Rise Of Entrepreneurship


Uploaded on Nov 30, 2021

PPT on Rise Of Entrepreneurship.



Rise Of Entrepreneurship

RISE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Introduction  The global pandemic has brought about a t rue boom in startups, as the number of new companies around the wor ld has s ignifi cantly surpassed the indicators of last year. Such a surge in entrepreneurship is be ing attr ibuted to workers who were la id off and started the ir own businesses. Source: www.forbes.com Entrepreneurship in United States  In the Uni ted States, in Ju ly 2020 the number of appl icat ions for star t ing a business reached i ts a l l - t ime highs of 551,657 00 an increase of 95% compared to the same per iod in 2019, according to the Census Bureau. Source: www.forbes.com Entrepreneurship in France  In France, 84,000 new bus inesses were registered in October, according to McKinsey. This i s a h is tor ical maximum and a 20% increase f rom the same month in 2019. Source: www.forbes.com Entrepreneurship in Japan  Japan registered 10,000 new businesses in September 2020, up by 14% over the same month in 2019. Source: www.forbes.com Entrepreneurship in UK  In the U.K. , the number of registered companies increased by 30% year on year in November and December 2020, according to the Nat ional Stat ist ical Offi ce. Startups have grown in the double-d igi t values s ince June. Source: www.forbes.com Changing consumer demand  Startups are t ry ing to respond to changing consumer demand by opt ing for the logist ics , de l ivery and IT industr ies.  For example , according to an analys is conducted by the Univers i ty o f Kent, onl ine t rading was the dr iv ing force behind the startup boom in the fi rst 11 months of 2020 in the UK. Source: www.forbes.com Real estate  Real estate has t ru ly seen the introduct ion of dig i t i zat ion over the course of 2020, when v iewings of propert ies were d iverted into the onl ine envi ronment.  Some startups have caught on to the onl ine t rend and started off er ing specia l ized serv ices ta i lored to the industry. Source: www.forbes.com Retail and warehouse businesses  Growth appeared to be strongest in retai l and warehouse bus inesses, perhaps refl ect ing the boom in e -commerce dur ing the pandemic. There was a lso a notable increase in heal th care start -ups. Source: www.forbes.com Entrepreneurs Are Opportunists  Businesses usual ly face problems every day. This i s due to the external envi ronment. Most usual ly r ide th is “wave” and endure.  They try to brace the company for what i s to come rather than fi nding a way out or better , fi nding opportuni t ies. Entrepreneurs are such that they fi nd opportunit ies that others would not fi nd. Source: www.earlytorise.com The current rise of entrepreneurship  With economic t imes tough, many people are fi nding themselves d is i l lus ioned wi th the idea of doing a job for someone e lse.  The lack of secur i ty in the current c l imate leaves many profess ionals changing employer every couple of years, and fee l ing increasingly less loyal to the bus inesses they work for. Source: www.forbes.com