Holographic Data Storage Technology.


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Holographic Data Storage Technology.

Holograp hic Data Storage Technolo gy What is Holographic Storage? • Holographic data storage is a high information storage volume technology that empowers information storage by making holographic pictures of every data instance on a bolstered medium. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Three- Dimensional (3- D) Storage • It depends on the comparable idea of optical storage gadgets however it empowers the utilization of a single storage volume to store a lot of information. It is also known as Three-Dimensional (3-D) Storage. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Photorefracti ve impact • Holographic media is split into write-once (irreversible change), and rewritable media (change is reversible). • Rewritable holographic storage can be accomplished through the photorefractive impact in crystals. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Memory framework • The memory framework comprises of the accompanying: a blue-green argon laser, beam splitters, reflectors, an LCD board, lenses, lithium-niobite crystal, and a charge-coupled device camera. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org How would it work? • The blue-green argon laser would be discharged, and with the assistance of the beam splitter, the laser shaft would be part into two beams known as the signal beam, which moves straight ahead, and the reference beam, which is coordinated through the side of the beam splitter. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org APPLICATIONS OF HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Data Mining • Data mining is the way toward finding patterns in a lot of information. • Data mining is utilized extraordinarily in enormous databases which hold potential patterns which can’t be recognized by human eyes because of the huge measure of information. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Petaflop Computing • A Petaflop is a thousand trillion gliding operations per second. • The quick access in the exceptionally big amount of information given by holographic memory frameworks could be used in petaflop architecture. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Storage Volume • Holographic memory can be utilized as expanded DRAM with 10ns access time, Hard disk drives, CD ROMs of huge storage volume and rock mounted of petabytes storage volume. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Advantages of Holographic Storage • Holographic memory offers a storage volume of around 1 TB. • Speed of recovery of information in tens of microseconds contrasted with a data access time of practically 10ms offered by the quickest hard disk today. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Advantages of Holographic Storage Cont. • Data pursuit is additionally quicker in holographic memory. In holographic capacity whole pages can be recovered where contents of at least two pages can be contrasted optically without having to recover the data contained in them. • If a few pieces of the medium are damaged, all data can still be acquired from other parts. All data can be recovered from any piece of the medium. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org