What Is Yield Farming in Cryptocurrency?


Uploaded on Jan 30, 2023

Category Business

PPT on Yield Farming

Category Business



What Is Yield Farming in Cryptocurrency?

WHAT IS YIELD FARMING IN CRYPTOCURRENCY? INTRODUCTION Yield farming is a method of earning rewards or interest by depositing your cryptocurrency into a pool with other users. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com CRYPTOCURRENCY LENDING The pooled funds are used to carry out smart contracts such as cryptocurrency lending that generates interest in return. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com PROVIDE HIGH INTEREST RATES For investors prioritizing aggressive returns, yield farms may provide high interest rates, including more than 100%. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com RISK Participating in yield farms entails assuming a risk of losing your entire investment. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com HOW YIELD FARMING WORKS? In many ways, yield farming works like a savings account, where you deposit money with a bank, which then pools depositor money and lends it forward while you earn interest on the funds you deposited. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com LIQUIDITY POOL IS CREATED The first step in yield farming is creating a liquidity pool. This relies on a smart contract that facilitates all investing and borrowing for that specific yield farm. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com INVESTORS DEPOSIT ASSETS Investors can connect their digital wallets to deposit currency in the liquidity pool. This is sometimes referred to as “staking.” This is somewhat similar to customers making a deposit in a bank or investing in a mutual fund or ETF. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com SMART CONTRACT ENABLES BORROWING The smart contract can facilitate several processes, including adding liquidity for a cryptocurrency exchange market, or lending to others. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com REWARD PAYOUT Interest, bonuses, and rewards may vary by yield farm. You may be paid at regular intervals or on a specific future date. Source: www.thebalancemoney.com THANK YOU