Uploaded on Apr 24, 2020
Although the nutritional value of milk is known, the milk packet needs to have nutritional labelling done for it to. This is ascertained by doing a couple of tests done at the nutritional testing labs.For more information https://www.dalpl.co.in/nutraceutical-testing/
Importance Of Milk And Milk Testing
Importance Of Milk And Milk Testing https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Necessity Of Milk Consumption Milk has been termed as the most necessary part of any human being’s nutrition. Milk contributes to the strengthening of bones, teeth and saves you from conditions such as osteoporosis in early age. Not just that, milk provides the necessary supplements for the calls in human body to make energy for us to function well. Milk is an important part of growing up, since it is the time when our body is growing as a whole and the size of bones are also increasing. This growth requires calcium and vitamins that the children get from milk. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Pros Of Packaged Milk Earlier, there was no check kept on the produce of milk and the quality of milk that was getting delivered as well. Milk was delivered door to door by the milk men (at least in India) which would end up having adulteration in some cases. Then came the trend of delivering packaged milk. Packaged milk had a lot of advantages than disadvantages. The biggest advantage was that the packaged milk would be boiled and pasteurised hence it would be from any kind of adulteration and contaminants. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Mark Of Safety If you ever noticed, every packet of milk has the mark of FSSAI, which means that the product is tested and certified by the food regulation authority for delivering the product for the consumption by customers. It is important for the milk producers and to have their milk tested for various reasons, for any kind of contaminants, microbes or if there are any kind of antibiotic residues in milk that came to it because the cow that was milked was treating for mastitis. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Nutrition Testing Although the nutritional value of milk is known, the milk packet needs to have nutritional labelling done for it to. This is ascertained by doing a couple of tests done at the nutritional testing labs. The milk sample is tested to check whether or not it has all the necessary vitamins and minerals and to find out how much of nutritional value is it adding to the consumer’s diet. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Shelf Life Study For Milk Other types of tests that is done is the shelf life study test that is done to find out how long the food product, or in this case, the milk is going to remain fresh and safe for drinking. Milk is an easily perishable product, hence, extra care needs to be taken to find out how long it takes before the milk spoils. It is also important to note that consumption of milk on or before the production date is necessary. Further than that, it could become toxic. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Thank You https://www.dalpl.co.in/