Benefits Of Sharing Presentations On

Online Marketing has been boosted by the rising trend of video and presentation sharing. Like videos the appealing outlook of a presentation captures the viewers’ attention instantly. Well, the other option of passing on information would be scrolling through pages of typed text and skimming through to fish out the vital bits. However, an online presentation of an idea or a product brings out the information clearly. The simplicity attracts more viewers.

Sharing of presentations
The idea behind social networks is providing a single platform where users create profiles to share ideas, photos, multimedia and all sorts of information. Social media rides on the value of sharing firsthand experiences. That’s how SharePresentation works. The icing on this cake though is that unlike the bulk of social entertainment one has to sift through mainstream social media, SharePresentation is a network solely for presentations.

Benefits of using SharePresentation.Com
Using SharePresentation to share presentations and documents can be your public relations strategy. The hidden advantage you’d have over a rival who doesn’t do the same is that; SharePresentation, as a social media tool gains new members everyday. That points to a fresh daily audience.  It’s an effective way to attract the target market to your brand, service or product.

A free platform
Networking events’ organizers charge gate fees and only pack take-away marketing leaflets and brochures as your freebies. You don’t even get to shake everyone’s hand and discuss your business. Half of your business cards, printed at a cost, will most likely be the rolled up beautiful paper patterns littering the event’s venue after the event. SharePresentation provides an online space where peers of the same academic, professional or business niche share documents.

Your cloud storage strategy
You most likely hadn’t figured out that as you upload your documents, you’ve stored them online for future reference. That’s killing two birds with one stone. Uploaded documents do not gather dust. They’re easily accessible by the public.

Search Engine Optimization for your documents
Search engines like Google normally index social or online networks and comb through them for faster ‘search results’. This idea rides on how social sites receive massive web traffic due to profiled membership. Documents uploaded on SharePresentation get a higher visibility chance on search engines.

Integration with social media
It’s okay to extend the interaction experience with peers to other social media platforms. SharePresentation enables sharing of documents via a direct link to your integrated Twitter, FaceBook and GooglePlus accounts at a click. Furthermore, this hub creates an embed code that can be pasted in the HTML of your personal website or blog. That means your slides will be accessible to your site’s visitors without directly visiting SharePresentation.

User-friendly Information discovery 
Relevant categories and tags ease the filtering of uploaded information. Uploading information of a certain niche builds your brand. In addition to that, documents are downloadable for offline viewing.

Sign up!
It is absolutely free.  You can track your peers’ uploads and stay updated on what they’re up to while you do the same for them. That’s how brands grow!

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