5 Sense of the human(2)


Uploaded on Jun 28, 2018

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Category Education



5 Sense of the human(2)

5 sense of the human body What are the five sense organs in a human body? The nervous system has a specific sensory nervous system, and a sense organ. Human have a five types of sensors like sight, hearing,touch, smell and taste. Function of the five senses ● The sense of the sight: First,let us see, what the eye is made up of and then look closer how it works. The eye consist of three layers. The outer layer consists of sclera and cornea. The middle layer consist of the choroid. The inner layer consists of the retina. The images actually sent are upside down but our brain help to understand what it is by turning the image on the right side up ● The sense of the hearing: It is one of the most complex and useful organs in our body.hearing sound is all about vibrations cause sound waves.if you knock on your table, sound is produced as a result for vibration from the impact.but the sound alone means nothing until we hear it. Problem with sense of hearing: Hearing-loss is the inability of hearing.some doctors are suggest few medication,therapy,and surgeries, while in some cases hearing-aids also helpful. Sense of touch: The sense of touch is distributed throughout the body. Four types of touch sensation can be identified:cold ,heat ,contact and pain.some parts of the body have a larger number of nerve endings and therefore,are more sensitive. Sense of smell: Smell is the sense of breathing in aromas and gases in to the nose giving everything a particular smell i.e pizza. As you breathe, anything that is in the air that you takes in enter your nasal cavity: hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,dust and chemicals.you dont “smell”air or dust or pollen, but you can smell chemicals.The olfactory cells are chemoreceptors, which means the olfactory cells have protein receptors that can detect subtle differences in chemicals. Sense of taste: The sensation of taste includes five established basic tastes: sweetness, sourness,saltiness, bitterness,and savoriness. Taste is the sensation produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor.cells located on the taste bud in the oral cavity,mostly on the tongue. Conclusion ● The human body is an amazing thing. ● Human beings and other living creatures learn about the world by using their senses. ● Each sense can gather information , but working together.