What Is CMMC And Who Needs It


Uploaded on Jan 23, 2023

Category Business

CompCiti has helped hundreds of companies achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification in New York over the years, and they are thrilled to be able to help you join them! CompCiti has vast experience helping organizations with compliance needs related to NIST Framework.

Category Business



What Is CMMC And Who Needs It

What Is CMMC And Who Needs It • Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a certification program that assesses an organization’s cybersecurity maturity. The certification is based on the framework provided by the Department of Defense (DoD). The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification New York is intended to help organizations improve their cybersecurity practices by providing a framework for self-assessment and improvement. Who Needs CMMC Certification? • Any contractor who works with the DoD must be CMMC certified. If your organization is planning to contract with the DoD or has the goal of doing so, then you should also plan to become CMMC certified. Who pays for the CMMC Assessment? • Contractors pay for CMMC assessments, which are charged based on the target level of protection. However, contractors may be able to recoup these costs through allowable costs under DoD contracts. Contractors cannot self-certify their compliance with CMMC. How can you prepare for the CMMC? If you’re interested in becoming CMMC-certified, then the first thing you should do is to assess your organization’s current compliance with the standards. Then, you can create an actionable plan to complete certification and meet CMMC standards. How CompCiti Can Help? Achieving Cybersecurity Maturity Model certification is not just about meeting the standard for cybersecurity. It’s about being able to prove that your company is at the top of its game and ready to handle any threat that comes its way. It’s also a great way to set yourself apart from competitors who aren’t as prepared, or don’t have as much confidence in their ability to respond. • Compciti Business Solutions Inc. • 261 West 35th Street, Suite 603 • New York, NY 10001 • Phone: (212) 594-4374 • Fax: (212) 594-6714 • https://compciti.com/contact/ Disclaimer: This content is created and provided by a third-party online content writer on behalf of CompCiti. CompCiti does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Content.