How Does The FSSAI Help Consumers


Uploaded on Apr 18, 2020

Category Business

Not just the aflatoxin, but there could also be pesticide residue in the food product. How does the pesticide come into the food? Well, farmers usually spray pesticide on their crops to keep any kind of pests and insects away. For more information visit

Category Business



How Does The FSSAI Help Consumers

  How Does The FSSAI Help Consumers? Essentials Of Survival  Food, one of the essential things of any living being’s survival. For different people, it comes in different forms. But the main aim of feeding ourselves with food is to gain energy. Food when consumed is broken down by the system into different fragments and different cells absorb different things from it. For example, some parts of the body quickly absorb vitamins and minerals, while some absorb essential metals. Some parts require the presence of certain type of protein and carbohydrates to digest food. Reason For The FSSAI’s Existence What happens with the food once we consume it, is taken care of by our body. but what kind of food we feed our body highly depends on us. In today’s day and age, we all depend on packaged food items either directly or indirectly. Imagine the state of everyone’s health if any kind of contamination gets into the food chain, becomes a part of the food to be ultimately consumed by us? To combat this kind of situation beforehand, the government of India established the FSSAI, the Food Standards and Safety Authority of India. The Mandate According to the terms, rules and regulation laid down by the body, any food item that is being packaged to sell should go through food testing in a food testing lab certified and recognised by the FSSAI. This is done so that any kind of contamination, such as the presence of aflatoxin in food can be detected before it is packed. In case of any such occurrence, the food or beverage batch is rejected and sent for correction or with the order to be thrown away. Detecting Pesticide Not just the aflatoxin, but there could also be pesticide residue in the food product. How does the pesticide come into the food? Well, farmers usually spray pesticide on their crops to keep any kind of pests and insects away. These pesticides settle on the plant leaves and also on the soil. If at all, the pesticide gets through the soil to the roots, it can easily seep into the plant’s system. Once the crop is cultivated, it gets used in making the food product and may go undetected till the food product is tested. Other Kinds Of Tests When you as a customer, buy a product, it is necessary that you check for the FSSAI marking on the product. And not just that, you should also check for the expiration date on the product. This tells you how long is it before the effect of the preservatives will wear off and the food product will start to degrade. Shelf life study and nutrition labelling is also one of the mandates laid by the FSSAI. This tells the customer what they are consuming and how much of nutrition the particular product will give them. Thank You