Plagiarism in Scientific Writing


Uploaded on Jun 29, 2020

Category Education

Plagiarism is an act of copying someone’s work without giving any credit to the original creator. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.

Category Education



Plagiarism in Scientific Writing

Plagiarism in Scientific Writing Introduction Plagiarism is a serious concern in the writing world. The cases of plagiarism are increasing. Plagiarism has various consequences including the destructio n of career, monetary penalties, and l egal repercussions. There are various ways to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism : Consequences, Identification & Preve ntion Plagiarism Plagiarism is an act of copying someon e’s work without giving any credit to th e original creator. Plagiarism may be in tentional or unintentional. In both way s, plagiarism brings bad name to the p erson who had plagiarized both on prof essional as well as the academic front. Consequences of Plagiarism in Scientific Writing Plagiarism is becoming a more common phenomenon in recent times. This incre asing trend may be due to various reaso ns. Whatever the reason may be, plagia rism is a serious ethical and moral misc onduct. In the arena of scientific writing, the readers require a continuous infusio n of new, informative, and updated kno wledge.   Serious dent on reputation: Writin g a plagiarized content is considered as a serious offence among the intelle ctual fraternity.   Monetary consequences: There are m onetary repercussions associated with pl agiarism. The person who has written th e plagiarized material may be directed t o pay money to the original creator of th e work.  Legal repercussions: There are strong laws in place to protect the rights of an o riginal writer such as copyright law.  Failure in the examination: Some uni versities and colleges take the act of pla giarism too seriously and may expel the student or fail them in the class. Identification of Plagiaris m  How much is too much: The writer sh ould write the article completely in his o wn words. However, the writer must kno w how much copying of the content amo unts to plagiarism and copyright infringe ment.  Due credit not given: The writer shoul d give due credit to the original creator o f the content. If the work is copied and c redit and references are not supplied, it may lead to plagiarism.  Paraphrasing: Avoiding plagiarism thro ugh paraphrasing is a grey area. Plagiari sm is indicated when the writer not only uses some other’s words but also the ide a, without giving credit to the original cr eator of the idea.  Google check: If you have to check the plagiarism for a small paragraph or few li nes, this can be done with the help of Go ogle. Just copy the paragraph or lines an d paste them on the Google search.  Plagiarism tools: Various free and paid plagiarism tools are available to check th e plagiarism. Avoiding Plagiarism in Sci entific Writing  Understand Plagiarism: Before writin g the article and checking for plagiarism, get a basic understanding of the acts th at constitute plagiarism.  Citation: Do not forget to cite the sourc e from where the content is extracted. T he citation should be proper and comple te.  Quotation: If you want to take the word as it is from a source, the quotation woul d be your best option.  Always write in your own words: You s hould prefer to be a creator of original con tent. Use your own words in explaining a c oncept, idea, or disseminating any informa tion.  Accurate paraphrasing: Paraphrasing w hen done accurately may also help you in avoiding plagiarism..  Do not rely very much on plagiarism s oftware: Although plagiarism software is of great help in preventing plagiarism they may also skip some content.  Start early: Always schedule your writing in such a way to have sufficient time to res earch and write it in your own words. How Scientific Writing Se rvice Providers Help you in Avo iding Plagiarism? Scientific writing services company he lp you in different ways to produce a plagiarism-free content. They may advise you regardi ng the research and assist you in an effectiv e and accurate paraphrasing. The service pr oviders will also help you in correct cit ations and make good use of quotatio ns.  Email: [email protected] Phone: 044- 49595223 URL :