10 Tips to Communicate Better During Presentations

Tips to Communicate Better During Presentations

The one and the only way to make presentations more fruitful and effective are to engage in the required communication skills. In this article, we’ll go over 10 simple tips for giving a confident presentation that gets results.

1. Know your Audience

Employees are more inclined to feel at ease presenting to a familiar audience. Recognizing the people you’re talking to will assist you in better comprehending how to craft a statement that will relate to them.
Begin by determining their level of comprehension of the topic you intend to discuss. It will assist you in deciding how much background you need to incorporate before proceeding more in-depth and also, in selecting the appropriate words. You take the chance of confusing the general population if you use technical terms and acronyms.

2. Proper Rehearsal

Even the most experienced presenter must practice succeeding. Giving a practice demonstration of your speech ahead of time will assist you in determining if you’ve organized the details together well.
It can be beneficial to practice speaking to an imaginary audience or standing in front of a mirror, but it is even more beneficial to practice with the assistance of a supportive coworker, acquaintance, or family member as an audience.

3. Connect with the Audience through stories

Incorporating personal anecdotes or stories into your professional presentations can help you communicate your aim to your listeners. This is conclusively proved on the TED Talk stage.
When TED Presenters appear on stage, they frequently begin with a brief life story. This allows them to interact with the audience on a personal level, and share their enthusiasm for the subject they’re to discuss.
To add a personal feel to your presentation, ensure what you share is directly related to the subject at hand. If you believe the personal story will be difficult to understand, leave it out.

4. Know your objectives

There is a presentation principle that says, Tell them what you intend to say, Say it, and Remind them of what you said.
It emphasizes how critical it is to be completely clear on what reaction you want out of your viewer and to convey your intended result.
If your presentation lacks a core purpose, it is nothing more than a random collection of words.
Think about what you want to say to viewers. It depends on the type of your audience. Take some time to think about whom you are speaking with. Consider what is most likely to impact their actions and judgment that support the goal of your presentation.

5. Make Eye Contact

When you make eye contact, you are more likely to interact with your audience.
Other strategies can be used by presenters to maintain their focus. If you’re using paper notes, make an overview with a few words that will remind you of what you want to cover. Never take verbatim notes. If you are using an audio-visual aid, such as a PowerPoint presentation, make your slides the cues.
When you observe the individuals in the room, you can tell if they comprehend your key points or if you need to explain them further.

6. Follow the 10-20-30 Rule

This is a suggestion from Apple’s Guy Kawasaki. He recommends that slideshows should have no more than 10 slides, last no more than 20 minutes, and have a font size of no less than 30 points.
This last point is particularly important because it prevents you from cramming too much information onto a single slide. This entire approach excludes the feared ‘Death by PowerPoint’.
Slides should certainly contain less data, expressed simply, rather than more.
If you must provide additional information, create a custom handout and distribute it after your speech.

7. Convert constructive criticism to your advantage

When practicing or delivering a presentation, solicit constructive criticism. This analysis includes specific instances and is given humorously. If you know someone is looking out for your best interests, you’ll become more open to their ideas for enhancing your communication style.
Accepting constructive criticism can be difficult. Allow for some time before replying to avoid becoming aggressive or taking the comments genuinely. Incorporate the suggestions in a manner that will assist you to improve your next presentation. Always thank the person for contributing their ideas.

8. Be Enthusiastic

It’s especially important to begin and finish with a style. So, when you’re preparing, make sure you truly concentrate on your intro and conclusion and finish with a powerful call to action.
Modify your tonality and focus regularly. Even if the content is excellent, a monotonous voice can put an audience to sleep.
Maintain your energy all across the talk, but don’t rush through it. Pauses help you stay on track, attract the attention of your audience, and create a flow more smoothly.

9. Adjust to surroundings

The better adjusted you are to your surroundings, the more at ease you will feel. Take some time in the space where you will give your presentation. If possible, rehearse using the microphone and lighting, as well as understand the seating and be conscious of any interruptions raised by the venue.

10. Attend Other Presentations

If you’re presenting at a meeting, attend a few previous talks by other speakers to assess their speaking skills and gain context. This includes respecting your fellow presenters whilst allowing you to evaluate the audience’s reaction. Another speaker may say things that you can use later in your presentation.


The advantages of these skills are easily transferable to other facets of life. Improve your relationships as well as your professional success by communicating clearly and effectively.
Improving speaking in public can take time. The key to developing confidence is a desire to practice public speaking pointers from experts, such as those listed above, and to embrace the temporary discomfort which comes with learning a new skill.

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