Tests That The Preservatives In Packaged Foods Go Through


Uploaded on Oct 18, 2019

Category Business

We cannot rule out the presence of harmful mycotoxins in food which come under harmful contaminants in food. For more information visit http://www.dalpl.co.in/about-us/

Category Business



Tests That The Preservatives In Packaged Foods Go Through

Tests That The Preservatives In Packaged Foods Go Through? https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Different Tests For The Food What can you as a manufacturer of package foods or as a producer of those do to ensure that the food you are providing to you consumers to have on a daily basis is safe for them? What can you do to ensure there is no contaminants at all especially in the preservatives that you add to the product to make it last longer? Well, for this, you can put your food through preservative efficacy challenge tests. These tests are a series of procedures that ensure the preservative that are being used in the food are safe. https://www.dalpl.co.in/   What Can Be Wrong With Preservatives? This type of tests on preservatives can actually be carried out on all kinds of products, such as food, beverages, cosmetics, medicines and so on. In short, all those products that can have direct effect on a person’s health are covered in these tests. In the growing food industry, where packaged food is increasing in demand, having preservatives is inevitable. Therefore, it is only ethical to put your product through these tests. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Occurrence Of Mycotoxins But if the preservatives are made by us, then what could possibly go wrong in them? Well, many things. We cannot rule out the presence of harmful mycotoxins in food which come under harmful contaminants in food. Moreover, there can also be adulteration in food which could have serious effects on anybody’s health. A little preservative added to keep a bottle of orange juice fresh, might actually become the reason behind its spoilage. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ The Shelf Life Study It is also very important to ascertain how long a food will remain fresh and safe for consumption. As we have discussed above, any food product is safe for consumption till its expiry date, which is printed on the pack of the product. This expiry date is calculated by doing a shelf life study. In this, the product with the said preservatives is put through different conditions and then, according to its reactions, it is given an expiry date. After that date, the product may start to deteriorate and become harmful. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ A Mandate That Is Important This is actually a mandate by the food authority of the country so as to ensure the safety of its consumers. There have been cases in the past, where a slight negligence has lead to huge repercussions, so much so that the brand has had to stop production for months. This is why, preservative efficacy challenge tests and shelf life study is very important if you want to see your product on the shelf at the market. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Thank You https://www.dalpl.co.in/