Kinds of Alternative Medicine


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Kinds of Alternative Medicine



Kinds of Alternative Medicine

Kinds of Alternative Medicine Kinds of Alternative Medicine Alternative medicine is much chosen by people because it is considered cheaper and no side effects. But basically, alternative medicine not can be used as a substitute for the main treatment. There are several treatment alternatives that are most loved Overactive Bladder Control Pills For Urinary Incontinence. Treatment alternatives existing in society today most do not yet have evidence of strong scientific and mostly based on the experience of the patient. Whereas scientific evidence to show safety, effectiveness and quality of a treatment. This condition which makes an alternative treatment is not generally recommended by the doctors because the patient will leave treatment its main function to treat the disease. However, some alternative treatment here is still loved by many people, such as the following : Homeopathy Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which the health practitioner will treat the patient by using the principle of the disease can be cured with natural ingredients that may be the cause. The homeopathic remedy is claimed to work together with the immune system and defend yourself from the attacks of the disease. It means that homeopathy can stimulate the increase the body's resistance to infection, speed up healing and prevent complications without any side effects. Hypnotherapy Hypnosis is generally used for the purpose curative, especially in the case of addiction, where a person cannot stop even after trying a variety of methods. In addition there are also other benefits, such as hypnosis weight loss, cure memory problems, insomnia, grief, disorders of obsession compulsive disorder, stuttering, self-confidence, the shame, the process of childbirth, skin problems, speaking in public, anxiety, pain, disorders of habit, and other. Hypnotic like this is known as hypnotherapy Best 3 HGH Pills For Sale : Human Growth Hormone Pills and Supplements Gurah Gurah is the traditional treatment way to remove mucus from the body by using a herbal potion. In the tradition of the citizens of Imogiri, YOGYAKARTA, gurah done with the shed leaf extract Srigunggu (Clerodendron Serratum) into the mouth or nostril, done by the singers to maintain the quality of the sound. In its development, herbs are used not only leaves Srigunggu. Some therapists use the type of foliage, even kitchen spices such as chilli and turmeric. Ceragem Therapy Ceragem is a therapy that uses jade Korean with infrared technology. Luminous infra-red rays can penetrate the body up to 14 cm at certain points so that the body feels warm. Jade was already hot will be moved to other parts of the body that are not heat. This is what makes the patient's blood circulation to be smooth. The patient so a more restful sleep so that it has the quality of sleep which is good. Cupping As an alternative therapy, the practice of cupping or in Arabic called hijamah more and more in demand. The technique of taking blood is dirty it can cope with a variety of health disorders, especially cholesterol and high blood. Cupping is divided into cupping dry and wet cupping. In cupping wet, dirty blood issued from the vessels of the arteries. Because there is a part that is slashed, then it should be done by trained people. While cupping is dry only in the form of suction to overcome minor grievances such as wind, can be done by anyone Oxygen pills : Brain Enhancement Pills, Prevent Vertigo, Migraine and Stroke. Acupuncture Acupuncture is an alternative treatment of the country of China by way of pasting or sticking a needle into the body. Acupuncture scientifically proven to treat pain and nausea after surgery. Although for the pain, some people still think of it as the placebo effect or suggestion. Currently, acupuncture has been ‘exported’ to various countries around the world. In European countries such as the Uk, almost half of medical practitioners training acupuncture to be able to practice this expertise in dealing with patients. Herbal medicine is a very popular drug used as a treatment alternative for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Herbal medicine has many benefits, the most main is the herbal medicines do not interfere with the natural healing process of the body. Benefits-the benefits that can be obtained by consuming herbal medicines, among others: Natural Healing Herbal medicine does not inhibit the body's healing ability. On the contrary, these medicines can make the healing process becomes faster and the body can maintain the internal environment ideal for healing. There are many herbs that can stimulate the various glands, activating specific hormones. These hormones carry signals danger signs to begin the process of specific biological, in order to start the healing process Miralax Pills, Uses, Dosage and Side Effects. The Benefits Of Sustainable Many herbal remedies are accompanied by specific instructions regarding diet, rest, and exercise can make the drug more effectual, by means of preparing the body to respond to treatment with an effective and desirable. Changes in diet and lifestyle can help patient have a more healthy body. When these changes become a habit, the chances of developing the same disease will become smaller. Immune (Immunity) Herbal remedies also makes the immune system become stronger, because herbal remedies tend to improve the natural healing process of the body and also justify the habit is not good. As a result, the body so it is protected from the attack of pathogens. Metabolism & Nutrition Immune system strong accompanied with diet and a good lifestyle increase the body's metabolism, as a consequence nutrients can be absorbed better. Therefore most herbal treatment prohibits the consumption of junk food and foods that contain stimulants such as caffeine. The reason, junk food does not give the body enough nutrients complete and stimulants can inhibit the treatment. Side Effects Of course the risk of side effects and allergies are also there in consuming herbal remedies. However, despite the "no side effects" is a false statement, a contradiction of herbal medicine is very minimal when the treatment is carried out in accordance with prescribed and under the supervision of the experts. Overdose or consumption without the supervision of an expert can lead to undesirable side effects, ranging from stomach pain to death Modafinil Pill : Best Sleeping Pills Over The Counter. Now a lot of people who prefer alternative treatments as opposed to having to go to the doctor for treatment. Alternative medicine is considered more safe and effective because it uses the basic ingredients of herbs and is not a chemical drug like a drug from the pharmaceutical company. The term chemical drug itself is ambiguous, because the plant also contains a chemical structure. For example sugar cane which is then processed into sugar has the chemical formula C12H22O11. Still not separated from the world of chemistry isn't it? In addition, alternative medicine is considered to be relatively cheap. In fact, many treatment alternatives that pegged the cost of up to tens of millions of dollars and even hundreds of in the total treatment. Many types of alternative medicine in Indonesia, and some are very aggressively marketing methods of its treatment through mass media, ranging from print media, online, up television. Sometimes they are promising that the treatment can cure diseases that cannot be cured by the doctor. Not infrequently, they also stated that treatment to the doctor will mendatangakn action (e.g. surgery) which can result in disability and thus require a very large cost. Of course it is very misleading. Moreover, there are also play a role worthy of an expert who can read the results of the examination of either an MRI or a CT scan which should be the domain of the doctor Most Effective Home Remedies For Dog Ear Infection. He seemed to be already an expert and know the ins and outs of such checks but surely completely wrong in its interpretation. ● Whether the treatment alternative that's effective? ● Alternative medicine legitimate only as long as such treatment is carried out by the method of treatment of a correct, rational, and better again if there is evidence to suggest that such treatment is effective, not only from the testimonials of people that its validity is sometimes doubtful. ● Alternative medicine is treatment that is performed as a treatment of ‘other options’ is not to replace the treatment that made the medical world. The medical world holds principles and ethics in treating the person or the patient. The treatment is carried out must be in accordance with the rules and guide treatment on a national and even international. The world of medicine also treat based on the ethics of treatment which is applicable since the era of Hippocrates, the father of the pioneer of the world of medicine, namely Primum Non Nocere, which means: the main Thing is not to harm the patient. An alternative treatment could be just effective when done with the rules and principles that are true. However, we have to be careful when such treatment is not done properly or even not rational. For example, drinking water is dipped certain stone or metal, which may harm the patient; or perform massage hard can damage muscles or nerves of the patient. Is alternative medicine safe? Most people assess that herbal treatment is safe, but do they know that the content of substances in herbal medicine it is definitely safe? The answer is not necessarily. One herbal medicinal plants contain active ingredients which raises the the efficacy, but in these plants there are also materials that are not efficacious that come and go into our body, so the liver as an organ which serves to detoxify or neutralize the toxins that enter the body, will be working very heavy Leg Cramps Remedy, Treatment, Prevention and Symptoms. In addition, the dosage of herbal medicine is sometimes not clearly, not like the artificial drugs of the pharmaceutical companies. Many plants that have a range (range) dose narrow that it can even cause poisoning (intoxication). For example, mahkota dewa plant (Phaleria macrocarpa). When consumed in excess quantities or when the plant extract is consumed by 100 mg/kg of body weight, mahokota gods can cause severe liver damage. In addition, there are many more other plants that may cause damage to the kidneys, liver and nervous system when consumed in excessive amounts. Sometimes also, when the water used to make herbal medicine or herbal medicine is not a hygienic or already polluted, herbal remedies can harm the body for example the case of diarrhea or dysentery weight. So from now on do not easily believe with an alternative treatment that promises benefits and safety of the drug because it uses the basic ingredients of herbs. Moreover, when such treatment is advertised too excessive and promising cure or total repair. The more so when alternative medicine the ask patients to sign a statement letter which states will not sue if things go adverse. In fact, not or no explanation of what action will be performed, like in the medical world. It is certainly not to be justified in the world of medicine any. Then be wise in looking for an alternative treatment, not only based on the information from mouth to mouth. Thorough and find as much information in advance whether a therapist or person who provides herbal treatment is indeed competent or not in the field 10 Natural Home Babies and Toddler Cough Remedies. Herbs are plants that have benefits in the treatment of. All types of plants can be said to be herbal if the plant has the active substance or substances useful for treatment and health. Herbal medicine is a drug that is natural or organic, like the pith of a plant or animal that has benefits for health, resulting in the development of herbal medicines used as a treatment alternative. Herbal medicines derived from plant (vegetable) for example ginger, turmeric, garlic, dates, and others. While herbal remedies that come from animals for example sea cucumbers, honey, propolis, and others. In addition to herbal remedies, there are also chemical drugs, that a drug derived from the material-the material is subjected to a chemical process first. However, the use of chemical drugs irregularly often give side effects that are negative for its users. Herbal medicines and chemical drugs have traits and different characteristics. Each type of medicine definitely has its advantages and disadvantages of each. With the rapid development of technology of course, followed by the development of the world of medicine with his progress anyway. A lot of research or research related to medicine. The research justify the assumption that nature naturally provides herbs as medicine for all diseases. But in general, people only know the chemical drug can cure the disease directly, while the herbal medicine just as an alternative if the chemical medicine can not cure the disease. Due to lack of knowledge of herbal remedies this is, people still tersugesti that the chemical drugs are more effective than herbal medicine. Chemical drugs would be good if used in accordance with the rules with the proper dosage. Likewise, herbal remedies, the actual more effectively cure various kinds of diseases but requires a process and time Natural Hot Flashes Remedies, Natural Home for Menopause. Whereas herbal remedies which are managed with quality materials and well mixed with the chemicals, will not cause side effects, although someone should use it for a lifetime. Here are some of the virtues of medicinal herbs rather than chemical drugs : Herbal remedies do not cause side effects As we all know, herbal medicine is medicine made from natural herbs and complex. In other words, herbal medicine can be considered as food, which means materials that are consumed used to fix the cells, tissues, or organs are damaged. The composition or the dosage used herbal remedy is a dose of traditional and a little deductible. Herbal medicine is very effective for diseases that are difficult to treat medically. Herbal medicine are curative means actually heal because of his treatment at the source of the cause of the disease. Based on some research ever conducted by experts, the herbal medicine is suitable for health problems especially chronic disease and degenerative diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, the spread of cancer cells, tumors, and others. Herbal medicines more affordable and easily made Because herbal medicine is medicine derived from nature itself, so that the price was likely cheaper than the chemical drugs. In addition to herbal remedies are also easily created, because in its manufacture herbal medicines do not need to use tools and advanced technology. Usually medicinal herbs processed with boiled, pounded, or mixed with fellow herbal ingredients with certain composition Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes, Symptoms Of Menopause. Herbal medicine can eliminate the source of the disease Herbal remedies cure the disease as a whole (holistic). In addition to cure the symptoms, herbal medicines also cure the source of his illness. Herbal medicine can also boost the immune system as a way to fight the disease. Herbal medicine is a multi-drug efficacy Herbal remedies not only cure the disease, but one plant can cure many diseases, such as tea, mulberry leaves, honey or the juice of mangosteen peel can cure gout, migraine, diabetes, hepatitis, and even cancer. Herbal remedies are not toxic The use of chemical drugs in the long term can change the medicine itself becomes poison in our body. So in the use of chemical drugs should be in the guidance and instructions of the doctor and should not be used carelessly. On the contrary herbal medicines are non- toxic. With proper use of herbal remedies is safe for consumption by anyone. In fact, herbal remedies can be used as a laxative toxins (detox) in the body. Herbal remedies can be used to diet to certain foods In addition to being used to treat the disease, herbal remedies can also be used for a healthy diet to certain foods. As we know, the herbal medicine works directly on the source by improving the overall systems of the body, namely by fixing the cells, tissues, and organs of the body are damaged. No wonder, when it takes relatively longer to feel the effects of herbal remedies than if we use chemical drugs. Nevertheless, the advantages of traditional medicine is the side effects are relatively small even do not have any side effects at all if used appropriately Cold sore or Fever Blister Remedies and Treatment. The main reason is due to the nature of the material of traditional medicine that is natural so it can be digested by the body. If You are considering using traditional medicines, there are helps You to know the forms of presentation of traditional medicines first. Good Luck !