Why cyber security is important for a modern-day society?


Uploaded on Jan 15, 2021

Category Technology

Technology is practically running everything in this modern world. Most businesses who fail to embrace technology usually have to face down the path of extinction. But there is a catch to this situation, the more technological advancement is done the more the frequency of cybercrimes increases exponentially. But if we focus on our modern-day society, it might become dysfunctional without the usage of the internet or any technical gadgets. We are surrounded by high tech gadgets from smart TV to smartphones, almost every device has AI installed in them (google assistant, Alexa, etc.)

Category Technology



Why cyber security is important for a modern-day society?

WHY CYBERSECURITY IS IMPORTANT FOR A MODERN-DAY SOCIETY? WWW . C Y B E R R A D A R A C A D EM Y . C OM Technology is practically running Every one of these devices has its own IP everything in this modern world. Most address. These IP addresses are valuable businesses that fail to embrace technology because once the hacker gets hold of this usually have to face down the path of address he/she might create havoc in the extinction. But there is a catch to this victim’s system. It’s true that our security is situation, the more technological compromised via social media so we need advancement is done the more the to be aware of our security on almost every frequency of cybercrimes increases device that we use. exponentially. But if we focus on our modern-day society, The devices that we use have all the it might become dysfunctional without the personal information, identification usage of the internet or any technical number, bank details, etc. If the device gets gadgets. We are surrounded by high tech into the wrong hand, it can do some gadgets from smart TV to smartphones, serious damage. For example, the Beirut almost every device has AI installed in explosion incident is considered a state- them (google assistant, Alexa, etc.) sponsored attack. C Y B E R R A D A R UN I V E R S T I Y WHY IS CYBER Social engineering is also a new way of hacking into the system. While traditional SECURITY techniques like phishing emails, footprinting, malware attacks, ransomware IMPORTANT? attacks are still working on uneducated victims, nowadays they are now getting After the introduction of artificial educated to protect themselves. intelligence, hackers can easily manipulate the existing algorithm and there is a chance they can work out the passcode of A potential cyber-criminal can cause any device. Cyber attacks nowadays are damages like - getting more sophisticated because a regular trend has been seen where it take Economic Loss several hours by an ethical hacker just to Physical Damages resolve any bug that might fit in the critical Reputation Loss vulnerability. Regulatory Loss Black hat users are now using intelligent Russia holds the number one rank in most devices and effective programming for hacking related activities. Along with them, example python, PHP, SQL injection, and China is also becoming an upcoming several other languages. These languages competition in hacking. can be used to break into any financial system, power grid system, or any other sophisticated infrastructure. C Y B E R R A D A R UN I V E R S I T Y LET ’S LOOK AT SOME BENEFITS THAT CYBERSECURITY HAS TO OFFER- PROTECTING If you look at big companies they have thepotential to suffer a loss of millions, so YOUR DATA spending a few hundred thousand dollars for upgrading their security is a good trade- off. Protecting your personal data is very important to make sure you are safe. Failure to secure this information can lead CONCLUSION to destruction. Following cybersecurity measures like keeping a strong password, can help to get the extra layer of protection to secure your personal data. In today’s date, you can’t put a price tag on privacy and security. Personal data is valuable to the market. Cybersecurity COST- pertains to protect our sensitive data from all cybersecurity attacks possible. It is very EFFECTIVE important for all of us to learn and practice OPTION cybersecurity measures. For that, there aremany offline and online cybersecurity training courses are available to select one, If you compare the level of protection learn and be aware to keep your data and cybersecurity is able to provide we think it yourself safe from cyber attacks. is quite a good trade-in in terms of monetary value. C Y B E R R A D A R UN I V E R S T I Y