10 longest words in English and meaning


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Category Education

Ten longest words in english and their meanings.

Category Education



10 longest words in English and meaning

10 LONGEST WORDS IN ENGLISH AND MEANING 1.Methionylglutaminylarginyltyros-ylglutamylserylleucylphen- ylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylgl-utamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalan- ylphenylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanY-lvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylp- rolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutam-inylsErylleucyllysylisoleucylasp- artylthreonylleucylIsoleucylglutam-ylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleucy- lglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylp-henylalanylseRylaspartylprolylleucylal- anylaspartylglycylpRolylthreOnylisoleuc-ylglutaminylasPfraginylalanylthreonyll- eucylarfinylalanylphenylalanylalanylal-anylglycylvalythreonylprolylalanylglut- aminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylm-ethionylleucylalanylleuOylisoleucylargi- nylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylthreonylis-oleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethion- yltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphen-ylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylas- partylglutamylphenylalanylthrosylalanyl-glutaminylcsteinylglutamyllysylvalylgly- cylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnyl-aspartylvalylprolylvalylglUtaminylglutam- ylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylgl- utaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylas- paraginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolyliso- leucylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisol- eucylcysteinylprolylprolylaspartylalanylasp- rtylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylgluta- minylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginy- lglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrOsylleucylleucylsery- larginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanyl- glutamYlasparainylarginylalanylalanylleucyl- prolylleucylasparaginylhistidylleucylValylala- nyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginy- lalanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglg- ycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylp- rolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalany- lisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylgly- cylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisole- ucylvalyllysylisoIeucylisoleucylglutamylgluta- minylHistidylasparaginyliSoleucylglutamylpro- lylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylle- ucyllysylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylproly- lmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine Without a doubt no other word can beat this 1,902-character word for a sort of protein, which contains amino acids found in the DNA strand. Beneficial thing it has an abbreviated structure, connectin or titin. It is viewed as the longest word in the English language, as per the eighteenth version of the Guinness Book of World Records. 2. Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrim- • matosilphiparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophat- • toperisteralektryonoptekephalliokiglopeleiolagoiosiraiobaph- • etraganopterygon • This is a term that was utilized to portray the zesty nourishments that were cooked utilizing remainders of hamburger and vegetables, an anecdotal dish referenced in the parody, Assemblywomen or Ecclesiazusae, composed by old Greek comic writer, Aristophanes around 392 B.C. • 3. Bababadalgharaghtakamminapronnkonnbronntonnepronnt- • uonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordeenenthurnuk • This 101-character word is found in the novel, Finnegan's Wake, composed by Irish creator, James Joyce and distributed in 1939. This is said to portray the sound of the thunderclap that flagged the fall of Adam and Eve. • 4. Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminoscupreovitriolic • This long word with 51 characters was made by eighteenth century English medicinal essayist, Dr. Edward Strother. He instituted the word to portray the spa waters in Bath, a city in England. • 5. Osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary • The word is a logical term identified with life structures. It is one of the words instituted by creator, Thomas Love Peacock and utilized in his first novel, Headlong Hall, distributed in 1816. It is really a compound word made by joining together great Greek and Latin expressions for parts of the body. • 6. Antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops • This is the title of a book composed by François Rabelais, a fifteenth century French Renaissance humanist, specialist, priest and essayist. The book portrayed crafted by a goliath named Gargantua and his child, Pantagruel. • 7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis • The word is a name for a kind of lung malady. It's the sickness endured by the African diggers when they breathe in silicon silvers. It is equivalent to coal digger's illness that is brought about by the particles of siliceous volcanic residue they breathe in into their lungs. • 8. Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies • This is a careful term. The Gould's Medical Dictionary characterizes hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomy as the production of a connection or scaffold between a hepatic conduit and the nerve bladder and between the nerve bladder and the digestive tract to enable these organs to convey. It is the longest word found in this medicinal lexicon. • 9. Floccinauccinihilipilification • This word is 30 characters in length. Notwithstanding its utilization of flocci, the plural of floccus and which implies tufts of wooly hair or little, adjusted tufts of mists, the entire word is certainly not a logical term. Floccinauccinihilipilification implies piddling, of almost no esteem or something that has been assessed to be valueless. • 10. Honorificabilitudinitatibus • This 27-character word is found in Act V, Scene 1 of a Shakespeare play entitled Love's Labor's Lost. The word means Honorableness or strong wonderful. THANK YOU