Uploaded on Dec 30, 2020
PPT on Biggest FDI in Indian Railways by Alstom
Biggest FDI in Indian Railways by Alstom
BIGGEST FDI IN INDIAN RAILWAY S BY ALSTOM INTRODUCTION • The contract for de l ivery of 800 double-deployed electr ica l locomot ives of 12,000 HP, capable of carry ing a lmost 6000 tonnes at a peak speed of 120 km/h, was concluded in 2015 for a lstom. Source: railpost.in OPERATION • As per Alstom, these e- locos are scheduled for operat ions on major f re ight t ransport routes, inc luding DFCs, which have changed the heavy fre ight landscape in India . Source: www.alstom.com LARGEST FDI PROJECT • The largest FDI p ro jec t i n the Ind ian Ra i lways sector has made cons iderab le progress s ince 2015. • With these power fu l e - l ocomot ives produced in the reg ion , Ind ia has become the s ix th country in the wor ld to ind igenous ly j o in the league o f h igh power l ocomot ives generat ing nat ions . Source: www.thehindubusinessline.com COMMERCIAL SERVICES • For commercia l serv ices, the fi rst WAG 12B e-Loco was introduced in May 2020. • I t was cer t ifi ed by the Ministry of Ra i lways and Commiss ioner of Rai lway Safety, Research Design and Standards Organisat ion (RDSO). Source: www.jagranjosh.com RAILWAY NETWORK • To date, 50 such e-Locos have been successful ly produced and suppl ied to the Indian ra i lways by Alstom. • The ra i lway network has now reached over 2 mi l l ion k i lometres. Source: www.livemint.com MANUFACTURE • The 12,000 hp twin Bo -Bo locomot ives developed at Madhepura are designed to be dr iven at the speed twice as h igh as normal locomot ives. • They are constructed to transport 6000 tonnes of goods in one go. Source: www.economictimes.com PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY • The WAG 12B locomot ives are fi tted with propuls ion technology based on Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors ( IGBT) , us ing green brak ing and energy consumpt ion. Source: www.jagranjosh.com FREIGHT TRAINS • Alstom launches f re ight tra ins wi th WAG 12B e- locos that emit less heat and noise. • The Pr ima T8 WAG 12B e- locos Technology makes serv ice at h igh temperatures secure and fl exible (−50 °C to 50 °C) . Source: www.jagranjosh.com SAFETY • The WAG 12B E- locos are a lso fi tted with comfortable p i lot cabins to operate safe ly and amenit ies such as a i r condi t ioning, food preparat ion and storage and to i lets . Source: www.jagranjosh.com PERFORMANCE • The sa id locos are designed to smoothly t ransform even at the sharpest curves wi th 1676 mm of Broad Gauge. • These e- locomotives a lso use an 8-ax is architecture that wi l l increase thei r per formance. www.govemployees.in