Because American Bar Association opinion 483 is so broad—covering everything from email security to cloud storage—it can seem overwhelming at first glance. But if you take the help of CompCiti’s cybersecurity experts, you’ll be well on your way towards meeting the requirements outlined in Opinion 483.
Why Your Law Firm Needs To Comply With ABA Opinion 483
Why Your Law Firm Needs To Comply With ABA Opinion 483 • Cybersecurity is not just a buzzword. It’s a real, growing threat to law firms and their clients. Last year, there were over half a billion data breach incidents reported globally, and that number is only expected to rise. What is ABA Opinion 483? • The American Bar Association (ABA) has issued an opinion that outlines how lawyers should secure their electronic data and information systems, as well as how they should protect client information. This opinion is called ABA Opinion 483, and it’s mandatory for all attorneys in the US who practice law or provide legal services to clients in any capacity. Why your law firm needs to follow American Bar Association Opinion 483? • Law firms are particularly vulnerable because they often house sensitive client information on their computer systems, including privileged communications and other confidential information. They also handle large amounts of intellectual property that may be targeted by hackers, as well as trade secrets that could be stolen in a data breach incident. Why trust CompCiti? • Because American Bar Association opinion 483 is so broad—covering everything from email security to cloud storage—it can seem overwhelming at first glance. But if you take the help of CompCiti’s cybersecurity experts, you’ll be well on your way towards meeting the requirements outlined in Opinion 483. • Compciti Business Solutions Inc. • 261 West 35th Street, Suite 603 • New York, NY 10001 • Phone: (212) 594-4374 • Fax: (212) 594-6714 • Disclaimer: This content is created and provided by a third-party online content writer on behalf of CompCiti. CompCiti does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Content.