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Natural Remedies For Dogs and Cats
Natural Remedies For Dogs and Cats
Natural Remedies For Dogs and Cats Natural Remedies For Dogs and Cats A dog that does not want to eat can happen because of various factors such as the dog has no friends so there is no competitiveness to compete for food, a new dog arrives in a new home, being sick and stress, too spoiled and less activity as well as a variety of other factors. A healthy dog will generally eat anything and can always enjoy the food given even a wild dog will eat the food that is stale or trash Popular Instant Dog Scratching Home Remedies. If the dog is loss of appetite occurs only temporarily, then not be a serious problem. But if it happens too long even to not want to eat at all exceed two days coupled with drastic weight loss, then this could be a sign of serious and the dog should be immediately taken to the vet. However, to restore the appetite of the dog, there are still some natural remedy for dogs that do not want to eat as a first aid before being taken to the vet as we will give in this article. Essential Oils Depending on the cause the dog not want to eat, some types of essential oils can be used to improve dog's appetite. To dog stress: Consider to spread the fragrance oils which are soothing to help relieve the symptoms of stress in dogs such as lavender and chamomile can give a sense of calm and safe for dogs. Digestive problems: For dogs that do not want to eat due to digestive problems, peppermint essential oil or ginger oil can be given to reduce the problem on the digestion of dogs. Stimulate appetite: To stimulate poor appetite, and some types of essential oils such as orange oil, grapefruit oil and sweet marjoram can be used. Garlic Although garlic is too much given on dogs can be toxic. However, in the provision of at least, garlic can overcome the problem of a dog who would not eat naturally. For a small breed dogs can be given 1/8 of a teaspoon, while for large sized dog can be given as much as 1/4 teaspoon, which is divided into several times a feeding schedule in a day which is also nice given to how to overcome depression dog Hers's 6 Natural Home Remedies For Worms In Cats. Burdock Root Burdock root or arctium lappa, is a regular weed that grows wild everywhere. The root of this plant is very useful to overcome various skin disorders in the dog and if used in a prolonged period of time can cure the imbalance is systemic. The juice of the root extract of this can help with digestion, how to overcome the dog has difficulty eating, increase appetite while simultaneously absorbing toxins in the intestines. As a food, burdock root is very delicious mixed as a substitute for potatoes in a soup with a mild flavor, sweet and soft. Dogs generally like the taste of the roots of this plant given in the state of powder or cooked in the fresh state. In the roots of burdock contains carbohydrates, inulin, iron, silicon, magnesium, thiamine, potassium, sodium and also kromiun that can be used for cleaning, natural medicine appetite and also balance the minerals in the dog's body. For the preserver of the cat, of course the health of a pet cat is a very important thing. If you are also one of the people who currently maintain or wish to maintain a cat, then all things related to the health of the cat is important thing to be known, such as for example the characteristic traits of the cat stress, or how to handle when a cat's stress. One of the things that you need to know is how to treat the cat is sick without a doctor, which is very useful as one kind of first aid on your cat. One kind of disease that you can above among others, is a skin disease in cats which is quite dangerous for the health of your cat. ads By knowing how to treat a sick cat without to the doctor here, then you can save your cat from pain that is severe, or can also prevent the possibility of disease experienced got worse. Thus, when you bring your cat to the doctor, the doctor will have a chance to save your cat from a variety of problems bad might happen to him when you're not applying how to treat a sick cat without to the doctor that we discuss in this article Home Remedies For Dog Gas : Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention. So, already curious what it is and how to treat your cat that is experiencing pain without needing to see a doctor first? Here are some how to treat a sick cat without to the doctor which you can do independently at home. 1. Give raw egg yolk Yellow chicken eggs that are still raw, contain a wide variety of fat and also protein which is very good for a cat that you care. Intake of raw egg yolk can also act as appetite enhancer for cats look no appetite. Administration of egg yolk is a very friendly cat that is experiencing some of the symptoms of which are as follows: limp, the body of the cat is too skinny, cat not eating, cat more sleep, cat eat too little, aka has the appetite low. If you want to give raw egg yolk on the pet cats, you can do so by way of giving a raw egg yolk from the cat by mixing it in a particular food, or given via a dropper/injection without needles are given a small hose so it fit to enter into the mouth of the cat. Some cats may not be too happy on this food, but you can still try it with a variety of other means so that the cats want to eat the intake of raw egg yolk that you give. If your cat the flu, try to also give a raw egg yolk as one of the how to treat cat flu. 2. Give the water a fresh coconut In addition to nutritious for humans, coconut water can also be used for various other things included in the deal with cats who have disorders or certain diseases. That's because coconut water contains a variety of ions very nice to meet the fluid needs of the body the cat. In addition, coconut water fresh you give to your cat can also play a role as the antidote to the poison so it is good as antidote to overcome the problem of poisoning the cat. Maybe you should also learn the symptoms of rabies in cats so know how horrible toxins or viral infections in cats 10 Best Dog Bladder Infection Home Remedy. You can give coconut water on your cat when the cat that you keep experiencing a few disorders among them the following: vomiting, body heat or fever, cat sticking her tongue out excessive, poisoning, salivation too much, the smell of the cat's mouth which is not good because bacteria and so on. Coconut water can also replace some of the benefits of the vaccine the cat when you do not have enough funds and time to vaccinate your cat. 3. Give oil VCO Oil coconut or virgin coconut oil, is one type of oil that contains a lot of vitamin E, and also various types of acids which is important for the health of the body of the cat. In addition, VCO can also play a role as an antibiotic that is able to ward off the bad bacteria in the body of the cat during not given in levels that are too excessive because it could lead to bacteria becoming resistant and even more dangerous. Coconut oil or VCO can be given to cats your pet are experiencing problems as follows: exposed to the attacks of fungi, exposed to the bite of the ring worm, or given in the body of a cat that suffered wounds abrasions or bruises due to a fight with the cat the other. 4. Give the different types of drug external wounds (betadine, ethacridine lactate, NaCl, Gentamicin) Cats are animals that often interact with the outside world, and it is not uncommon to get injuries because of behavior or actions. Therefore it is very needed antiseptic that has a role in helping a cat to avoid infection in the wound outside on the body that is open either because of fighting or another. Therefore, drugs such as betadine and others you can use as one of the drugs to your cat who is experiencing pain outside 10 Dog Cough Remedy : Natural Home Treatment Kennel Cough. So the effect of such drugs is perfect, you can combine them with sodium chloride or water infusion to wash the wound before the drug is made to avoid infection and help accelerate wound healing. If the injuries sustained by your cat it is gaping or wide open, you can give the ointment gentacimin or the like as an additional remedy which acts as anti bacteria to prevent infection. Foreign drugs such as betadine and others, you can use to treat a cat that is experiencing some problems such as: getting hurt because of warring with other cats, the presence of pus on the body of a cat, the wound hole on the kucang, a tear in the skin of the cat and so forth. Make sure your cat is not licking the wound if you have given betadine or something on the wound, if necessary you can give the mouthpiece in the perimeter of the cat's head so he doesn't lick the wound that he had until dry. 5. Give clean drinking water Clean drinking water is one of the important things that you should give your cat, whether she was sick or not. When your cat is sick, then the important value of providing clean drinking water the greater. Provision of clean drinking water, especially suitable for in cats suffering from some diseases such as suffocation due to vomiting or diarrhea, the cat is dehydrated and so forth. When your cat's vomiting, always remember that providing clean water is one way to overcome the cat vomit that you can apply Dog and Cat Diarrhea Home Remedy, Symptoms and Treatments. In principle, clean drinking water is necessary when your cat lack of fluids because a lot of fluids out from the body. Do not forget to always replace the drinking water that you prepared in the drinking places pet cats periodically, because it is feared that there is a bacteria or virus contained in the drinking places. In addition, you also should not forget to clean drinking cats you have. By doing this, then you can make sure that the water you give is completely clean and replace the fluid discharged by the body of the cat, or fill the lack of fluid that is owned by your cat. Drinking water that is dirty is one of the causes of cat vomiting is most often. 6. Give a multivitamin When the cat is sick, then the intake of nutrients that are good for the body is very necessary. Some of the things you can give it to the cat when it is sick, one of them is a multivitamin that can help the immune system of your cat that can fight viruses or bacteria that become the cause of the pain he that he felt. Administration of multivitamins also can be used as one way of taking care of a baby cat that it's time given the multivitamin. Make sure that the multivitamin that you gave for her is the right multivitamin to help the immune system of the cat that you keep can go back to being strong as usual. Make sure not to buy a multivitamin abal-abal that although cheap in price, but do not have a good impact for the cats that you raise How Long Is A Dog Pregnant and Gestation ? You Should Know !. 7. Warm the bed Place to live, is not only needed by humans. A sick cat needs a comfortable resting place so she can rest perfectly. Need a comfortable place to rest this is very noticeable in cats that are sick limp because the temperature of the body being decreased. With a warm bed or a cage that you have for the cat you care for, then you can help your cat that is not exposed to hypothermia. When it is too hot, it could be instead exposed to the fever. Therefore note also the characteristic traits of the cat fever yes. To warm bed pet cats, you can do this by piling up some dry towel in his bed (depending on the level of the temperature of the environment in general). In addition, you can also put a light fifteen watts is not too bright or modified in such a way so that such lamps can provide warmth to your cat without interrupting the process breaks. 8. Give the milk a special cat Special milk cat that you can buy in pet shops usually contain taurine and a wide range of important nutrients for cats that you can give him the time of cat that you have pain weakness or experiencing other health problems. To give milk special these cats are, you can do this by feeding him with a small spoon, give him a straw, or by injection without the needle. If your cat is very fond of milk, then of course he will be able to drink the milk quickly. Thus, pet cats will recover more quickly because of getting the intake of various nutrients that are essential for the body. Give the cat milk this can be one of the how to care for Persian cats aged 2 months also. 9. Give rice porridge red Brown rice porridge instant that you can buy in the stalls or at the supermarket, and the red pulp of the instant you create your own, it is very nutritious and has a lot of intake of nutrients that you can use to help the immune system of your cat being sick so back to function optimally, so that your house cat can heal more quickly Popular Instant Dog Scratching Home Remedies. 10. Give dry food One of the steps to treat the cat is sick without a doctor is to give it the right nutrition intake. Therefore, you can give dry food which can be given by way of crushed and mixed with a little warm water. Dry food is an alternative type of food that you can take advantage of as a source of nutrients your cat that is not healthy.