Uploaded on Oct 31, 2022
Ameet Parekh is India’s Leading Business Success Coach & author of upcoming book Your Mind is Your Enemy.He is a multi faceted personality with an innovative mind which has led him to create some incredible coaching programs to help entrepreneurs acquire success mindset & develop business skills.
Ameet Parekh Review | Hard Truth About Being Successful
Hard Truth About Being Successful Everybody wants to be successful all of us get mesmerized 1 motivated even inspired by looking at the glorious side of success which is wealth, lifestyle, and freedom of time. But very few people actually share the other side of success which is the journey all the successful have taken in order to reach where they are and become who they are. So, today let's explore some of the other sides of success or the background work that goes into becoming highly successful. 1. Ability To Take Risk One of the attributes that are required for anybody to achieve extraordinary success is having the ability to take risks. If you will pick up any success story of entrepreneurs or billionaires that all of us admire. the one attribute that you find common amongst all of them is that all of them tooka massive risk in order to be where they are. And, this is where most people, and when I say most I mean 99.99% of people actually lose in the journey of being successful because most of us coming from a middle-class background, have been conditioned to not take a lot of risks in life rather than we have been told to look for stability and security while success favors the ones who are hungry for growth and have the appetite to take the risk to achieve what they have set out to achieve. Now Risk doesn't necessarily mean you are putting yourself physically in danger the risk that I am talking about could be anyone of this i. Risk of money ii. Risk of career iii. Risk of time iv. Risk of opportunity v. Risk of taking responsibility & accountability vi. Risk of life-style vii. Risk of social status These are some forms of risk that most ultra-successful people have taken in order to be where they are today and one must have extremely good appetite to take either one or all of the risks that I have shared with you in order to truly become successful. 2. Drive To Outwork Everybody else In one of his interviews when asked by a reporter,how did you become successful? Elon Musk replied that I outworked everybody else. Let me explain to you what does this mean, this means he as an entrepreneur was working harder than any of his competitors or fellow entrepreneurs which is what made him who he is today he very smartly said that if everybody else is putting in 40 hrs a week and you are putting 80 hours a week you would achieve what others would achieve in half the time. In the early days of his entrepreneurial journey. Elon Musk didn't rent a house. He only rented an office, he and his brother used to stay in the office work all day, sleep in the office and make sure that they were outworking everyone else in the silicon valley. In an article bill gates shared, that throughout his 20s while building Microsoft he did not take a single day's leave including Sunday. Mark Zuckerberg while building facebook used to program 15-16 hrs a day. The reason I'm sharing these stories with you is not to overwhelm you but to understand that the reason you have seen these people become billionaires is not because of they have an extraordinary minds but because of every single one of them was putting in an extreme level of hard work that they were able to achieve results that none of their competitors could match out. So the bottom line is there is no shortcut for success, there is no other way but to work hard and be ready to sacrifice all the other shiny objects that most people get distracted on. Doing parties, Chilling out with friends, and going on trips, are the sacrifices that all these entrepreneurs make while they are building their business so that eventually they will have something so big that money time will never be a problem for them. So when you see all these successful people on vacations, hanging out in 5-star, 7 Star hotels, throwing out parties, they are doing it after becoming successful. But when they started nobody knew what they were up to, nobody knew where did they hang out, nobody saw them doing what they were doing, because they were freaking putting the hours in building their dreams into reality. 3. Consistently growing your fish tank I have always believed that success breeds failure. The moment we start achieving something, the Moment we taste some success one mistake that every single person make is going easy. Getting chilled out and the worst is becoming comfortable where you are. I worked with 1000's of entreperneurs on one on one level and one of the major reasons people get in trouble is because they start becoming relaxed while if you look at any ultra-successful personality you will see that they are always chasing one goal after the other which means they never stop, they never get comfortable, they never get easy, they always keep themself on the edge. The moment you hit 1 crore, you push 10 crores, you get 10 push for 25, then 50, then 100, then 500, then 1000 crores and keep going on and on and on and on. The only way you can ever become extremely successful is by never allowing yourself to settle. They say if you breed a shark in a fish tank he will only grow to the size of the fish tank, the moment you put them in a bigger fish tank they will start growing again, the moment you put them in a bigger one they will again grow till they achieve their original size. the reason I'm sharing this analogy with you is that some of us stop growing our fish tanks. So if you really wanna be successful keep asking yourself questions. Am I stopping the growth of my fish tank? 4. Consistently Building Capabilities Now, this is one area where I have seen people resisting the most. People want to become billionaires, people want to earn a lot of money, people want to give their family a better lifestyle but what they really fail to understand is that in order to achieve that level of growth and success lots of work needs to be done on yourself. You cannot expect yourself to become a billionaire with the knowledge you have gathered so far the experience you have accumulated so far and the exposure you have so far. You will have to consistently strive to keep increasing your knowledge your skills and to keep exposing yourself to new experiences so as to grow yourself as a human being and as an entrepreneur to become worthy of the level of success you want. So these are 4 Areas that nobody talks about which are fundamental to achieving massive success in life and business.