A Definitive Guide to Understand Inflation.


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A Definitive Guide to Understand Inflation.

A DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO UNDERSTAND INFLATION 2/1/20XX 1 Inflation •Infl ation is the rate at which the prices for goods and services increase. Infl ation often aff ects the buying capacity of consumers. •Most Central banks try to l imit infl ation in order to keep their respective economies functioning effi ciently. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n CAUSES OF INFLATION Money Supply •Excess currency supply in an economy is one of the primary cause of infl ation. •This happens when the money circulation in a nation grows above the economic growth, therefore reducing the value of the currency. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n National Debt •There are several factors that infl uence national debt, which include the nations borrowing and spending. •Taxes can be ra i sed i n te rna l l y. •Add i t i ona l money can be p r in ted to pay off the deb t . S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n Demand- Pull Effect •The demand-pull eff ect states that in a growing economy as wages increase within an economy, people will have more money to spend on goods and services. Source: c leartax. in Effects of Inflation •When there is infl ation in the country, the purchasing power of the people decreases as the prices of commodit ies and services are high. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n Effects of Inflation Cont. •The value of currency unit decreases which impacts the cost of l iv ing in the country. •When the rate of infl ation is high, the cost of l iv ing also increases, which leads to a deceleration in economic growth. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n STEPS TO OFFSET INFLATION Invest in long- term investments •When it comes to long-term investments, spending money now for investments can al low you to benefi t from infl ation in the future. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n Make balanced investments •Though investing in bonds alone feel safer, invest in mult iple portfol ios. Do not put al l your eggs in one basket to outpace infl ation. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n Save More •Retirement requires more money than one might imagine. The two ways to meet retirement goals are to save more or invest aggressively. S o u rc e : c l e a r t a x . i n