Financial Planning For Businesses


Uploaded on Dec 1, 2021

PPT on Financial Planning For Businesses



Financial Planning For Businesses

FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR BUSINESSES INTRODUCTION Building a business financial plan is never easy. It requires effort, good data, and a fair amount of imagination. And if you’ve never done this before, you’ll likely hit a few roadblocks along the way. Source: What is business financial planning? The financial section of a business plan is one of the most essential components of the plan, as you will need it if you have any hope of winning over investors or obtaining a bank loan. Source: IMPORTANCE OF FINANCIAL PLANNING IN BUSINESS Cash flow management Your financial plan should also set clear expectations for cash flow - the amount coming in and out of the company. In the beginning, you’ll of course spend more than you make. Source: Smart budget allocation This is obviously closely related to cash flow management (above) and cost reductions (below). Once you have a clear understanding of the amount of funding you have to spend - whether through sales income or investments - you need to figure out how you’ll actually spend it. Source: Necessary cost reductions Aside from setting out how much you can afford to spend (and on what), a financial plan also lets you spot savings ahead of time. If you’ve already been in business for some time, building your financial plan involves first looking back at what you’ve already spent and how fast you’re currently growing. Source: Risk mitigation A crucial aspect of the finance team’s role is to help companies avoid and navigate risk - from financial fraud to economic crisis. And while plenty of risks are hard to predict or even avoid, there are plenty that you can see coming. Source: Crisis management The first thing that tends to happen in any company crisis is you review and re-build your plans. Which of course means that you must have a clear business plan in the first place. Otherwise, your crisis response is simply to improvise. Source: Smooth fundraising A financial plan that speaks to investors is critical, and the better your history of planning is, the more likely they’ll trust your projections. So whether or not you’re looking for funds today, a business financial plan is an important tool in your chest. Source: Growth roadmap Financial plan helps you analyze your current situation, and project where you want the business to be in the future. Again, your wider business plan will do this on a broad level: the markets you’d like to be present in; the number of employees you’ll have; the products or services you hope to sell. Source: