Uploaded on May 13, 2022
Electrical wires are the foundation of every electrical circuit we observe. When these are linked to the correct terminals, they create enough power to run them. A multitude of factors influences the type of cable to be used, depending on the application. In terms of safety requirements and application fields, research and technological breakthroughs have made it possible to manufacture a wide range of cable kinds.
Different Cable Wires And Their Applications
Different Cable Wires And Their EAlecptrpicalli wciarets iaoren thse foundation of every electrical circuit we observe. When these are linked to the correct terminals, they create enough power to run them. A multitude of factors influences the type of cable to be used, depending on the application. In terms of safety requirements and application fields, research and technological breakthroughs have made it possible to manufacture a wide range of cable kinds. www.cabconindia.com 1. Shielded Cables: It is made up of one or two insulated wires that are covered by a woven, braided shield or aluminium Mylar foil for better signal transmission and to eliminate power frequency fluctuations and external radio interference. These shielded wires transport high-voltage electric electricity. 2. Coaxial Cables: This is made up of a solid copper or steel conductor that has been coated with copper and is encased with metallic braid and tape. An insulated protective outer jacket completely covers this. Computer networking and audio-video networking both use these wires. 3. Fibre Cables: These cables carry optical data signals from a connected light source to the receiving device. We all know what optical fibre is and how it may be used in a variety of applications. T H A NK Y O U FOR COMING W W W . C A B C O N I N D I A . C O M @reallygreatsit e