Tips for Becoming an Accredited Employer (NZ)


Uploaded on May 1, 2023

Category Business

Accredited business owners or managers Employers in New Zealand now have easier access to a pool of qualified international candidates thanks to a program called NZ. The program ensures that the participating employers meet particular standards and criteria, such as having a positive reputation within their own business and being financially stable. This provides assurance, not only to the employee but also to Immigration New Zealand, that the employment offer is genuine and that it satisfies all requirements. When a company goes through the process of becoming an accredited employer in NZ, they gain access to a pool of highly qualified personnel from all over the world. These candidates have experience and abilities that are pertinent to the needs of the business. Employees sponsored by accredited employers are eligible for additional benefits, including expedited processing timeframes for visas, work permits, and residence applications. In general, this program promotes globalization in business while simultaneously satisfying the requirements of the domestic labour market. This is accomplished without lowering standards of quality or fairness in the recruitment processes. For More Info:-

Category Business
