Foundation Programme SJT Preparation Course


Uploaded on Sep 19, 2019

Category Education

We believe every medical student should enter their SJT fully prepared to maximise their potential.With good SJT preparation you have better chances to shine among your peers. Use our helpful tips and make it a reality.Choose a proper foundation SJT course to supplement the resources found in the UKFPO site and Good Medical Practice of GMC.

Category Education



Foundation Programme SJT Preparation Course

Foundation Programme SJT Preparation Course We believe every medical student should enter their SJT fully prepared to maximise their potential.With good SJT preparation you have better chances to shine among your peers. Use our helpful tips and make it a reality.Choose a proper foundation SJT course to supplement the resources found in the UKFPO site and Good Medical Practice of GMC. Specialty Recruitment Assessment Crammer The SRA is a timed assessment that is computer-based and it is also referred to as MSRA. It is an assessment for different specialties including Radiology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, GP and more. The two-part exam includes SRA questions on problem- solving and professional dilemma sections. The score in the assessment helps shortlist a candidate for the interview or selection. For GP applications exceptional score results in a direct offer without the requirement of passing through the next stage. More Informatin Visit in sit e:- Address:- Emedica Ltd, 1190A-1192 Stratford Road, Birmingham, B28 8AB email: [email protected] Contact:- 0870 838 1240