Uploaded on May 21, 2020
To find out more about the proves of purification of drinking water, you can visit a water testing lab near by or anywhere in your city and find out how it works. For more information visit https://www.dalpl.co.in/water-testing/
The Need Of Water Purification In Rural Areas
The Need Of Water Purification In Rural Areas https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Essentiality Of Water Water forms three-fourth of the earth’s surface and the human body too. for the sustenance and well being of any living creature, water is very important. It is through water that our body gets all the important nutrients and minerals. Having clean drinking water is the right of every person. Therefore, no matter which water source you are being provided water from, it is not provided until proper water testing has been done. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Difference In Urban And Rural The problem of having clean drinking water is more common in the rural areas than urban. In urban cities, most people have some kind of water purification systems installed in their homes. If not, the municipality which provides water, purifies the water and sends it to them. So, ultimately the water they receive is purified. But in the villages, this facility might not be available to many. Many people still depend on hand pumps that pump out ground water and even wells. The quality of this water is no more trusted. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Ground Water Contamination Thanks to the rapid and irresponsible industrialisation, the chemical waste and contaminants from factories seeped into the water resources all over. Hence, a proper drinking water testing at least needs to be in place at villages. They should also be provided with resources that purify the water and make it fit for drinking. There could be such common place in the village that sends out water to every household after it has been properly purified. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Setting Up Testing When you think about drinking water testing, the apparatus that this is going to require is quite elaborate, if this has to be fit in a remote village. For this, proper infrastructure will first have to be made by the local village heads. Water testing needs to follow the guidelines and proper rules of setting up camp. The water testing set up should be mostly near the source of water being targeted. For the water that is going to be sent for drinking needs to be tested at various levels. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Find Out How It Works To test the quality of water, there are also portable and mini drinking water testing kits available in the market. In Indian rupees it does not cost more than thousand bucks and could do wonders in making sure that you are drinking quality and clean water only. To find out more about the proves of purification of drinking water, you can visit a water testing lab near by or anywhere in your city and find out how it works. https://www.dalpl.co.in/ Thank You https://www.dalpl.co.in/