2x4 LED Panel Lights - Switch to Better and Enriched Form of Lights


Uploaded on May 3, 2019

Category Business

Among various kinds of indoor LEDs, you can install LED Panel Lights that are relatively newer forms of lights and can make the place look more modern and appealing as well. Today there are various different styles available and you can use 2X4 LED Panel Lights among many others. For More Info: https://www.ledmyplace.com/collections/2x4

Category Business



2x4 LED Panel Lights - Switch to Better and Enriched Form of Lights

2x4 LED Panel Lights www.ledmyplace.com Switch to Better and Enriched form of lights, 2x4 LED Panel Lights Gone were the days when only few people were aware about the LED lighting products but the growing popularity of these lights have urged the users to replace the traditional form of lights with the latest and new lighting products. Among various kinds of indoor LEDs, you can install LED panel lights that are relatively newer forms of lights and can make the place look more modern and appealing as well. Today there are various different styles available in the LED panel lights and you can use 2X4 LED Panel lights among many others. www.ledmyplace.com Benefits  These rectangular 72w 2X4 LED panel lights are light in weight and can be easily installed at many different places.  These LED panels are eco-products and are safe for the environment.  Also, they don’t emit any toxic chemicals including mercury or lead.  The color Temperature of these panel lights is 5000K providing daywhite light glow.  Helpful in creating good and productive work environment. Benefits Higher CRI of greater than 80 can make objects real and natural.  Also wider beam angle of greater than 120 degree allow you to cover entire place.  These 72w lights produce 7200 lumens and can be replaced with 400w MH lights with these LED panelws.ww.ledmyplace.com T H A N K YOU www.ledmyplace.com