Share Market & Financial System.


Uploaded on Aug 9, 2021

PPT on Share Market & Financial System.



Share Market & Financial System.

Share Market & Financial System WHAT IS SHARE MARKET? • A share market is where shares are either issued or traded in. A share market only allows trading of shares.  • The key difference is that a stock market helps you trade financial instruments like bonds, mutual funds, derivatives as well as shares of companies. Source: TYPES OF SHARE MARKET • There are two kinds of share markets. • Primary markets • Second markets Source: Primary Market • This where a company gets registered to issue a certain amount of shares and raise money. This is also called getting listed in a stock exchange. Source: Secondary Market • Secondary market transactions are referred to trades where one investor buys shares from another investor at the prevailing market price or at whatever price the two parties agree upon. Source: HOW TO INVEST IN SHARE MARKET • First, you need to open a trading account and a demat account to invest in share market. This trading and demat account will be linked to your savings account to facilitate smooth transfer of money and shares. Source: What are Financial Markets? • Financial markets, from the name itself, are a type of marketplace that provides an avenue for the sale and purchase of assets such as bonds, stocks, foreign exchange, and derivatives. Source: FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS TRADED IN A STOCK MARKET • Below are the main four key financial instruments that are traded in Stock market: 1. Bonds 2. Shares 3. Derivatives 4. Mutual Fund Source: TYPES OF FINANCIAL MARKETS Stock market • The stock market trades shares of ownership of public companies. Each share comes with a price, and investors make money with the stocks when they perform well in the market. It is easy to buy stocks. Source: Bond market • The bond market offers opportunities for companies and the government to secure money to finance a project or investment. In a bond market, investors buy bonds from a company, and the company returns the amount of the bonds within an agreed period, plus interest. Source: Commodities market • The bond market offers opportunities for companies and the government to secure money to finance a project or investment. In a bond market, investors buy bonds from a company, and the company returns the amount of the bonds within an agreed period, plus interest. Source: Derivatives market • Such a market involves derivatives or contracts whose value is based on the market value of the asset being traded. The futures mentioned above in the commodities market is an example of a derivative. Source: