What is Computer Preventive Maintenance & Corrective Maintenance


Uploaded on Apr 22, 2021

Category Business

System maintenance is an umbrella term that encompasses different forms of computer maintenance services required to keep a system running. The 2 major components of system maintenance are preventive & corrective maintenance.

Category Business



What is Computer Preventive Maintenance & Corrective Maintenance

What is Computer Preventive Maintenance & Corrective Maintenance • System maintenance is an umbrella term that encompasses different forms of computer maintenance services required to keep a system running. The 2 major components of system maintenance are preventive & corrective maintenance. Preventive Maintenance: • Preventive maintenance is identical to routine upkeep conducted on a vehicle: in the same manner you’ve to intermittently check the engine, lights, oil, and other components of the vehicle to ensure everything is in order, the same rule is applicable to preventive upkeep for a computer. Corrective Maintenance: • Corrective maintenance is the rectification of an issue after the PC has already broken down. The objective of this sort of maintenance is to restore the functionality of the computer either by fixing the issue or replacing the damaged hardware. Typical corrective measures include removing malware and viruses, uninstalling spiteful programs, reformatting, and running a system restore, among others. • When it comes to prompt and affordable Computer Maintenance Service in New York, CompCiti is a trusted brand. CompCiti offers a complete support package for all your computer repair and maintenance needs. Call now if you are looking for a complimentary assessment! • Compciti Business Solutions Inc. • 261 West 35th Street, Suite 603 • New York, NY 10001 • Phone: (212) 594-4374 • Fax: (212) 594-6714 • https://compciti.com/contact/ Note: This content is created and provided by a third-party online content writer on behalf of Compciti, and is for commercial purposes only. Compciti does not take any responsibility on the accuracy of this content.