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PPT on Communication and its relation to marketing effectiveness.
Communication and its relation to marketing effectiveness.
COMMUNIICATIION AND IITS RELATIION TO MARKETIING EFFECTIIVENESS Communication & Marketing • Communication can be defined as a process of exchanging of information from one person to another through an effective medium of exchange. • Marketing, basically is a process or an activity of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging products and services to the customers, clients and society at large. Source: www.linkedin.com IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION ON MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS Building and maintaining relationships • In order to have effective and long-term relationships with its stakeholders, a marketer needs to have good interpersonal skills. It is important to create an emotional connection with your clients. Source: www.linkedin.com Facilitates innovation when marketing • Innovation is one of the most important elements of the marketing process. To market the goods and services better than its competitors one needs to be creative. Source: www.linkedin.com Enhancing transparency • One needs to be completely transparent with its marketers because they are the brand ambassadors of the business. • Moreover, effective communication makes employees and customers sure that their needs are considered and understood. Source: www.linkedin.com Overcoming marketing obstacles • There are many challenges that a business has to face. These could be cultural barriers, language barriers, etc. which hinder the process of marketing. • Therefore, one needs an effective communication system to make the marketing process effective. Source: www.linkedin.com Establishing professionalism while marketing • There is always a professional relationship between the business and its customers and clients. It is required to use a professional language while dealing with customers. • As a marketer, one must possess good interpersonal skills to connect with prospective clients. Source: www.linkedin.com MAJOR MODES OF COMMUNICATION IN MARKETING Advertising • Advertising helps in creating and maintaining the Brand Equity. It fulfills the four objectives i.e., to inform, persuade, differentiate and remind. Source: www.linkedin.com Public relations • It is a two-way form of communication which identifies, establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the public. Source: www.linkedin.com Direct marketing • It means to communicate directly with the target customers through telephone, mail or any other electronic means. • Direct marketing allows a company to target more precisely a segment of customers and prospects with a sales message tailored to their specific needs and characteristics. Source: www.linkedin.com Sales promotion • Sales promotion are the extra incentives provided by the company in order to accelerate the product’s movement from the producer to the consumer. Consumer promotions include coupons, samples, premiums, and rebates etc. Source: www.linkedin.com