Laowa Lens Review


Uploaded on Mar 16, 2020

Category Business

Our initial takeaway from our first test was the visuals on the Laowa probe lens are truly as unique as advertised, however, it was evident to our team there were some factors that needed to be ironed out. Read full review here:

Category Business



Laowa Lens Review

Laow a Lens Revie w Bubba’s bought a Laowa probe lens, a.k.a a snorkel lens. We started experimenting with the probe lens as soon as it arrived at our studio. For our first shoot, we gathered every weird knick-knack within our studio that we felt would be a fascinating item for the lens to interact with. The results were so-so. Our initial takeaway from our first test was the visuals on the Laowa probe lens are truly as unique as advertised, however, it was evident to our team there were few factors that should have been resolved. A key to working with the Laowa probe lens is figuring out the right subject matter that will benefit from being shot on this Laowa lens. The in- camera practical effects with the Laowa lens is nothing short of spectacular. Our team will continue exploring new ways to utilize the probe lens. One thing we are excited about is running our practical shots through VFX pipeline. We believe the Laowa probe lens is worth the investment to capture products in unique ways. Read full review here: lens- review/ Thank You