Fresh curd in chennai


Uploaded on Nov 23, 2022

Category Business

Astra Dairy has chosen to use earthen pots and banana leaf for its packaging of traditional Indian Cow's curd, both to protect and preserve the freshness and premium great taste of our cow’s curd, along with being environmentally friendly.

Category Business



Fresh curd in chennai

Fresh curd in chennai O N E O F T H E M A N Y C U R D B E N E F I T S I S T H A T I T H E L P S I M P R O V E D I G E S T I O N , W H I C H I S M A I N L Y D U E T O T H E N U T R I E N T S A V A I L A B L E I N T H E C U R D . E A T I N G C U R D W I L L M A K E I T E A S I E R F O R Y O U R B O D Y T O A B S O R B N U T R I E N T S F R O M O T H E R F O O D S Y O U E A T . S O M E S T U D I E S H A V E A L S O C O N F I R M E D T H A T C O N S U M I N G C U R D C A N H E L P C U R E M A N Y S T O M A C H I N F E C T I O N S I N C L U D I N G H . P Y L O R I I N F E C T I O N . Curd in CBohoestns nImaimunity Thanks to the presence of good bacteria, curd can strengthen your immune system and enable you to enjoy better health. Eating it daily will also have a role in preventing vaginal yeast infection. 3) Strengthen your bones and teeth Like other dairy products, curd contains calcium which plays a role in strengthening bones and teeth. It also contains phosphorous that combines with calcium to promote bone growth. Eating curd regularly will help prevent diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Fresh Curd in Chennai Eliminates dandruff Have you already tried various hair care products to get rid of dandruff and failed? It's time to taste curd! Your dandruff is basically a fungal infection, and the curd has antifungal properties mainly due to the availability of lactic acid. You simply need to add some curd to your scalp and leave it for an hour or so. Wash it with water to remove dandruff. 5) Release anxiety and stress It's hard not to feel stressed in today's highly competitive world, but being depressed can have negative effects on your health. Curd is the solution here. Add curd to your diet and you will feel less anxious and stressed. Curd can reduce activity levels in your brain that are directly related to pain and emotion. Organic Curd in Chennai Helps to lose weight Curd contains plenty of calcium, and calcium can be very important in preventing the formation of cortisol in your body. In the absence of calcium, you'll experience a cortisol imbalance, which typically leads to problems like obesity and hypertension. You simply need to eat at least 18 ounces of curd daily to shed some belly fat. 7) Improve your cardiovascular health Daily consumption of curd will reduce the risks of coronary heart disease because it discourages the formation of cholesterol in the arterial region. It also means that eating yogurt will prevent hypertension and promote better cardiovascular health. Reach Us NAME:Astra Dairy Farms Pvt Ltd ADDRESS: # 22, 1st Floor, 47th Street, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu, India. Call: +91 98400 37106 WED SITE: