Uploaded on Nov 24, 2020
No matter how big your house is you will always feel the need for more space in it. This is why most people renovate, expand, or buy bigger real estate in Goa. While doing can help you get the extra space you desire, however, it’s an expensive and time-consuming process. Thus before you think about any long-term changes, here are some design tips that will help you unlock more space in your 3 BHK apartments in Mapusa.
Design Tips to Create More Space in Your 3 BHK Apartment
DESIGN T IPS TO CREATE MORE SPACE I N YOUR 3 B H K A P A R T M E N T C L A S S I C S Q U A R E S TIPS A R E AS FOLLOWS: Repurpose dead space Use multifunctional furniture Have a multi- purpose room Use your wal l space Go for a minimalist interiordecor REPURPOSE D E A D SP A CE Most homes general ly have meaning spaces that are unused and empty. Use thesespaces to make wall cabinets or drawers it canhelp drastical ly reduce clutterandincrease space in your home. Bedroom, l iving room or k itchen, and hal lway are places where you will f ind dead space in your home. USE M U L T IF U NCT IONA L F U R N I T U R E The bestadvantages of having multifunctional furniture is that i t helps save a tone of space in yourhome by minimizing furniture pieces in a room. Using multifunctional furniture in your home can make it look aesthetically pleasing and also save you a ton of money. H A V E A M U L T I - PURPOSE ROOM You can combine the functions of two rooms into one to enjoy more space in your home. Your bedroom can act as your offi ce or your guest room can serve as a home gym. This process can be challenging at f irst but with good organization ski l ls, you can easily squeeze in 2 functions in a single room. USE YOUR W A L L SPACE Organizing your stuff on the groundlevel is a mistake that you should avoid. I t creates clutter and reduces functionality. It makes more sense to organize your stuff ver t ical ly. Using hooks, shelves, racks, and wall- mounted storage cabinets you can easi ly have more space in your apartment. GO FOR A M I N I M A L I S T INTERIOR DECOR Mostr ealestatedevelopers inGoa offerhomeswith minimal ist ic inter ior decor which are not only aesthetically pleasing but alsohelpsreduce clutter and overstuffi ng of unnecessary elements in yourhome. When it comes to creating more space in your home always remember ‘ lesser the better”. C O N T A C T U S A d d r e s s 5 th Floo r , Fo r tune Square Bu i ldingNea r A J Supe r Ma rke t , Mo rod , Mapu sa , Goa 4 0 3 5 0 7 P h o n e N u m b e r + 9 1 8 3 8 1 0 8 0 0 0 7 , + 9 1 8 8 8 8 0 6 0 0 0 7 E - m a i l A d d r e s s sa le s@c la s s i c squa re s . i n