Uploaded on May 11, 2020
Standard uninstall method doesn't work sometimes. If you want to uninstall Kaspersky from your pc, follow these simple steps to uninstall completely. https://antivirus-protection.co/uninstall-kaspersky
6 Quick Steps to Uninstall Kaspersky
*How to Uninstall Kaspersky Antivirus? By James Fell *Kaspersky Lab is a cyber-security provider that supplies antivirus software to fight against viruses, threats, malware, spyware, and ransomware. If you wish to uninstall Kaspersky products quickly, you can use the kavremover tool *Kaspersky Antivirus *Download the kavremover tool from the Kaspersky official site. *The extension file to be downloaded will be kavremvr.exe *After downloading the kavremover tool, run the setup. *Read Kaspersky's End User License Agreement thoroughly and click on the Accept button. *Uninstall Using kavremover tool *Type the security code displayed on the image above the text box. *Click on the Remove button and click OK to confirm your action. *After removing the Kaspersky software, restart your computer. https://antivirus-protection.co/uninstall-kaspers ky *Reference THANK YOU