Uploaded on Mar 15, 2021
A blocked drain is one of the most common plumbing problems that can happen at home. If your bathroom or kitchen has a clogged drain, it can be a headache and create a major mess. Some of the plumbing problems caused by blocked drains are slow draining showers or bathtubs, and washers and dishwashers are unable to complete their cycle.
BlueMountains Presentation (1)
4 SIGNS OF A BLOCKED DRAIN A blocked drain is one of the most common plumbing problems that can happen at home. If your bathroom or kitchen has a clogged drain, it can be a headache and create a major mess. Some of the plumbing problems caused by blocked drains are slow draining showers or bathtubs, and washers and dishwashers are unable to complete their cycle. Nobody likes the idea that you're having a hot shower with the water in your bathtub. A blocked drain can be an easy fix and can lead to larger problems if not handled as soon as possible. We have the best team in Katoomba. Call us now and our team will f ix the problem of your blocked drain. UNUSUAL NOISE COMING FROM THE DRAINS There are a lot of s igns to warn you i f your drains are blocked, the noise coming f rom your drain is a big giveaway. I f you can hear gurgl ing sounds coming f rom your drain, i t may mean that the air is stuck in the pipes. BAD SMELL COMING FROM THE DRAINS Another s ign of a blocked drain may be a bad smel l coming f rom your bath, s ink, shower or toi let . This smel l can also seem worse when the taps are switched on. This usual ly occurs s ince food waste has been accumulated and is now trapped in the pipes. As food decomposes, i t can emit an unpleasant smel l . WATER DRAINING SLOWLY I f you have some b lockage in your p ipes, your water can f low more s lowly than normal . You can test how s lowly the water f lows out o f your bath, s ink , shower or to i le t . I f you th ink i t 's s lower than normal , i t could be one of the f i rs t s igns that your dra ins are being b locked. WATER LEVEL RISING IN TOILET The water level is a very s imple indicator o f a b locked to i le t dra in . B locked dra inage can resul t in your water leve ls increasing h igher than normal af ter f lush ing. I f i t s tar ts to leak, ca l l us immediate ly in Katoomba to determine the prob lem instead of tak ing a p lunger . FIX YOUR BLOCKED DRAIN NOW I f you have become aware of one or more of the above symptoms, you must cal l a plumber as soon as possible to arrange for an examination to diagnose any possible blockage. Any blockage left unchecked can result in an unsanitary fl ow of water from your sinks, bathtubs and toi lets. You can also fi nd a raw sewage leak from your inspection point/overfl ow rel ief gul ly to your yard. In our experience, the blockage wil l go from being a minor issue to an emergency. I f you are l iving in Katoomba or nearby surroundings and want to fi x your blocked drain then cal l us. Disclaimer: This is a generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website. CONTACT US PHONE : 0481 187 068 EMAIL : [email protected] ADDRESS : PLUMBERS & GAS FITTERS GLENBROOK, NSW 2773, AUSTRALIA