Uploaded on Oct 5, 2018
Depending on the size and location, a tumor may press on and constrict the urethra, inhibiting the flow of urine. Some prostate cancer signs related to urination include: Burning or pain during urination. Difficulty urinating, or trouble starting and stopping while urinating.
Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatments
Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment For patients with prostate cancer, it might be confusing in choosing the procedure best Prostate Cancer treatment that can be done. Every treatment has risks and also benefits of each. The treatment of prostate cancer depends on several factors: The stage of the cancer The size of the cancer Age and life expectancy of the patient How extensive the spread of cancer has occurred The health condition of the patient For patients with prostate cancer in the early stages, they can choose to wait and monitor the development of cancer. There are some cases of prostate cancer that requires no treatment at all, and this needs to be considered because there are side effects of treatment are quite significant. If you choose to keep an eye on prostate cancer, then during the period of supervision, additional information can be collected to help determine the appropriate treatment. The supervision of the prostate this may require You to undergo the PSA test and also a biopsy procedure on a regular basis. This is done to ensure as early as possible whether there is a growth of cancer cells. A series of procedures is done to determine the treatment in accordance with the stages of cancer, especially when prostate cancer has spread out of the prostate gland. Here are some ways of handling prostate cancer are recommended: Surgery For Prostate Cancer Here are some of the ways and also the surgery procedures that can be done to overcome prostate cancer. TURP or trans-urethral resection TURP is a surgical procedure in cutting part of the prostate gland. TURP is done by way of general anesthesia or anesthesia of the spine, so You do not feel pain during the surgery lasted. The goal of surgery is to relieve or eliminate the Prostate Cancer symptoms of urination is impaired due to prostate cancer The surgeon will insert the iron wire with a circular section on the end into the urethra towards the prostate. The electric current used to heat the circular section which serves to cut the prostate cancer. Radical prostatectomy Radical prostatectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the prostate gland and surrounding tissue. Radical prostatectomy can cure prostate cancer in men if the cancer has not spread out of the prostate gland. But there is a small chance that not all cancer cells can be lifted. There is a possibility of cancer cells will return after the operation. Some of the potential complications of the procedure of radical prostatectomy are: Urinary incontinence, i.e. inability to control urination. Erectile dysfunction. Better known by the term impotence. The inability to achieve and maintain an erection. Can no longer ejaculate so that can't have children through intercourse. Kryoterapi Kryoterapi sometimes performed to treat cancer of the prostate early stages. However, most doctors will not choose this handling as the initial step of treatment. In this procedure, the doctor will use a gust of very cold temperatures to freeze and kill prostate cancer cells. Some of the side effects of this action are: Most patients will experience blood mixed in the urine during a day up to two days after the action kryoterapi. Kryoterapi effect on the anus and bladder, which makes the appearance of the pain, the pain, and the frequent urge to urinate. Erectile dysfunction or impotence, because kryoterapi risk damaging the nerves around the prostate that control erection. Difficulty to control urination. Radiotherapy Radiotherapy uses radiation energy to kill cancer cells in cases where the cancer has not spread out of the prostate. Radiotherapy can also be used after surgery to kill cancer cells remaining. In addition, radiotherapy is also done to relieve symptoms Prostate Cancer or the pain and slow down the rate of development of cancer in cases of cancer. The patient does not need to undergo hospitalization for the procedure of radiotherapy. Here are some of the side effects of radiotherapy in prostate cancer: Pubic hair loss Feel fatigue Feel uncomfortable around the anus and rectum Inflammation of the bladder The inability to an erection Urinary incontinence Problems with bowel movements, such as diaredan bleeding Chemotherapy On these measures, patients will be prescribed anti-cancer drugs by a doctor. This action is very appropriate if the condition of the cancer has spread to organs outside the prostate gland. Some of the side effects of chemotherapy are: Hair loss. Thrush. Nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea. The increased risk of infection, due to reduced number of white blood cells. Easy bruising or bleeding. Fatigue. Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy is usually combined with the procedure of radiotherapy. Hormone therapy is conducted before radiotherapy aims to improve the success of Prostate Cancer treatment. While the hormone therapy that is given after radiotherapy is intended to reduce the possibility of the return of cancer cells. In addition to the functions above, hormone therapy can also be used to slow the progression of prostate cancer late-stage and relieve symptoms or the pain that appears. Side effects of hormone therapy on prostate cancer are: Loss of sexual arousal Erectile dysfunction or impotence Weight gain Swelling of the chest Hot flush or the condition in which the body suddenly felt hot, which could cause sweating in excess and body chills. Sweating Steroid tablets can be used if hormone therapy is no longer successful because the cancer is resistant to hormone. Steroids can be used to shrink tumors and inhibit tumor growth. Cancer Vaccination The doctor could give a cancer vaccine for patients with prostate cancer. Cancer vaccines work by encouraging the immune system to attack prostate cancer cells. Cancer vaccine for each patient can be different, because the vaccine is made based on the white blood cells of the patient. However, these vaccines are consumed instead to prevent developing cancer, but prolongs life patients several months. Treatment on the bone If prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body, then most likely it will spread to the bone first. Spread to the bone will make sufferers feel pain, occur bone fractures, or calcium levels in the blood. This action aims to prevent or slow the spread of cancer to the bone. There are several steps commonly performed the doctor for the procedure the treatment of Prostate Cancer on the part of the bone, namely: Give drugs such as bisphosphonates and denosumab, to inhibit the spread of cancer. Administration of corticosteroids or pain medication to relieve pain in the bones. External radiation therapy that serves to relieve pain of the bones. A radioactive drug. This is a drug that contains a radioactive element that is used to kill cancer cells. Treat Late-Stage Cancer If prostate cancer has already entered the final stage, then the condition is no longer curable. The treatment is carried out only to slow the progression, extend life, and relieve symptoms. To cope with prostate cancer end stage, treatment that can be done is radiotherapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy.