Uploaded on Feb 23, 2021
Shoulder pain is the most common joint pain in your body. If you are facing shoulder pain for a long time, then you should check yourself by the best shoulder surgeons. AOSM is a well-known hospital that has the best shoulder surgeons in Delhi. AOSM provides treatment for all kinds of shoulder injuries.
Tips To Treat Shoulder Pain
Tips To Treat Shoulder Pain An Overview A shoulder is one of the most active joints in the human body. A single wrong move can cause pain and discomfort. The shoulder has three bones including the clavicle (also called collarbone), the humerus (long arm bone), and the scapula (shoulder blade). All these bones are covered by cartilage. This shoulder joint is responsible to move your shoulder backward, forward, up, and down. Undoubtedly, the shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints and is more prone to damage. The rotator cuff plays a very important role in shoulders and sometime may lead you to a serious problem. If you are facing shoulder pain, then you should visit a good doctor. AOSM provides the best joint replacement and orthopaedic facility in Delhi. Here, you will get the best shoulder surgeons in Delhi that provide the best treatment for joint disorders. 2 Following Are The Tips To Treat Your Shoulder Pain: ▰ Anti-inflammatory Medication ▰ Cold Compress ▰ Heat Therapy 3 Anti-inflammatory Medication Healing shoulder pain often includes strengthening muscles and soothing inflammation (redness & swelling). NSAIDS or Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory medications such as naproxen, aspirin, ibuprofen can help you reduce inflammation and shoulder pain. 4 Cold Compress Nothing is better than a cold compress to minimize the inflammation of the shoulder. Cold compress not only helps you to reduce swelling and redness but also numb the pain. 5 Heat Therapy Heat therapy is an effective remedy to relax muscles. It boosts circulation across the muscles and soothes them. It’s a great therapy that helps you in healing muscle pain. 6 Thanks! Any questions? Contact Us ▰ [email protected] ▰ +91 (11) 460-62876