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Pharmacist In A Pharmacy
Pharmacist In A Pharmacy
Pharmacist In A Pharmacy Pharmacist In A Pharmacy In the world of health, a pharmacist is they are based on laws and regulations that apply have the right to do the job of pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical jobs include things widely depending on where a pharmacist carrying out his profession Advantage of Target Pharmacy Hours Today : Tips That Help !. However, the core of the work of the pharmacy is the implementation of “Pharmaceutical Care”, that is the responsibility farmako-therapy from a pharmacist to achieve a certain impact in improving the quality of life of the community. One of the places where Pharmaceutical Care can be implemented is a pharmacy. The pharmacy is the place to do the work of pharmacy and dispensing of pharmaceutical supplies to the community. The business activities carried on in the pharmacy provide special traits that are very different than the business of the other, although the ultimate goal alike to get a profit. The real difference is not only visible from the specificity of the traded goods (medicines, pharmaceutical supplies, or other medical devices), but also in terms of the requirements of legitimacy of the sale, the magnitude of the risk of the use of goods which are not proper, usage rules, and the difference in terms of standards of maximum sales price. In terms of price, a pharmacy do not know the strategy of the sale of such merchandise other who know the ups and downs of prices, depending on market conditions at a certain moment, so that the terms of granting discounts, gifts for purchasing a certain product with a certain amount of, contest with prizes, and other unethical applied in pharmacy Giant Eagle Pharmacy Hours : The marketing prize of $ 100,000. According to the regulation, every pharmacy must have a pharmacist license as the person in charge of the pharmacy. Pharmacist working as pharmacy manager focused role to: a. Provide, save and submit the pharmaceutical preparation of which the quality and validity assured b. Serve and supervise the compounding and delivery of medicines c. Provide information related to the use of the drug, either by prescription or free sales d. Carry out all the regulations of the pharmacy about the pharmacy e. Not involved a conspiracy the sale of hard drugs to doctors practices, drug stores, and other means that are not entitled f. Make good cooperation with pharmacies surrounding in order to improve the service to patients The phenomenon that occurred in Indonesia shows that many pharmacists who are not in the pharmacy as it should be. Whereas, in accordance with the Government Regulation (PP 25), each day a pharmacist must be in a pharmacy to serve the community and is responsible for all management activities and pharmacy was held on pharmacy. In addition, the regulations of the Ministry of Health/directorate general of Pharmaceutical Services and the Community requires the presence of two pharmacists if the pharmacy serving a community of more than 8 hours and three pharmacists if the pharmacy serving the community 24 hours. Allegedly almost 99% of pharmacies in Indonesia is still open and accepting customers although pharmacist not in place. Similar research conducted by the pharmacist at the UI shows that about 90% of the pharmacies that they survey, pharmacist not in place. The chairman of the association of Graduate Farmasi Indonesia (ISFI), the period of the past said that the pharmacy in Indonesia has not yet become a system so that the pharmacy be just a place to sell and buy drugs. According to him, the pharmacist only as a prerequisite the establishment of a pharmacy. While in practice, not all pharmacies have pharmacists Pharmacy Technician Salary : $ 17 Per Hour or $ 35.400 Per Year. Most of the pharmacist on duty in pharmacies to treat his duties at the pharmacy as a side job and visit the pharmacy one-two weeks once. They generally have another job in higher education, industry, government or other agencies. Another reason why a pharmacist rarely be in pharmacist is because they are weak if faced with the PSA, the Owner of the Means of Pharmacies/businessmen. Compensation administration in the form of salary is usually low and this makes the motivation of the pharmacist to decline. There is also the entrepreneur-oriented business so that it is often the function of a pharmacist in determining which drugs are necessary according to prescription is not needed. The goal is profit, so there are cases where hard drugs are purchased without a doctor's prescription was given. A source stated the reduced role of the pharmacist is recognized to have occurred since preparations/dosage of the drug manufactured, so that the role of the pharmacist as a formulation of the drug no longer is a necessity. The role of the pharmacist in the pharmacy instead more performed by a pharmacist's assistant. Lack of preparation pharmacists, especially pharmacists new in preparing the lunchbox for work in the pharmacy also is the cause of this problem Costco Pharmacy Hours : Successful Strategy Execution.. The pharmacist as the role of the central assume full responsibility in providing drug information to the community do not perform their duties properly, causing the image that is less good for the profession of the pharmacist itself. Should be in every pharmacy that is open, there is a pharmacist on duty and is the right of consumers to get pharmacy services directly from pharmacists. . The absence of a pharmacist provides the impact for the sustainability of the service to the community These conditions result in a loss for the patient as the weaker party. The patient does not get complete information about the efficacy of drugs that from a pharmacy unless a brief explanation of the rules of use of the steward an apothecary, while to make up for the drug that the patient must spend expensive cost. Another impact of this problem is a fundamental difference from pharmacies and drug stores increasingly not transparent. The figure of the pharmacist as a person who assumes full responsibility and at the same time distinguishing the real with the drug store which, according to the regulations should not have a pharmacist, the not clear position of the specifics Pharmacy Technician Job and Employment. On the other hand patients often be fooled by the explanation from the waiter pharmacies that particular drug in the prescription runs out and can be replaced with drugs of other brands with the same efficacy. For patients who don't want to bother, the offer is an alternative option. In fact, replace the prescription drugs are not justified. As affirmed dr Marius Widjajarta, SE, a pharmacist let alone a waiter pharmacies are not entitled to persuade the patient to change the prescription without the consent of the doctor concerned. Should the pharmacist communicate with physicians about prescriptions given to provide optimal service to the patient. Moreover, if in the recipe there are doubts about the drug administered, for example there is a mistake or the writing of a prescription that is not right. Then, a consultation is required so that no errors administration of drugs which are fatal to the safety of the patient. The government doesn't have the standard pharmacy clear. Whereas standard it is very important to affirm the position of pharmacist or pharmacist in drug management. Is the authority of the government in making the right system for positioning pharmacists the tools of his profession. The government needs to make a decision which firm is the pharmacist placed in the community, hospital or pharmacy of its own. Abroad everything is set clearly within a particular system Advantage Kmart Pharmacy : Learning From The Failure of kmart. The government who made the decision and system, they also run that authority. With the presence of such a system is then described in a position where pharmacists that. If things happen outside the system, the government can perform certain actions to the pharmacist in accordance with regulations made. Currently it does not yet exist. To run a system that, in the structure of government (Moh) there needs to be the directorate of special set the service problems of the drug. The goal is as the executive authority which has been made the system. Therefore it is the government which regulates its implementation. The government need to assess the commodity which drugs are handled pharmacist, because all the drug was administered by the pharmacist. With the standard of competence pharmacist, the pharmacist self-regulating. These standards become the ideal for pharmacists in performing profession and her job. In October 2004 Pharmacy the Ministry of Health (Moh) of INDONESIA together with the ISFI have already drafted a standard pharmacy in the pharmacy. The standard concerns some of the government programs about the profession of pharmacist and its function. There are some programs that are ready to be applied. One of them improves the function of the pharmacist in the pharmacy. He also emphasized some steps to raise awareness that the pharmacist was very important in providing drug consultation to the community as well as thorough information about it Liver Diseases Symptoms And Treatment. Another solution has been poured in the decision of the Minister of Health that the pharmacy in Indonesia will be accredited. It is intended that all pharmacies have a standard pharmacy service. Are encouraged to the public so don't buy the drug at a pharmacy that no pharmacist. The patient is one component of the health care team, so patients should actively discuss with pharmacist about drugs that consumed. Don't just submit everything to the doctor or pharmacist. The attitude of the society which would thereby force the pharmacist present at all times in the pharmacy. Thus the community obtain services that are comprehensive. Despite the fact that pharmacists should be in a pharmacy throughout the opening hours of the pharmacy, it's also helpful if the pharmacist has hours of practice as a doctor. Hours of practice will give clear rules and is binding for the pharmacist about presensinya at the pharmacy. Hours of practice referred to applied such a shift, for example, a pharmacy A open 24 hours and has 3 pharmacists who will be at the pharmacy each 8 hours per day in turns. If this kind of thing is applied, there will always be a pharmacist in a pharmacy. When necessary, the pharmacist has a special room as a place the patient to consult. Dr. Imono Argo Donatus SU, Apt say the role of pharmacists is very important in giving the drug to the patient/consumer. The task of the pharmacist is no longer simply check the validity of the recipes, calculate the dose, weigh/measure the ingredients, mix and distribute/submit the drug to the patient/consumer, as long as this happens Cryotherapy Tighten Loose Skin and Burn Calories Fast. Every pharmacist should be expanded, as happened in the United States, to the service of social pharmacy (social pharmacy) with a population coverage of the wider community. As has been described, the core of the work of the pharmacy is the implementation of Pharmaceutical Care. This can be implemented through “Good Pharmacy Practice” or the Practice of Pharmacy. Activity in pharmacies which reflect the implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice requires the professional services of the pharmacist. A professional service should be implemented with the ability and the discipline, practice the code of ethics and standards of the profession, and obey the laws and regulations that apply. Attitudes and behaviors of professionalism supported the desire always to do the right thing, is the realization which sustains the system mechanism. The code of ethics which is essentially the order of the ethical value and moral that are directly related to the behavior of individuals in a profession, is a moral commitment which should be respected and animates the behavior, the whole attitude and actions of the professional Cryotherapy Guidelines For Treatment Of Breast Cancer. If all the pharmacists role is to improve its service and has good intentions to improve the situation of pharmacy, then the dignity of the pharmacist can be achieved again.