3 Ways to Improve Your Warehouse Performance


Uploaded on Nov 24, 2020

Category Business

Warehouse operations are critical for any company. The efficiency of warehouse operations brings in low costs and happy customers. Warehouse Solutions in India therefore leave no stone unturned to improve their level of performance. By focussing on the right means of practices, warehouse and logistics in India can bring out the best in their operations. Here are 3 ways on how to improve your warehouse performance:

Category Business



3 Ways to Improve Your Warehouse Performance

3 W A Y S TO IMPROVE YOUR W A R E H O U S E CH O W G U L EB R O T H E PERR S FORMANCE 3 W A Y S A R E AS FOLLOWS: Organize according to priority Improve warehouse layout Educate and empower the workforce ORGA NIZE ACCORDING TO P RIORIT Y A wel l - organised warehouse is a key tosmooth functioning. Arrange everything in a r ight manner. The famous 5 S method of arrangement i . e Sor t; Set in order; Shine; Standardize; and Sustain will help keep clutteraway, reduceerrors and improve safety. I M PR O V E W A REH OU SE L A Y O U T Warehouses need to be optimised for best use. Try and uti l ise ver t ical spaces rather than expanding across thefootprint of your warehouse. Make useof tal ler storage options. Add shelves that are r ight to store specifi c goods. Make useof one- way traff ic inaisles to minimisea collision. E D U C A T E A N D E M P O W E R T H E WORKFORCE Make surethatyour staff is well trained so that they always execute work professionally. Regularly review their performance and conduct training for updating them on new software. Make use of warehouse management systems and trainyour staff on how to use them eff ectively. C O N T A C T U S A d d r e s s Chowgu le Hou se ,Mo rmugao Ha rbour ,Goa - 4 0 3 8 0 3 . P h o n e N u m b e r + 9 1 7 7 2 0 0 1 8 4 7 1 E - m a i l A d d r e s s wa rehou s ing .cb@chowgu le .co . in