How to Use Balsa Wood Paper On Your Projects-converted


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How to Use Balsa Wood Paper On Your Projects-converted

How to Use Balsa Wood Paper On Your Projects? So many cool new products are arriving at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't wait to create with all of them! Besides all the colors of solid cardstock, all the time, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is balsa wood paper that is actually real wood with a paper backing. 1. Use wood paper to make a frame for your card. It didn't take me long to try and recreate one of those trendy wood frames I'm seeing in all the home decor stores. I put my craftsman skills to the test and even did mitered corners on my frame. Add some pretty patterned papers inside your frame for an extra special touch. In this case I used the COctober 15, 2020So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, rtH o w to U se B a lsa W o o d P ap e r O n Y o u r P ro je c ts all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. In use wood paper by making some cards. this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. Bella by M ichelle Pr ice Tartan No. 2 collection for a Christmasy Plaid. 2. Make faux wood accents. Things that are wood in nature, can now be wood on your crafts. I made a Halloween picket fence from the light brown balsa paper. This would be a fun technique for little wooden front doors and all kinds of things! How to Use Balsa W ood Paper On Your Projects by Mi chelle Pr ice October 15, 2020 So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. In use wood paper by making some cards. this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. 3. Cut titles and sentiments from wood paper. You can give your page titles and card sentiments some major wow factor when you cut them from this balsa wood paper. Pop them off the page with dimensional foam adhesive or layer them on white paper to make them stand out. So easy! How to Use Balsa W ood Paper On Your Projects by Mi chelle Pr ice October 15, 2020 So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. In use wood paper by making some cards. this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. 4. Make dramatic backgrounds! Ever since I saw this scrap technique for rainbow backgrounds, I have been totally obsessed. I thought it would be cool to try the same technique with a the various shades of balsa wood paper, and the result is dramatic and unique. It looks like a fancy inlaid wood coffee table. THow to Use Balsa W ood Paper On Your Projectsby Mi chelle Pr iceOctober 15, 2020 e only So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. In use wood paper by making some cards. this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. problem is that it's almost too pretty to cover up. To get this look, start by laying down your center strip of wood paper, making sure it is evenly spaced on the corners. In other words, you want it to cover corner to corner with the background piece corner right in the middle. Next start laying strips down, one at a time, keeping it symmetrical by using color and strip size onth eea csha msiede of that original How to Use Balsa W ood Paper On Your Projectsby Mi chelle Pr iceOctober 15, 2020So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. In use wood paper by making some cards. this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. section. Once all your strips are placed, trim around the edge of the background piece to get a nice and neat square piece. Next cut diagonally corner to corner, on that original strip you laid, making sure your cut is dead center down the middle of that strip. You now have two triangles. Measure the exact center on the longest side of the rectangle. Cut fHow to Use Balsa W ood Paper On Your Projectsby Mi chelle Pr iceOctober 15, 2020 m the So m any cool new products are arr ivi ng at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't w ait to create with all of them ! Besides all the colors of sol id cardstock, all the t ime, we've been getting some great new specialty papers in. One of the latest is bal sa w ood 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. paper It didn' t take m e l ong to try and recreate one of those tthraetn ids ya cwtouoadll y real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool, but you might be wonderi ng how to use ski lls to the test and even di d m itered corners on my corner to wood paper in your proj ects? Si nce I'm a frame. Add some pretty patterned papers ins ide your cardmaker, I thought I 'd show you four fun ways to frame for an extra special touch. Inuse wood paper by making some cards.this case I used the Carta Bella Tartan No. 2 collec tion for a Chr istm asy Plaid. that center point to create four triangles. Take your pieces and rotate them a bit until you get the look you want. You can try several different designs until you get the look and feel you want! It seems a bit complicated, but once you do the first one, you'll be a pro! How to Use Bal sa W ood Paper On Your Projectsby M ichelle PriceOctober 15, 2020So many cool new products are arriv ing at 12x12 Cardstock Shop and I can't wait to create wi th all of them! Bes ides all the colors of soli d cardstock , all the tim e, we've been gett ing som e great new special ty papers in. One of the latest is balsa wood paper that is actually real wood with a paper backing. It's so cool , but you might be wondering how to use wood paper in your projec ts? Si nce I'm a cardmaker, I thought I'd show you four fun ways to use wood paper by making some cards. 1. Use wood paper to m ake a frame for your card. It didn't take me long to try and recreate one of those trendy w ood skills to the test and even di d mi tered corners on m y frame. Add som e pretty patterned papers ins ide your fram e for an extra special touch. In this case I used the Carta Bel la Tartan No. 2 coll ect ion for a Chr istmasy Plaid. [email protected] (801) 717-9006 October 15, 2020