What are the downsides of microfinance?


Uploaded on Jun 1, 2023

PPT on Microfinance



What are the downsides of microfinance?

W H A T A R E T H E D O W N S I D E S O F M I C R O F I N A N C E ? What is Microfinance?  Microfi nance is a term for fi nancia l serv ices that are off ered to indiv iduals of lower soc ioeconomic backgrounds or those who lack access to t radi t ional fi nancia l serv ices . Source: corporatefinanceinstitute.com Over-Indebtedness  The microfi nance sector deals wi th marginal ized sect ions of Indian soc iety intending to improve thei r standard of l iv ing, and thus over- indebtedness poses a severe chal lenge to i ts growth. Source: finezza.in Higher Interest Rates in Comparison to Mainstream Banks  The fi nancia l success of MFIs i s l imi ted when compared to commercia l banks in India.  The centur ies-o ld banking system has a strong foothold in Indian grounds and is s lowly evolv ing to meet the needs of the t imes. Source: finezza.in Widespread Dependence on Indian Banking System  Because most microfi nance inst i tut ions funct ion as registered Non- Governmenta l Organizat ions (NGOs) , they are dependent on fi nancia l inst i tut ions such as commercia l banks for s tabi l ized funding to carry out the ir own lending act iv i t ies . Source: finezza.in Inadequate Investment Validation  Investment va luat ion is a cruc ia l capabi l i ty for the heal thy funct ioning of an MFI . The developing nature of the markets in which MFIs operate, the market act iv i ty is o ften l imi ted. Source: finezza.in Lack of Enough Awareness of Financial Services in the Economy  The severe lack of awareness about pol ic ies and products off ered by MFIs make i t d iffi cul t for these inst i tut ions to sustain in excessive ly compet i t ive environments that developing nat ions are home to. Source: finezza.in Regulatory Issues  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the premier regulatory body for the microfi nance industry in India.  However, RBI more or less caters to commercia l and tradi t ional banks more than i t he lps MFIs . Source: finezza.in Choice of Appropriate Model  Most Indian MFIs fo l low the Sel f-He lp Group model (SHG model) or the Jo int L iabi l i ty Group model ( JLG model ) o f lending.  They hardly se lect the model based on sc ient ifi c reasoning. Source: finezza.in Conclusion  Although i t has come a long way, the microfi nance sector can use technological a id to i ts own advantage to advance loans to the rural populace of India . Source: finezza.in