Business Ethics And Relationships.


Uploaded on Aug 25, 2021

PPT on Business Ethics And Relationships.



Business Ethics And Relationships.

BUSINESS ETHICS AND RELATIONSHIPS Introduction • The ethical foundation of a company is important to the way a company is perceived by customers and peers alike. It is also a source of pride and self-respect for the company itself. Source: Ethical business relationship • Ethical business relationships are less often a matter of legal compliance as they are of conscious self-governance by individuals and businesses. Source: Conflicts of Interest • Engaging in activities that are in direct conflict with the needs of your customers or clients, or engaging in personal activity that is in conflict with your business, are conflicts of interest. • A conflict of interest is unethical and can result in legal repercussions and damage to the ethical foundation of the company. Source: Ethical Customer Relationships • Ethical relationships concerning your company's interaction with customers can have a direct impact on the success of your company. • Ethical customer relationships should include honesty with customers, delivering a good product or service and backing the product or service. Source: Ethical Employee Relationships • Ethical employee relationships are essential to the smooth operation of a business. This means keeping unhealthy levels of competition and personal relationships between employees out of the work place, while providing an environment where employees feel they are treated equally and fairly. Source: Nepotism • Nepotism occurs when a family member is shown special favors. While hiring a family member who is unqualified for a job is not illegal, it can open the door for perceived unethical behavior. Source: Business relationships • Many people are rightfully concerned that they will have to compromise their own standards when it comes time to accept jobs in the financial world, the medical world, as well as in many other fields, including construction, Internet information and technology, science, and global business relationships. Source: Decision Making • While many of us want to do the right thing, there are times when we all find ourselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to making the right decision and maintaining job security. Source: The Bottom Line • How we each deal with such dilemmas is a personal decision that is based a great deal on our own upbringing, moral codes, and standards. • Our values, sense of loyalty, and trust are incorporated into our actions and, as such, affect the day-to-day running of businesses, both large and small. Source: THANK YOU