Biggest FDI in Indian Railways by Alstom


Uploaded on Dec 30, 2020

PPT on Biggest FDI in Indian Railways by Alstom



Biggest FDI in Indian Railways by Alstom

BIGGEST FDI IN INDIAN RAILWAY S BY ALSTOM INTRODUCTION • The contract for de l ivery of 800 double-deployed electr ica l locomot ives of 12,000 HP, capable of carry ing a lmost 6000 tonnes at a peak speed of 120 km/h, was concluded in 2015 for a lstom. Source: OPERATION • As per Alstom, these e- locos are scheduled for operat ions on major f re ight t ransport routes, inc luding DFCs, which have changed the heavy fre ight landscape in India . Source: LARGEST FDI PROJECT • The largest FDI p ro jec t i n the Ind ian Ra i lways sector has made cons iderab le progress s ince 2015. • With these power fu l e - l ocomot ives produced in the reg ion , Ind ia has become the s ix th country in the wor ld to ind igenous ly j o in the league o f h igh power l ocomot ives generat ing nat ions . Source: COMMERCIAL SERVICES • For commercia l serv ices, the fi rst WAG 12B e-Loco was introduced in May 2020. • I t was cer t ifi ed by the Ministry of Ra i lways and Commiss ioner of Rai lway Safety, Research Design and Standards Organisat ion (RDSO). Source: RAILWAY NETWORK • To date, 50 such e-Locos have been successful ly produced and suppl ied to the Indian ra i lways by Alstom. • The ra i lway network has now reached over 2 mi l l ion k i lometres. Source: MANUFACTURE • The 12,000 hp twin Bo -Bo locomot ives developed at Madhepura are designed to be dr iven at the speed twice as h igh as normal locomot ives. • They are constructed to transport 6000 tonnes of goods in one go. Source: PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY • The WAG 12B locomot ives are fi tted with propuls ion technology based on Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors ( IGBT) , us ing green brak ing and energy consumpt ion. Source: FREIGHT TRAINS • Alstom launches f re ight tra ins wi th WAG 12B e- locos that emit less heat and noise. • The Pr ima T8 WAG 12B e- locos Technology makes serv ice at h igh temperatures secure and fl exible (−50 °C to 50 °C) . Source: SAFETY • The WAG 12B E- locos are a lso fi tted with comfortable p i lot cabins to operate safe ly and amenit ies such as a i r condi t ioning, food preparat ion and storage and to i lets . Source: PERFORMANCE • The sa id locos are designed to smoothly t ransform even at the sharpest curves wi th 1676 mm of Broad Gauge. • These e- locomotives a lso use an 8-ax is architecture that wi l l increase thei r per formance.