What is a Franchise and How does it work


Uploaded on Dec 10, 2021

PPT on What is a Franchise and How does it work



What is a Franchise and How does it work

WHAT IS A FRANCHISE AND HOW DOES IT WORK? Introduction  Franchi s ing i s a spec ia l way o f s t ruc tur ing a bus iness re lat ionsh ip .  For those who fi nd the idea o f own ing the i r own bus iness in t r igu ing, but pre fer a mode l to fo l l ow, a f ranchi se may be jus t the t i cket . Source: smallbiztrends.com Franchisor  Th is i s the brand or company that c reates the or ig ina l bus iness and then deve lops the b luepr in t .  The f ranchisor grants to th i rd par t i es the r i ght to carry on a bus iness out le t under the brand’s name and t rademark , accord ing to an ident ifi ed sys tem, usua l ly w i th in a spec ifi c te rr i tory or at a spec ifi c locat ion , for an agreed-upon per iod o f t ime. Source: smallbiztrends.com Franchise opportunity  You get to draw upon a l l the work the f ranchi se has done before you to tes t , refi ne and per fec t the bus iness concept .  You ge t to lean on the mother-sh ip ’s brand, buying power , proven f ranchise systems, adv ice , t ra in ing , techno logy and nat iona l marke t ing . Source: smallbiztrends.com Fundamentals of How a Franchise Works  Governed by Federa l and s tate laws  Long te rm contrac t  Rules to fo l low  Independent bus iness owner  Sca lab le mode l Source: smallbiztrends.com Multi-unit Franchises  Owning mul t i p le un i ts o f a f ranch ise i s the path that many weal thy f ranch ise bus iness owners have taken .  Prospect ive f ranch isees who are growth-or iented w i l l keep the future in mind f rom the s ta r t .  Chances are you wi l l want more than one ind iv idua l f ranchi se out le t a f te r you ge t your arms around running your fi rs t un i t . Source: smallbiztrends.com Master Franchises  There ’s a l so someth ing ca l led a maste r f ranchi se . In a maste r f ranch ise one buys the r i ghts to an ent i re area, and i t ’ s usua l ly based on popu lat i on . Source: smallbiztrends.com Franchise Agreement  Jus t l i ke every offi c ia l agreement requ i res lega l paperwork , the f ranchi se agreement i s the lega l paperwork for own ing a brand’s f ranch ise .  I t i s a wr i t ten lega l document which i s the base o f a f ranchi sor- f ranchisee re lat ionsh ip . Source: www.franchiseindia.com Franchise business model  A f ranch ise i s a k ind o f bus iness owned by a person ca l l ed a f ranchi see under the brand, t rademark , and bus iness mode l owned by a company ca l led the f ranchi sor. Source: smallbiztrends.com Responsibilities Of The Franchisor  Tra in ing requi rements  Requi rements re lated to par t i c ipat ing in the bus iness  Requi rements re la ted to mainta in and submi t the records Source: okcredit.in Conclusion  These are the bas ic gu ide l ines for a f ranch ise bus iness mode l and how a f ranchise works .  The in format ion shared in th i s ar t i c le w i l l he lp you understand how the f ranch ise works and gu ide you wi th a success fu l f ranch ise bus iness . Source: okcredit.in