Zingiberaceae. Cardamom pods are dried very commonly used as a spice in Indonesian cuisine. Who would have thought, this plant has been widely researched especially in the form of the extract dissolved in the oil or its extract is dissolved in water which is efficacious for the treatment of cancer Does a Speed Up Metabolism Pills Can make You Slim ? Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) Cinnamon aka cinnamon apparently has the ability as a cancer drug. Cinnamon is the seasoning ingredients are commonly used in Indonesia, is the bark of the tree plant which has the scientific name Cinnamomum verum. Clove ( Eugenia caryophyllata) Plant the cloves we know as a spice in cooking. Plant cloves that have a scientific name Eugenia caryopyllata it, taken the flowers that have not bloomed. Plant the clove original from Indonesia. Since the days of the first western nations to colonize Indonesia in order to get the cloves as spices are of high value and expensive. Clove has many active ingredients such as tannins, terpenoids, eugenol, and acetyleugenol which is beneficial for healing cancer Cocor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata or Bryophillum calycinum or Bryophyllum pinnatum) Cocor duck contains a variety of active ingredients that are beneficial for health. Some of the content of beneficial active ingredients, among others, bryophillin A as anticancer Read about the Benefits of Cocor bebek for Health Lemongrass or Citronella (Cymbopogon ciratis or Andropogon nardus) In addition to being useful as a food flavoring, lemongrass is also widely used for traditional medicines. Lemongrass can be beneficial for the prevention of tumor diseases and cancer List Of Prescription Strong Sleeping Pills Names and Natural Herbal Pacar air (Impatiens balsamina, or Impatiens triflora, or Balsamina hortensis) Plant water girlfriends have some scientific name, namely Impatiens balsamina, or Impatiens triflora, or Balsamina hortensis. These herbs known as potent drugs to relieve the itching due to poison ivy (the plant sap of poison ivy) by using the fluid on the body, increase blood flow, for pain reliever new mothers, low blood pressure, joint pain, laxative (smooth bowel movements), bruising and swelling, and an antidote to fish poisoning (allergic to fish), rheumatism, antibacterial for wounds, gastritis, beriberi, treat the nails are broken or damaged, cancer, tonic for the workers weight, treat snake bites, pelancar haid, relieve cough by removing the phlegm. Seeds and tea water henna is used traditionally for the treatment of fungal infections systemic Read the Benefits of a Girlfriend Water for Health Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) The mothers must know the cilantro. Those of you who like with snacks like crackers will also find a spice in cooking this one in it. Coriander aliar coriander turned out to have the effect as a cancer drug. Coriander is used of course coriander in the form of its seeds are small round-small, at first glance similar to the seeds of the pepper., only it is hollow. The content of linalool in the leaves and fruit (seed) is what's taken into account as the drug cancer natural. Fennel (Anethum graveolens) The active ingredients that contained fennel is anethofuran and carvone. Anise is also a spice in cooking. Some of the regional cuisine in Indonesia the many uses of fennel in the seasoning mix. As it turns out, fennel has an active ingredient to treat cancer. Both are antioxidants that help in the treatment of cancer. Parts that can be used for the treatment are the leaves or the seeds Hairfinity Pills Supplements Reviews You Should Know White cumin (Cuminum cyminum) White cumin or herbs with scientific name Cuminum cyminum is a flowering plant which belongs to the tribe of Apiaceae, and is commonly used as a spice in cooking. White cumin closely related to caraway (Carum carvi) also has the potential for herbal treatment of cancer. Tymoquinone is the active ingredient which is an awful lot contained in the white cumin. This active ingredient is very good for the treatment of cancer diseases. Caraway (Carum carvi) Until now this plant that this one still be important research material in the United for the treatment of cancer. Thought to be cumin or caraway has the ability to inhibit the carcinogenic substances (cause cancer) in the body. List of Medicinal Plants Herbal Anti Cancer from Western Countries (America and Europe) Here is a list of plants that are efficacious as a healer of cancer than western countries (not original or do not grow in Indonesia). You may be able to buy these plant extracts in the form of drugs or supplements sold on the internet in the packaging. But, having knowledge about herbal plants this will certainly be of no benefit. Wormwood (Artemisia annua L.) This time, wormwood (Artemisia annua) is being talked about because the content material of anti-cancer that it has called of artemisin. Wormwood is a native of China it has been commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Mentioned that of artemisin, which was conceived by the plant wormwood is effective to kill cancer cells. Even the ability of artemisin extracted from the plant wormwood is able to kill cancer cells the target without damaging the cells or healthy tissue as reported by a team of researchers at the University of washington. Expected treatment of cancer with the use of the plant wormwood this will give the fewest side effects for the patient Birth Control Pills For Men : The Advantages And Shortcomings The plant wormwood (Artemisia annua) is a plant which belongs to the tribe of Asteraceae. The leaves are divided (bertoreh very deep), and can grow up to 2 meters high. Stems branching-branch a lot. This plant is known by various names such as sweet annie, wormweed, sweet wormwood, arthemether, artemotil, quinghao, arthemisinin, and artesunate. This plant is actually can also be used to treat malaria, especially that caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Wormwood has the ability of anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti fungal. Please note the use of wormwood for pregnant women in first trimester or because it can result in teratogenicity. Of artemisin, which contained wormwood are toxic to the embryo or fetus in the womb. Astragalus or Tragacantha (Astragalus propinquus or Astragalus membranaceus) Astragalus also known in traditional Chinese medicine as Huang ch'i. Indeed, this plant in traditional chinese medicine used to treat diabetes (diabetes). This plant can help cancer patients because it triggers the body's immune system. Tests that have been conducted at the University of Texas Medical Center mixed astragalus with the blood of cancer patients in a test tube indicates the result that the function of the killer cells of cancer which is known by the name of T lymphocytes increased by up to 260 percent. Noteworthy side effects from the use of this herbal where astragalus is an herb that can cause a decrease in blood pressure, decrease blood sugar levels, dizziness, and fatigue, even when patients with cancer of overdose, precisely the immune system of the body will be increasingly damaged. It is recommended that when used orally (swallowed by mouth), according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database only between 9 – 30 grams per day in order to really safe. It should also be noted that you must recognize a kind of Astragalus propinquus so not wrong, because it turns out that some species of Astragalus that are native to North America actually contains a toxic alkaloid called swainsonine Here Supplements and Pills That Make You Lose Weight Fast Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) Uncaria tomentosa is a plant that the original acidic from South America. In traditional medicine has long been the cat's claw is used, especially for the cure of arthritis (inflammation of joints), and of course as a cancer drug. Until now, the use of cat's claw is still very popular as a herbal cancer in the United states and western countries. Herbal cat's claw is relatively safe. However, because of the use of the name cat's claw not only for the Uncaria tomentosa (there are other plants who were given the name cat's claw but not the plant referred to here), then you have to be careful. Even among the plants that are there that are toxic and dangerous. Mistletoe (Viscum album) Mistletoe is a plant that lives as a parasite of the tribe of Santalaceae, although initially put in the tribe of Viscaceae. Mistletoe in the European region, commonly used as a Christmas decoration, because it remains green even though in the moment of the snowy winter. Plants of mistletoe are native to the United Kingdom and Europe. Mistletoe (Viscum album) have strands of leaves that sat face to face. The shape is oblong and the edges are smooth not bumpy. Stems form branches woody, then her growing a bunch of fruit similar to berries colored white or beige. Because of the life that takes food from the plant host, mistletoe inhibits the growth of plants place to live, even can be deadly. Thus his way of life are exactly like parasites. Since the first mistletoe is known as a herbal ingredient the treatment of cancer and tumors in Europe Best Hair Skin And Nails Pills, Vitamin and Supplements Saffron (Crocus sativus) Saffron is a plant that is usually used as a spice in cooking, and it turns out has the power to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Saffron has been proven to significantly as the material of antitumor. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary is a plant that comes from the region of the Mediterranean, with woody stems, and smell. The taste is bitter, cool, but used as an additional variety of foods. As a member of the tribe of Lamiaceae, rosemary contains active ingredients such as antioxidants carnosic and rosmarinic acid. In addition, rosemary also contains camphor acid, caffeine acid, ursolic acid, betulinic, rosmaridifenol, and rosmanol..