Earning Strategies used by Tax-Free Countries.


Uploaded on Apr 24, 2020

Tarvitaan renkaita, joissa on riittävä kulutuspinnan syvyys, mutta se auttaa myös, jos saat renkaat, jotka on suunniteltu ottaen huomioon märät olosuhteet ja joissa on lisäominaisuuksia, jotka parantavat niiden suorituskykyä näillä pinnoilla. Niissä on sitten paljon ominaisuuksia ja innovaatioita, jotka voivat auttaa veden siirtämisessä pois tien pinnasta sekä vähentämään jarrutusmatkaa että vesiliirron mahdollisuutta. Mitä paremmin rengas pystyy poistamaan vettä sivuille tai varastoimaan sen kulutuspintaan, sitä nopeammin voit ajaa ilman vesiliirron riskiä. Aina on turvallisempaa myös vähentää nopeutta olosuhteiden mukaan. Lisätietoja siitä, kuinka ajaa turvallisesti kovassa sateessa, käy osoitteessa http://talvirenkaat.over-blog.com/2020/04/aja-hitaasti-kovalla-sateella.html



Earning Strategies used by Tax-Free Countries.

Earning Strategies used by Tax-Free Countries TAX-HAVENS The broken tax system in many countries has forced wealthy individuals, their families and companies to make use of offshore financial centers to significantly minimize, and even eliminate, their total income and capital gains tax liabilities. These centers are commonly referred to as tax havens because they are often low tax jurisdictions that have strict bank and corporate secrecy laws. Source: Google Images TAX-FREE COUNTRIES The Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Panama, Nevis and Bermuda are some of the most popular tax havens. As a result of their relatively minimal income tax revenue, haven governments raise enough money to pay for things like healthcare, education and law enforcement. Source: Google Images CUSTOMS AND IMPORT DUTIES Tax havens are not completely tax-free. Low-income tax jurisdictions normally supplement lost government revenues with taxes on most goods imported into the country, known as customs and import duties. These are a form of indirect taxes and can make the cost of living high because they are applied to the price of items before being sold locally. Source: Google Images CORPORATE FEES There are a lot of companies that find the legal and business environment in tax havens to be very attractive. A research paper published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed that there were more than 600,000 offshore companies registered in the British Virgin Islands alone. There were more than 100,000 companies domiciled in the Cayman Islands, that’s roughly two companies for every resident on the island. Source: Google Images REGISTRATION FEES Although most offshore financial centers impose no corporate income tax, their governments still financially benefit from having thousands of companies registered in their jurisdiction. That is because tax haven governments typically impose a registration fee on all newly incorporated business entities like companies and partnerships. ADDITIONAL FEES Also, companies are required to pay a renewal fee each year to still be recognized as an operating company. There are also additional fees that are imposed on the companies depending on the type of business activity that they engage in. For example, banks, mutual funds and other companies in the financial services business usually need to pay for an annual license to operate in that industry STRONG REVENUES All of these various fees add up to create a strong source of recurring revenue for tax haven governments. It is estimated that the British Virgin Islands collects over $200 million each year in the form of corporate fees. Wealthy individuals prefer paying these fees instead of paying massive amounts of complicated taxes. DEPARTURE TAXES Quite a few tax havens have a very vibrant tourism industry, welcoming hundreds of thousands and even millions of visitors each year. This high level of tourism creates an extra revenue source for some of these countries in the form of departure taxes. A departure tax is essentially a fee that is levied on a person upon their exit of a country. Source: Google Images THE BOTTOM LINE Tax havens, that impose very low-income taxes on their citizens and domiciled companies. Some of the ways that their governments make up for the loss of potential income tax revenue include collecting annual license fees from incorporated entities and levying a customs duty on the majority of imports brought into the country.