Top 3 Myths About Car Tyres


Uploaded on Jan 25, 2020

Category Automotive

Most car owners never get to know the real facts. Checkout for More Information:

Category Automotive



Top 3 Myths About Car Tyres

Top 3 Myths About Car Tyres Most car owners never get to know the real facts! Myth# 1 New Tyres Should Always Go in the Front I f you are replacing two tyres, you wi l l hear people advising you to put the new ones in the front. However, i t has to be the other way around! New tyres should go in the rear, instead of the front (unless the handbook has any specifi c instructions). Most of us do not know the rear tyres give stabi l i ty to the vehicle. Myth# 2 Unused Tyres are as Good as New! I t is true that tyres get worn out due to usage on the roads. However, that does not necessari ly mean that less used tyres wi l l be in good condit ion. There are some factors that aff ect the condit ion of the rubber which can result in minor damages. For example, i f your car is exposed to heat, rain or water, i t begins to age. Myth# 3 Over infl ation Lead to Burst Tyre Over-infl ated tyres do not always make it explode. Tyres when overinfl ated, aff ects the steering capacity which can lead to an accident. Moreover, over- infl ated tyres when hits a pothole or a rough bump can result in a major blowout, causing to a fatal crash. Company Address 964 Dandenong Rd, Carnegie, Victoria, 3163 Phone Number (03) 9572 2144 Email Address [email protected] Get In Touch With Us