How to Sell Property on Bazinga The Free Classified Website


Uploaded on Jul 24, 2019

In this slide show we have described that how you can sell your property easily with the free classified website in UAE.



How to Sell Property on Bazinga The Free Classified Website

How to Sell Property on Bazinga, The Free Classified Website in UAE Viisiit 2 To Use The Serviices Of Baziinga,, You Have To Regiister Fiirst Through Your Name,, Phone Number & Maiill IId.. 3 Aftfterr Submiittitting The IInfforrmatition,, Checck Yourr Emaiill Forr Verriifificcatition.. 4 Aftfterr The Complletition Off Regiissttrratition,, You Can LLog IIn Thrrough Yourr Emaiill & Passssworrd.. 5 Pllacce Yourr Ad Herre By Clliicckiing On Thatt Butttton.. 6 Choosse The Ciitty Thatt You Wantt To Posstt Yourr Ad.. 7 Choosse The Cattegorry ““Prroperrtty Forr Salle””.. 8 Aftfterr Clliicckiing On The Cattegorry,, A Subccattegorry Wiillll Appearr & You Can Choosse The Subccattegorry Frrom Herre Forr Yourr Ad.. 9 Giive Rellevantt Dessccrriiptitionss IIncclludiing IInfforrmatition Off The Prroperrtty Thatt You Wantt To Sellll,, IImagess Off The Prroperrtty & Yourr Conttacctt Dettaiillss.. 10 Now Clliicck On The Submiitt Butttton & Follllow The IInssttrrucctition.. 11 After Getting Approval From The Team Bazinga, Your Ad Will Be Live On The Website. 12 [email protected] +971 58 580 7570 Thank You…