About Pharmacy


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About Pharmacy



About Pharmacy

About Pharmacy About Pharmacy The Definition Of A Pharmacy Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 of 2014 about the Standard of Pharmacy Service in Pharmacies article 1, pharmacy is a means of pharmaceutical services the place do practice of pharmacy by Pharmacists. While the understanding of pharmaceutical services itself is a direct service and is responsible to the patient associated with the pharmaceutical preparation with the intent of achieving definite outcomes to improve the quality of life of the patient Kroger Pharmacy : Care Alliance Pharmacy and Discount Card. The tasks and Functions of Pharmacy The pharmacy is a place for Pharmacists in the obligate of the profession based on the science, responsibility and ethics of the profession. According to the Government Regulation the Republic of Indonesia No. 25 of 1980 on the Pharmacy section 2, duties and functions of the pharmacy are: a. place of the profession of a Pharmacist who had uttered the oath of office. b. means a pharmaceutical that carry out compounding, conversion forms, mixing and delivery of drugs or material remedy. c. means of distributor of pharmaceutical supplies that should spread the necessary drugs society widely and evenly. Requirements For The Establishment Of The Pharmacy Based on the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Health No. 922/MENKES/PRESS/X/1993 about the Conditions and procedures for Granting Permission Pharmacy article 6, the pharmacy must meet the following requirements: a. to get permission the pharmacy, the Pharmacist or the Pharmacist who work together with the owners of the means which have met the requirements to be ready with the premises, fixtures including pharmaceutical and other supplies which is self-owned or belonging to the other party. b. means a pharmacy can be established in the same location with service activities other commodities outside of the pharmaceutical preparation. c. the pharmacy can perform service activities other commodities outside of the pharmaceutical preparation. Other requirements that must be considered to establish a pharmacy is must have a license to Practice Pharmacist (SIPA). To obtain SIPA, the Pharmacist must have a certificate of Registration a Pharmacist (STRA). Based on Paraturan Minister of Health RI No. 889/MENKES/PER/V/2011 about Registration, Permission Practices, and Work Permits Pharmacy Personnel article 7, to obtain a STRA, a Pharmacist must meet the requirements of: a. have a diploma of Pharmacist. b. have a certificate of professional competence. c. has the statement been sworn in the Pharmacist. d. have a certificate of healthy physical and mental of the doctors who have a letter of license to practice. e. make a statement will comply with and carry out the terms of the ethics of the profession Target CVS Pharmacy : Largest Pharmacies After Walgreens Pharmacy. According to article 17, the any pharmacy personnel who will run the work of the pharmacy must have a letter of permission according to the place of the Most Pharmaceutical work. A letter of permission that is in the form: a. SIPA for the Pharmacist Responsible for that do the job of pharmaceutical services at the facilities of the pharmacy service. b. SIPA for Pharmacists who perform the job of pharmacy as a Pharmacist companion facility pharmacy services. c. SIKA (Surat izin Kerja Apoteker) for Pharmacists who perform the job of pharmacy facility production or distribution facilities/distribution. d. SIKTTK (Work Permit Technical Personnel of Pharmacy) for Pharmacy Technical Workers who perform the job of pharmacy at the facility pharmacy. Licensing Pharmacy According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1332/MENKES/SK/X/2002 on the amendment of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 922/MENKES/PRESS/X/1993 about the Conditions and procedures for Granting Permission the Pharmacy. Change some of the provisions such as in article 1, 4, 7, 9, 25, 26. Article 1, Permits the Pharmacy (SIA) is a permit granted by the Minister to a pharmacist or a Pharmacist in cooperation with the owners of the means of organizing the pharmacy in a certain place Rite Aid Pharmacy : Third Largest After Walgreens / CVS Pharmacy. Article 4 of the Delegation of the Authority Granting the Permit a Pharmacy, permit a pharmacy given by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the then Minister delegated the authority granting the permit a pharmacy to the Head of District Health Office/City, where the Head of the City Health Department/District is required to report on the implementation of the granting of a permit, license freezing, thawing permits, and revocation of permits to pharmacies once a year to the Minister and a copy submitted to Head of Provincial Health Office. Article 7 of the ordinance Granting Permission the Pharmacy is: (1) Application for a permit pharmacies asked to the Head of District Health Office/City. (2) the Head of the District Health Office no later than 6 (six) working days after receiving the petition can ask for technical assistance to the Head of the central Inspection of Drug and Food control (BPOM) to conduct the inspection on the readiness of the pharmacy to perform the activities. (3) Team District Health Office/City or the Head of BPOM no later than 6 (six) working days after the request technical assistance from the Head of the District Health Office reported the results of the local inspection. (4) in terms of the inspection as referred to in paragraph (2) and (3) is not implemented, the Pharmacist applicant can make a statement letter ready to do the activities to the Head of District Health Office/City local with a copy to the Head of Department of the Province Advantages of Walmart Pharmacy Hours : Strategy Execution. (5) within a period of 12 (twelve) working days after the report is received the results of the examination as intended in paragraph (3), or the statement referred to in paragraph (4) Head of District Health Office/local Municipal issued license Pharmacies. (6) in terms of the results of the inspection Team of the District Health Office or the Head of BPOM referred to in paragraph (3) still eligible Head of the Department of Health of Kabupaten/Kota within 12 (twelve) working days of issuing a Letter of Postponement. (7) against the Postponement as meant in paragraph (6), Pharmacists are given the opportunity to complete the requirements have not been met no later than within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of Letter of Postponement. Article 9, stating the application for a permit pharmacies that did not meet the requirements referred to in Article paragraph (5) and / or Article paragraph (6), or the location of the pharmacy is not in accordance with the petition, then the Head of the Department of Health in Kabupaten/Kota in the period not later than 12 (twelve) working days is obliged to issue a Letter of Rejection accompanied by the reason therefor. Article 25 of about Revocation of license the Pharmacy, Chief medical officer of District/City may revoke the letter of permission the pharmacy if: a. The pharmacist no longer meets the requirements of Pharmacists Pharmacy Manager and / or; b. The pharmacist does not fulfill the obligation in terms of supply, save and submit the pharmaceutical preparations of good quality and that its validity is assured and replace the generic drugs written in prescription with the drug's patent and or; c. Pharmacist Pharmacy Manager was unable to perform his duties more than 2 (two) years continuously and / or; d. occur in violation of the provisions of the legislation applicable and, or; e. Work Permit Pharmacist Pharmacy Manager revoked and / or; f. owner means the pharmacy proved to be involved in the violation of the legislation in the field of medicine and / or Advantages OF Meijer Pharmacy Hours and Meijer Hypermarkets; g. the pharmacy no longer meet the requirements of the pharmacy. Head of District Health Office/City before doing the extraction in coordination with the Head of the POM local. According to Article 26, the implementation of revocation of pharmacy because the pharmacy no longer meet the requirements of the pharmacy is done after it is issued: a. warning in writing to the Pharmacist Responsible for as much as 3 (three) consecutive times with a grace period of each 2 (two) months. b. freezing permits the pharmacy for a period of time for the duration of 6 (six) months since the issuance of the determination of the clotting activities of the pharmacy. Freezing permits the pharmacy can be re-thawed if pharmacies have proved to meet all the requirements in accordance with the provisions in the regulations Advantages of Safeway Pharmacy : Commitment to customer satisfaction. Disbursement permission the pharmacy is done after receiving the inspection report and the investigation Team of the District Health Office/local Municipal.