Download Sample Project Report For Bank Loan In Excel


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Download Sample Project Report For Bank Loan In Excel

ANNEXURE-I Project Cost & Source of Finance Break Even Product Basic Details At 100% Capacity Finished Goods Market 51.90 Raw Material Market Rate/Kg (A) Capital Investment 2100000 utilisation (output) Rate/Kg Thermocol disposal products 1st Year at 70% 66.73 (B) Working Capital 1553209 Capacity utilisation EPS & PP Sheet 150 1. Thaali 45% 300 (Thali, Plate & Dona Plant) Total Project Cost 3653209 2. Plate & Dona 45% 300 Pay Back Period 03 Yrs 04 Month Equity 1000000 3. Scrap 10% 15 Bank Loan 2653209 IRR 33% Raw Material Req for Installed Capacity of Capacity production (IN KG), Preliminiary Revenue (IN Rs.) R.M,Conv Cost Depreciation Interest Net Profit Plant(25 Kg /Hour) Utilisation 300 Working Days in a operating selling & Exp W.Off Year distribution exp Thaali Plate & Dona Wastage Total 1st Year 70% 42000 5670000 5670000 63000 11403000 10086300 205000 372210 20000 719490 2nd Year 80% 48000 6480000 6480000 72000 13032000 11122000 179250 310283 20000 1400467 3rd Year 90% 54000 7290000 7290000 81000 14661000 12157700 156863 238401 20000 2088036 4th Year 90% 54000 7290000 7290000 81000 14661000 12157700 137384 154964 20000 2190952 5th Year 90% 54000 7290000 7290000 81000 14661000 12157700 120421 58114 20000 2304765 ANNEXURE-II LAND AND BUILDING Rs. A. Land (15 Dismil) 300000.00 B. Civil Work & other Development (i) Boundary wall (ii) Main Gate & Guard Room (iii) Boring (iv) 1 Room for labour 1000000.00 (v) 1 Hall for Raw Material (vi) 1 Hall for Finished Goods (vii) Water tank (viii) Hall for P&M (ix) Furniture & Fixtures Total 1300000.00 292500 ANNEXURE-III PLANT & MACHINERY Amount Particulars Sr No Rs. in lakhs 1 Thermocol automatic making machine Lumsum as per quotation (i) PLC Delta (ii) PID Control 8 Nos. (iii) PIC control delta (iv) Cylinder 100*100 (v) Chain Hook squrusestom attest movement (vi) One peeveeum pump with motor 1440 RPM (vii) One HP pump capacity P.M ant 300 litters airsorcultion capacity (viii) Break Motor 40 RPM 600000.00 (ix) Body M.S angle size 40*405 (x) Forming plug system dies cooling system (xi) Presure tank 50 ltr with panetech (xii) Cooling plate size 18*23 (xiii) Frame size 18*23 (xiv) Hydraulic cutting machine (xv) Cylinder 100*200mm stroke 2 Cutting Machine Transportation, Packing & Taxes 100000.00 Total 700000.00 ANNEXURE-III ANNEXURE-IV PRELIMINARY & PRE OPERATIVE EXPENSE Sl. Particulars Amount No. Rs. in lakhs 1 Project report preparation fees 5000.00 2 Market Research 10000.00 3 Company Registration 20000.00 4 SME Registration 0.00 5 NSIC Registration 0.00 6 Commercial tax Registration( VAT, CST,EXCISE) 10000.00 7 Income tax Registration (PAN, TAN ) 2000.00 8 Electricity Connection 25000.00 9 Pollution Clearance 5000.00 10 shop & Estiblishment registration 3000.00 11 Factory Registration 5000.00 12 Bank Loan Processing charges 15000.00 Total 100000.00 UTILITIES ANNEXURE-V Total connected load 30 K.W Power consumption per month 5000 Units ELECTRIC POWER CHARGE PER MONTH 25000 Rs5/unit Total 25,000.00 Annual Charges 300000.00 Say Rs. 300000.00 Lakhs Year Capacity Amount (Rs.) Utilisation I 70% 210000.00 II 80% 240000.00 III 90% 270000.00 IV 90% 270000.00 V 90% 270000.00 connected load 30 kw actual load 25kw*8h for 25 days 5000 5000 ANNEXURE-VI MAN POWER REQUIRMENTS Sl. Designation Number Rate Salary No. (Rs./Month) A. ADMINISTRATION : Manager 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 B. PRODUCTION : Skilled 2 15,000.00 30,000.00 Semi-Skilled 4 12,000.00 48,000.00 Unskilled 6 10,000.00 60,000.00 Guard 2 10,000.00 20,000.00 Total 15 183,000.00 Benefits 15% 27,450.00 Total salary per month 210,450.00 Annual salary 2,525,400.00 Year Capacity Utilisation Amount (Rs) I 70% 2525400.00 II 80% 2525400.00 III 90% 2525400.00 IV 90% 2525400.00 V 90% 2525400.00 ANNEXURE-VII CONSUMABLE STORES Sl.No. Particulars Amount (Rs) 1 Cartoon (300days*25kg*Rs15) 112500.00 2 Paking Materials (300days*2kg*Rs150) 90000.00 3 Grease and Lubricants 10000.00 4 Hardware Items 10000.00 5 Spare Parts 20000.00 6 Total 242500.00 Year Capacity Amount Utilisation Rs. I 70% 169750.00 II 80% 194000.00 III 90% 218250.00 IV 90% 218250.00 V 90% 218250.00 150 kg/ton of battery @ 19 8 liter/hour 1800mt*150*19 6 hour/day 1800 hour/p.a 1800*8=14400 ltr/p.a 14400*50=720000 p.a 20208.33 90000.00 ANNEXURE-VIII Rs. A. ANNUAL REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES : Maintenance and repair of building 2% 20000.00 Maintenance and repair of plant and machinary 3% 21000.00 Total 41000.00 ANNEXURE-VIII Projected Revenue Details ANNEXURE-IX Year Item 60000.00 Capacity Production Rate Annual Revenue Kg EPS/PP sheet Utilisation Qty in Kg Rs. Amount (Rs.) 1st Thaali 45% 27000 18900 300.00 5670000.00 Plate & dona 45% 27000 70% 18900 300.00 5670000.00 Scrap 10% 6000 4200 15.00 63000.00 Total 11403000.00 2nd Thaali 45% 27000 21600 300.00 6480000.00 Plate & dona 45% 27000 80% 21600 300.00 6480000.00 Scrap 10% 6000 4800 15.00 72000.00 Total 13032000.00 3rd Thaali 45% 27000 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Plate & dona 45% 27000 90% 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Scrap 10% 6000 5400 15.00 81000.00 Total 14661000.00 4th Thaali 45% 27000 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Plate & dona 45% 27000 90% 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Scrap 10% 6000 5400 15.00 81000.00 Total 14661000.00 5th Thaali 45% 27000 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Plate & dona 45% 27000 90% 24300 300.00 7290000.00 Scrap 10% 6000 5400 15.00 81000.00 Total 14661000.00 Note: 1 Raw material will be use 200 Kg/Day at 100% capacity utilisation of plant. 2 Plant will be work 300 days in a year. 200.00 60000.00 20.00 180.00 54000.00 6750.00 5400.00 PROJECT COST AND SOURCE OF FINANCE ANNEXURE-X Amount (Rs.) (A) Capital Investment TOTAL Land (Inclusive of Developments) 300000.00 Civil Work & other Development 1000000.00 Machinery and Equipments 700000.00 Preliminary And Pre-operative Expenses 100000.00 Total-A 2100000.00 (B) Working Capital Raw Material for 15 days(7*200kg*Rs150) 450000.00 Finished Goods & Debtors 15Days(15*200Kg*Rs300) 900000.00 salary for 1 month 183000.00 Consumable for 1 month 20209.00 Total-B 1553209.00 Total Project Cost A+B 3653209.00 SOURCES : TOTAL Equity 1000000.00 Bank Loan 2653209.00 Total 3653209.00 ANNEXURE-XI EMI CALCULATOR LOAN AMOUNT 2,653,209.00 RATE OF INTEREST PER ANNUM 15.00% RATE OF INTEREST PER MONTH 1.250% NO OF INSTALLMENT 6602 EMI 63,120 CALCULATION OF DETAILS OF EMI PRINCIPAL REPAYMEN OST MONTHS EMI INTEREST T PRINCIPAL 0 2653209 1 63,120 33165 29955 2623254 2 63,120 32791 30329 2592925 3 63,120 32412 30708 2562217 4 63,120 32028 31092 2531125 5 63,120 31639 31481 2499645 6 63,120 31246 31874 2467771 7 63,120 30847 32273 2435498 8 63,120 30444 32676 2402822 9 63,120 30035 33084 2369738 10 63,120 29622 33498 2336240 11 63,120 29203 33917 2302323 12 63,120 28779 34341 2267983 13 63,120 28350 34770 2233213 14 63,120 27915 35204 2198008 15 63,120 27475 35645 2162364 16 63,120 27030 36090 2126274 17 63,120 26578 36541 2089732 18 63,120 26122 36998 2052734 19 63,120 25659 37460 2015274 20 63,120 25191 37929 1977345 21 63,120 24717 38403 1938942 22 63,120 24237 38883 1900060 23 63,120 23751 39369 1860691 24 63,120 23259 39861 1820830 25 63,120 22760 40359 1780470 26 63,120 22256 40864 1739607 27 63,120 21745 41375 1698232 28 63,120 21228 41892 1656340 29 63,120 20704 42415 1613925 30 63,120 20174 42946 1570979 31 63,120 19637 43482 1527497 32 63,120 19094 44026 1483471 33 63,120 18543 44576 1438895 34 63,120 17986 45133 1393761 35 63,120 17422 45698 1348063 36 63,120 16851 46269 1301795 37 63,120 16272 46847 1254947 38 63,120 15687 47433 1207515 39 63,120 15094 48026 1159489 40 63,120 14494 48626 1110863 41 63,120 13886 49234 1061629 42 63,120 13270 49849 1011780 43 63,120 12647 50472 961307 44 63,120 12016 51103 910204 45 63,120 11378 51742 858462 46 63,120 10731 52389 806073 47 63,120 10076 53044 753029 48 63,120 9413 53707 699322 49 63,120 8742 54378 644944 50 63,120 8062 55058 589886 51 63,120 7374 55746 534140 52 63,120 6677 56443 477697 53 63,120 5971 57148 420549 54 63,120 5257 57863 362686 55 63,120 4534 58586 304100 56 63,120 3801 59318 244782 57 63,120 3060 60060 184722 58 63,120 2309 60811 123911 59 63,120 1549 61571 62340 60 63,120 779 62340 0 Present Value Annuity Factor Table 100 101.3 0.988 100 102.5 0.975 100 103.8 0.963 100 105.1 0.952 100 106.4 0.940 100 107.7 0.928 100 109.1 0.917 100 110.4 0.905 100 111.8 0.894 100 113.2 0.883 100 114.6 0.872 100 116.1 0.862 100 117.5 0.851 100 119.0 0.840 100 120.5 0.830 100 122.0 0.820 100 123.5 0.810 100 125.1 0.800 100 126.6 0.790 100 128.2 0.780 100 129.8 0.770 100 131.4 0.761 100 133.1 0.751 100 134.7 0.742 100 136.4 0.733 100 138.1 0.724 100 139.9 0.715 100 141.6 0.706 100 143.4 0.697 100 145.2 0.689 100 147.0 0.680 100 148.8 0.672 100 150.7 0.664 100 152.6 0.655 100 154.5 0.647 100 156.4 0.639 ANNUITY 28.847 ANNEXURE-XII DEPRECIATION ON WRITTEN DOWN VALUE METHOD Amount in Rs Rs. Particulars Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Land 300000.00 300000.00 300000.00 300000.00 300000.00 Building and Civil work: Opening Balance 1000000.00 900000.00 810000.00 729000.00 656100.00 Less:Depreciation @ 10% 100000.00 90000.00 81000.00 72900.00 65610.00 Closing Balance 900000.00 810000.00 729000.00 656100.00 590490.00 Machinery and Equipments Opening Balance 700000.00 595000.00 505750.00 429887.50 365404.38 Less:Depreciation @ 15% 105000.00 89250.00 75862.50 64483.13 54810.66 Closing Balance 595000.00 505750.00 429887.50 365404.38 310593.72 Opening Balance 2000000.00 1795000.00 1615750.00 1458887.50 1321504.38 Total Depreciation 205000.00 179250.00 156862.50 137383.13 120420.66 Depreciated value 1795000.00 1615750.00 1458887.50 1321504.38 1201083.72 PROFITABILITY ESTIMATE ANNEXURE-XIII Amount in Rs. Particulars Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Number of working days 300 300 300 300 300 Number of shift 1 1 1 1 1 Capacity Utilisation in % 70% 80% 90% 90% 90% A. Income Sales inlcuding all miscellaneous receipts 11403000.00 13032000.00 14661000.00 14661000.00 14661000.00 B. Expensess : 1. Raw Material 6,300,000.00 7,200,000.00 8,100,000.00 8,100,000.00 8,100,000.00 2. Power and Fuel 210,000.00 240,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 3. salary including benefit 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 4.Printing and Stationery 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 5.Postage and Telephone 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 6.Insurance Charges 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 7.Miscellaneous Expenses 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 8.Consumable Stores 169,750.00 194,000.00 218,250.00 218,250.00 218,250.00 9. Repair and Maintenance 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 10. selling & distribution exp 570,150.00 651,600.00 733,050.00 733,050.00 733,050.00 315000 Total of B 10,086,300.00 11,122,000.00 12,157,700.00 12,157,700.00 12,157,700.00 Profit before Intt & Dep (A-B) 1,316,700.00 1,910,000.00 2,503,300.00 2,503,300.00 2,503,300.00 Depreciation 205,000.00 179,250.00 156,863.00 137,384.00 120,421.00 Interest 372,210.00 310,283.00 238,401.00 154,964.00 58,114.00 Priliminiary Exp written off 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Net Profit for the year 719,490.00 1,400,467.00 2,088,036.00 2,190,952.00 2,304,765.00 Drawing 50% 359,745.00 700,233.50 1,044,018.00 1,095,476.00 1,152,382.50 Trf to Reserve & Surplus 359,745.00 700,233.50 1,044,018.00 1,095,476.00 1,152,382.50 Cum Reserve & Surplus 359,745.00 1,059,978.50 2,103,996.50 3,199,472.50 4,351,855.00 Note: 1.Selling & distribution exp is 0.5% of Turmover 2. Repair and Maintenance is 2% of Building and 3% of Machinary Value p.a PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET ANNEXURE -XIV Amount (Rs) Particulars Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (1) Shareholder's Funds capital 1000000 bank 1000000 (a) Share Capital 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 loan 2653209 bank 2653209 (b) Opening Balance - 359,745.00 1,059,978.50 2,103,996.50 3,199,472.50 profit 361245 debtors (b) Net Profit 719,490.00 1,400,467.00 2,088,036.00 2,190,952.00 2,304,765.00 equity 1000000 land 300000 Less: Drawing (359,745.00) (700,233.50) (1,044,018.00) (1,095,476.00) (1,152,382.50) loan 2653209 building 1000000 Reserve & surplus 359,745.00 1,059,978.50 2,103,996.50 3,199,472.50 4,351,855.00 machinary 700000 (2) Current Liabilities p exp 100000 1. Long-term borrowings 2,267,983.00 1,820,830.00 1,301,795.00 699,323.00 - raw mat 450000 Total 3,627,728.00 3,880,808.50 4,405,791.50 4,898,795.50 5,351,855.00 consumabales 242500 II.Assets bank 860709 (1) Non-current assets 3653209 3653209 A. Fixed Assets : 0 Gross Block 2,000,000.00 1,795,000.00 1,615,750.00 1,458,887.00 1,321,503.00 Less : Depreciation 205,000.00 179,250.00 156,863.00 137,384.00 120,422.00 Net Block A 1,795,000.00 1,615,750.00 1,458,887.00 1,321,503.00 1,201,081.00 (b) Non-current investments (e) Other non-current assets (2) Current assets (b) Inventories 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 (c) Trade receivables 900,000.00 900,000.00 900,000.00 900,000.00 900,000.00 1. Consumable Stores 242,500.00 242,500.00 242,500.00 242,500.00 242,500.00 (d) Cash and cash equivalents 160,228.00 612,558.50 1,314,404.50 1,964,792.50 2,558,274.00 (f) Other current assets Preliminary Expenses not written off 80,000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 - Total 3,627,728.00 3,880,808.50 4,405,791.50 4,898,795.50 5,351,855.00 Difference in Balance Sheet 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ANNEXURE-XV CASH FLOW STATEMENT Amount (Rs.) Particulars Construction Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Period A. Source Funds : 1. Cash Accurals (Net Profit + Interest) 1111700.00 1730750.00 2346437.00 2365916.00 2382879.00 2. Depreciation 205000.00 179250.00 156863.00 137384.00 120421.00 3. Equity 1000000.00 4. Bank Loan 2653209.00 Total Sources 3653209.00 1316700.00 1910000.00 2503300.00 2503300.00 2503300.00 B. Disposition of Funds : 1. Preliminary and Pre-operative Expenses 100000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Increase in Raw Material 450000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3. Increase in fixed assets 2000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4. Consumables 242500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5. EMI 0.00 757436.00 757436.00 757436.00 757436.00 757436.00 1395000 27900 5. Increase in Recivables 0.00 900000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1395000 27900 6. Drawing 0.00 359745.00 700233.50 1044018.00 1095476.00 1152382.50 1395000 27900 1395000 27900 5580000 111600 Total Disposition 2792500.00 2017181.00 1457669.50 1801454.00 1852912.00 1909818.50 C. Net Surplus (A -B) 860709.00 -700481.00 452330.50 701846.00 650388.00 593481.50 D. Closing Balance 860709.00 160228.00 612558.50 1314404.50 1964792.50 2558274.00 BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS ANNEXURE -XVI (Level of Production) Amount (Rs.) 1st year data 2nd year data 3rd year data 4th year data 5th year data At 100% capacity A. Sales value 11,403,000.00 13,032,000.00 14,661,000.00 14,661,000.00 14,661,000.00 14,661,000.00 B. Variable Overheads : 1 Raw material 6,300,000.00 7,200,000.00 8,100,000.00 8,100,000.00 8,100,000.00 8,100,000.00 2 Power 210,000.00 240,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 3 Direct labour and wages (N.A in our project) - - - - - - - 4 Consumable Stores 169,750.00 194,000.00 218,250.00 218,250.00 218,250.00 218,250.00 - 5 Selling and Distribution Exp 570,150.00 651,600.00 733,050.00 733,050.00 733,050.00 733,050.00 - 7,249,900.00 8,285,600.00 9,321,300.00 9,321,300.00 9,321,300.00 9,321,300.00 C. Contribution 4,153,100.00 4,746,400.00 5,339,700.00 5,339,700.00 5,339,700.00 5,339,700.00 D. Fixed Overheads : 1 Salary 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2,525,400.00 2 Repair and Maintenance 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 Total cash fixed overheads 2,566,400.00 2,566,400.00 2,566,400.00 2,566,400.00 2,566,400.00 2,566,400.00 E. Non-cash fixed Overheads : 1 Depreciation 205,000.00 179,250.00 156,862.50 137,383.13 120,420.66 205,000.00 2 Preliminary and pre-operatives expenses written off 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Total Non-cash fixed Overheads : 205,000.00 179,250.00 156,862.50 137,383.13 120,420.66 205,000.00 F. Total fixed overheads (D+E) 2,771,400.00 2,745,650.00 2,723,262.50 2,703,783.13 2,686,820.66 2,771,400.00 G. Break Even Point % (F/C*100) 66.73 57.85 51.00 50.64 50.32 51.90 Break Even Sale 7609321.76 7538621.02 7477152.56 7423668.82 7377095.65 7609321.76 Cash Break Even Point % (D/C*100) 61.79 54.07 48.06 48.06 48.06 48.06 Cash Break Even Sale 7,046,461.49 7,046,461.49 7,046,461.49 7,046,461.49 7,046,461.49 7,046,461.49 PAY BACK PERIOD ANNEXURE-XVII Pay back period is the period at which the net inflow equals net outflow Amount (Rs.) Year Cash flows P.V. Factor Present Value Cumulative at K=15% at K= 15% Cash Flows 0 -2100000.00 1 -2100000.00 -2100000.00 I -340736.00 0.870 -296292.17 -2396292.17 II 1152564.00 0.756 871503.97 -1524788.20 III 1745864.00 0.658 1147933.92 -376854.28 IV 1745864.00 0.572 998203.41 621349.12 V 1745864.00 0.497 868002.96 1489352.09 Pay back period of the project 03 Yrs 04 Month (Less than 4 Year) ANNEXURE -XVIII INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Here initial investment is Rs. 2100000.00 (salvage value ignored ) I.R.R of the project = 33% Amount (Rs.) Year Cash Flows 0 -2100000.00 I -340736.00 II 1152564.00 III 1745864.00 IV 1745864.00 V 1745864.00 INDEX 1 उउउउउ उउउउउउ उउउउउ:(Executive Summary & Promoter's Background) 2 उउउउ उउउउउ उउउउ उउउउ उउउउउउ उउउउउ:(Project Background) 3 उउउउ उउउउउउ उउउउ उउ उउउ उउउ उउ उउउउउउउ:(Land /Shed Details & Logistics) 4 उउउ उउउ उउउउउ उउ उउउ उउउ उउ उउउउउउउ:(Building Construction Plan) 5 उउउउ उउउ: (Procurement Strategy of Raw Material) 6 उउउउउउ उउउउउउउउ उउउउउउउउउ : (Techno-Commercial Viability Assessment) 7 उउउउउउ उउउउउ: (Capacity & Production ) 8 उउउउउ उउउउउउ: (Pollution Control) 9 उउउउउउ उउउउउउ उउ उउउउउउ उउउ उउउउउउउ: (Mode of Waste Disposal) 10 उउउउउउ उउउउउउउ उउउउउ उउउउ: (Manufacturing Process Flow diagram) 11 उउउउउउ उउउउउउ उउ उउउउउउ :(Infrastructure Source) 12 उउउउउ उउउउउउ: (Marketing Strategy) 13 SWOT उउउउउउ: 14 उउउउउउउउउ उउउउउ (implementation schedule) 15 List of Annexure for Financial Analysis Summery Report Land & Building Plant & Machinary Preliaminiary Expenditure Utilities Requirenment Manpower Requirenment Consumble Store Repair and Maintanance Projected Revenue details Project Cost and Source of Finance Bank Loan repaymnet schedule Depreciation schedule Profitability Estimate Projected Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Break Even Analysis Pay Back Period Internal Rate of Return :(Executive Summary & Promoter's Background) :(Project Background) उउउउ उउउउउउ उउउउ उउ उउउ उउउ उउ उउउउउउउ:(Land /Shed Details & Logistics) :(Building Construction Plan) : (Procurement Strategy of Raw Material) : (Techno-Commercial Viability Assessment) : (Capacity & Production ) : (Mode of Waste Disposal) : (Manufacturing Process Flow diagram) :(Infrastructure Source) List of Annexure for Financial Analysis Annexure-I Annexure-II Annexure-III Annexure-IV Annexure-V Annexure-VI Annexure-VII Annexure-VIII Annexure-IX Annexure-X Annexure-XI Annexure-XII Annexure-XIII Annexure-XIV Annexure-XV Annexure-XVI Annexure-XVII Annexure-XVIII Price of Land/Shed In Different Industrial Areas for 2012-13 For Medium/Large For Medium/Large Sl. For SSI units (In one scale Indus (In Five Name of Industrial Area scale Indus (In One No. Lump) Per Acre Yearly Instalments) Lump) Per Acre Per Acre 1 Bokaro, Phase I & II 1,618,134.00 2,260,310.00 2,712,233.00 2 Bokar, Phase III & IV 1,407,070.00 1,965,484.00 2,358,466.00 3 Kandra Industrial Area 1,316,251.00 1,838,465.00 2,898,235.00 4 Sindri Industrial Area 714,038.00 997,324.00 1,575,877.00 5 Giridih Industrial Area 1,566,310.00 2,187,880.00 2,840,579.00 6 Industrial Shed (Bokaro) A TYPE 113,191.00 B TYPE 226,381.00 C TYPE 452,759.00 Price of Land/Shed In Different Industrial Areas for 2012-13