6 Quick Steps to Uninstall Kaspersky


Uploaded on May 11, 2020

Standard uninstall method doesn't work sometimes. If you want to uninstall Kaspersky from your pc, follow these simple steps to uninstall completely. https://antivirus-protection.co/uninstall-kaspersky



6 Quick Steps to Uninstall Kaspersky

*How to Uninstall Kaspersky Antivirus? By James Fell *Kaspersky Lab is a cyber-security provider that supplies antivirus software to fight against viruses, threats, malware, spyware, and ransomware. If you wish to uninstall Kaspersky products quickly, you can use the kavremover tool  *Kaspersky Antivirus *Download the kavremover tool from the Kaspersky official site. *The extension file to be downloaded will be  kavremvr.exe  *After downloading the kavremover tool, run the setup. *Read Kaspersky's End User License Agreement thoroughly and click on the Accept button. *Uninstall Using kavremover tool *Type the security code displayed on the image above the text box.  *Click on the Remove button and click OK to confirm your action. *After removing the Kaspersky software, restart your computer. https://antivirus-protection.co/uninstall-kaspers ky *Reference THANK YOU